<report name="pf0001100b" lpi="6"> <description>Stampa etichette articoli da movimenti</description> <font face="Courier New" size="10" /> <section type="Head" /> <section type="Head" level="1" /> <section type="Body" /> <section type="Body" level="1" height="9" page_break="1"> <field x="9" type="Stringa" width="20" height="3" id="101" pattern="1"> <font face="Symbol" size="10" /> <source>CODCORR.CODARTALT</source> </field> <field x="14" y="4" type="Stringa" width="15" id="102" pattern="1"> <source>CODART</source> </field> <field x="1" y="5.5" type="Stringa" width="38" id="103" pattern="1"> <source>47.DESCR</source> </field> <field x="1" y="7.25" type="Testo" width="2" id="104" pattern="1" text="E." /> <field x="3" y="7.25" type="Prezzo" align="right" width="16" id="105" pattern="1" text="#########,@@"> <source>RCONDV.PREZZO</source> </field> <field x="20" y="7.25" type="Testo" width="4" id="106" pattern="1" text="L." /> <field x="22" y="7.25" type="Numero" align="right" width="17" id="107" pattern="1" text="###.###.###.###.###"> <source>RCONDV.PREZZO</source> <prescript description="B1.107 PRESCRIPT">#THIS @ 1936.27 * 0 ROUND #THIS !</prescript> </field> <field x="30" y="1" type="Numero" align="right" width="10" id="120" pattern="1" text="Q=#######"> <source>RMOVMAG.QUANT</source> </field> <field x="9" y="4" type="Testo" width="4" pattern="1" text="Art." /> </section> <section type="Foot" /> <section type="Foot" level="1" /> <sql>USE RMOVMAG KEY 2 SELECT (110-E;CODCAUS==#CAUS)(ANSI(110-E;DATAREG)E;=#DADATA)(ANSI(110-E;DATAREG)C;=#ADATA) JOIN MOVMAG INTO NUMREG=NUMREG JOIN 47 INTO CODART=CODART JOIN RCONDV TO 47 INTO TIPO="L" CATVEN="" TIPOCF="" CODCF="" COD=#LIST TIPORIGA="A" JOIN CODCORR INTO CODART=CODART NRIGA=1 FROM CODART=#DACODART TO CODART=#ACODART </sql> </report>