/* u_1_22.t: Undefined behaviors on generating invalid pp-token by # and ## operators. */ /* u.1.22: Result of ## operator is not a valid pp-token. */ #define NUM( dig, exp) dig ## E+ ## exp /* * "E+" is a sequence of two pp-tokens "E" and "+", not a single pp-token. * The first ## concatenates the last pp-token of first argument with "E", * and the second ## concatenates "+" with the first pp-token of the second * argument. * While "12E" (one of the sequence generated by the token concatenation) * is a valid pp-token, "+34" (the another sequence) is not a valid pp-token * and causes an undefined behavior. */ NUM( 12, 34); /* u.1.23: Result of # operator is not a valid string literal. */ /* "\\"\""; This sequence is parsed to three tokens "\\" \ "", and will be diagnosed by compiler-proper unless diagnosed by preprocessor. */ #define str( a) #a str( \"");