#include <colors.h> #include <image.h> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TImage /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Certified 99% // @doc EXTERNAL // @mfunc Setta l'immagine e le sue dimensioni // // @rdesc Ritorna l'immagine stessa XVT_IMAGE TImage::set( XVT_IMAGE i) // @parm Immagine da settare // @comm L'immagine precedente viene cancellata quando viene settata una nuova { if (_image) xvt_image_destroy(_image); _image = i; if (i) { _src.left = _src.top = 0; short w, h; xvt_image_get_dimensions(i, &w, &h); _src.right = w; _src.bottom = h; _dst = _src; } return _image; } // Certified 100% // @doc EXTERNAL // @mfunc Legge l'immagine dal file XVT_IMAGE TImage::load( const char* n) // @parm Nome del file contenente l'immagine { // WinManager.free_handle(); XVT_IMAGE i = xvt_image_read((char*)n); // WinManager.lock_handle(); if (i != NULL) set(i); return i; } // Certified 100% XVT_IMAGE TImage::load(short id) { return set(xvt_res_get_image(id)); } // Certified 100% TImage::TImage(const char* n) : _image(NULL) { if (n && *n) load(n); } // Certified 100% TImage::TImage(short id) : _image(NULL) { if (id > 0) load(id); } // Certified 90% TImage::TImage(const TImage& im, short w, short h) : _image(NULL) { const XVT_IMAGE_FORMAT fmt = xvt_image_get_format(im._image); if (w < 0 || h < 0) { short iw, ih; xvt_image_get_dimensions(im._image, &iw, &ih); if (w < 0) w = iw; if (h < 0) h = ih; } set(xvt_image_create(fmt, w, h, NULL)); if (ok()) { #ifndef XVAGA if (fmt == XVT_IMAGE_CL8) { const short colors = xvt_image_get_ncolors(im._image); xvt_image_set_ncolors(_image, colors); for (short c = 0; c < colors; c++) xvt_image_set_clut(_image, c, xvt_image_get_clut((XVT_IMAGE)im._image, c)); } #endif xvt_image_transfer(_image, (XVT_IMAGE)im._image, &_src, (RCT*)&im._src); } } // Certified 90% TImage::TImage(short w, short h, XVT_IMAGE_FORMAT fmt) : _image(NULL) { set(xvt_image_create(fmt, w, h, NULL)); } // Certified 100% TImage::~TImage() { if (_image != NULL) xvt_image_destroy(_image); } // Certified 100% // @doc EXTERNAL // @mfunc Permette di settare la posizione della figura void TImage::set_pos( int x, // @parm Coordinata x dell'immagine da settare int y) // @parm Coordinata y dell'immagine da settare // @comm Permette di aggiornare il mebro <p _dst> sommandogli i valori // passati con <p x> e <p y> { _dst = _src; xvt_rect_offset(&_dst, x, y); } // Certified 100% void TImage::draw(WINDOW w) const { xvt_dwin_draw_image(w, _image, (RCT*)&_dst, (RCT*)&_src); } // Certified 100% // @doc EXTERNAL // @mfunc Permette di gestire il disegno dell'immagine sullo schermo void TImage::draw( WINDOW w, // @parm Immagine da disegnare int x, // @parm Coordinata x in cui disegnare l'immagine int y) const // @parm Coordinata y in cui disegnare l'immagine // @parm RCT& | _src | Rettangolo contenente l'immagine da disegnare // @parm RCT& | _dst | Rettangolo in cui disegnare l'immagine // @syntax void draw(WINDOW w); // @syntax void draw(WINDOW w, int x, int y); // @syntax void draw(WINDOW w, const RCT& dst); // @syntax void draw(WINDOW w, const RCT& dst, const RCT& src); // @comm Nel caso utilizzo l'ultima sintassi e' possibile disegnare solo una parte // dell'immagine, precisamente delle dimensioni <p _dst> se tale parametro e' // minore di <p _pst> { RCT dst = _src; xvt_rect_offset(&dst, x, y); xvt_dwin_draw_image(w, _image, &dst, (RCT*)&_src); } // Certified 100% void TImage::draw(WINDOW w, const RCT& dst) const { xvt_dwin_draw_image(w, _image, (RCT*)&dst, (RCT*)&_src); } // Certified 100% void TImage::draw(WINDOW w, const RCT& dst, const RCT& src) const { xvt_dwin_draw_image(w, _image, (RCT*)&dst, (RCT*)&src); } // Certified 99% // @doc EXTERNAL // @mfunc Fa corrispondere la palette della finestra a quella dell'immagine void TImage::set_palette( WINDOW w) const // @parm Finestra a cui settare la palette { XVT_PALETTE wp = xvt_vobj_get_palet(w); if (wp != NULL) { XVT_PALETTE p = xvt_palet_create(XVT_PALETTE_USER, NULL); const int ncolors = xvt_palet_get_ncolors(wp); COLOR* color = new COLOR[ncolors]; xvt_palet_get_colors(wp, color, ncolors); xvt_palet_add_colors(p, color, ncolors); delete color; xvt_palet_add_colors_from_image(p, _image); xvt_vobj_set_palet(w, p); xvt_palet_destroy(wp); } } // Certified 100% void TImage::set_clut(byte n, COLOR c) { if (xvt_image_get_format(_image) == XVT_IMAGE_CL8) xvt_image_set_clut(_image, n, c); } void TImage::set_pixel(int x, int y, COLOR col) { xvt_image_set_pixel(_image, x, y, col); } COLOR TImage::get_pixel(int x, int y) const { return xvt_image_get_pixel(_image, x, y); } // Certified 99% // @doc EXTERNAL // @mfunc Setta i colori dell'immagine in modo da renderla trasparente void TImage::convert_to_default_colors() // @comm Legge nell'immagine i colori CYAN e DARK_CYAN e li setta a seconda del colore // della finestra per fare in modo di rendere trasparenti tali colori. { if (MASK_BACK_COLOR != COLOR_DKCYAN) { if (xvt_image_get_format(_image) == XVT_IMAGE_CL8) { for (int index = xvt_image_get_ncolors(_image)-1; index >=0; index--) { const COLOR c = xvt_image_get_clut(_image, index) & 0x00FFFFFF; switch (c) { case COLOR_DKCYAN & 0x00FFFFFF: xvt_image_set_clut(_image, index, MASK_BACK_COLOR); break; case COLOR_CYAN & 0x00FFFFFF: xvt_image_set_clut(_image, index, MASK_LIGHT_COLOR); break; case COLOR_GRAY & 0x00FFFFFF: xvt_image_set_clut(_image, index, MASK_DARK_COLOR); break; default: break; } } } else { short dx, dy; xvt_image_get_dimensions(_image, &dx, &dy); for (short y = 0; y < dy; y++) for (short x = 0; x < dx; x++) { const COLOR c = get_pixel(x, y) & 0x00FFFFFF; switch (c) { case COLOR_DKCYAN & 0x00FFFFFF: set_pixel(x, y, MASK_BACK_COLOR); break; case COLOR_CYAN & 0x00FFFFFF: set_pixel(x, y, MASK_LIGHT_COLOR); break; case COLOR_GRAY & 0x00FFFFFF: set_pixel(x, y, MASK_DARK_COLOR); break; default: break; } } } } } // @mfunc Setta i colori dell'immagine in modo da renderla trasparente void TImage::convert_transparent_color(COLOR transparent) // @comm Legge nell'immagine i pixel uguali a quello in alto a sinistra e li setta // uguali allo sfondo delle maschere { if (_image == NULL) return; // Null image const COLOR trans = get_pixel(0, 0) & 0x00FFFFFF; if (trans == (transparent & 0x00FFFFFF)) return; // Nothing to do if (xvt_image_get_format(_image) == XVT_IMAGE_CL8) { for (int index = xvt_image_get_ncolors(_image)-1; index >=0; index--) if (trans == (xvt_image_get_clut(_image, index) & 0x00FFFFFF)) { xvt_image_set_clut(_image, index, transparent); // break; don't break: replace all colors equal to upper left in the palette } } else { short dx, dy; xvt_image_get_dimensions(_image, &dx, &dy); for (short y = 0; y < dy; y++) for (short x = 0; x < dx; x++) { const COLOR c = get_pixel(x, y); if (color_distance(c, trans) < 8) set_pixel(x, y, transparent); } } }