<report name="pd6030100a" lpi="6"> <description>Stampa clienti - dati delle vendite</description> <font face="Courier New" size="10" /> <section type="Head" width="130" height="14"> <field x="3" type="Testo" width="6" pattern="1" text="Codice" /> <field x="10" type="Testo" width="50" pattern="1" text="Ragione sociale" /> <field x="10" y="1" type="Testo" width="35" pattern="1" text="Indirizzo" /> <field x="46" y="1" type="Testo" width="20" pattern="1" text="Localita" /> <field x="10" y="2" type="Testo" width="5" pattern="1" text="CAP" /> <field x="14" y="2" type="Testo" width="35" pattern="1" text="Comune e provincia" /> <field x="67" y="2" type="Testo" width="10" pattern="1" text="Referente" /> <field x="10" y="3" type="Testo" width="10" pattern="1" text="Telefono 1" /> <field x="67" y="3" type="Testo" width="10" pattern="1" text="Telefono 2" /> <field x="10" y="4" type="Testo" width="10" pattern="1" text="Telefono 3" /> <field x="67" y="4" type="Testo" width="10" pattern="1" text="Fax" /> <field x="10" y="5" type="Testo" width="10" pattern="1" text="E-Mail" /> <field x="67" y="5" type="Testo" width="10" pattern="1" text="Pagamento" /> <field x="10" y="6" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="Note CliF;For" /> <field x="25" y="6" type="Testo" width="20" pattern="1" text="Legale per contenz." /> <field x="46" y="6" type="Testo" width="16" pattern="1" text="Cat. finanziaria" /> <field x="63" y="6" type="Testo" width="20" pattern="1" text="Cat. vendita" /> <field x="76" y="6" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="Ass. fiscale" /> <field x="93" y="6" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="Zona" /> <field x="101" y="6" type="Testo" width="10" pattern="1" text="Agente" /> <field x="112" y="6" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="Provvigione" /> <field x="10" y="7" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="Cod. listino" /> <field x="25" y="7" type="Testo" width="20" pattern="1" text="Cod. magazzino" /> <field x="46" y="7" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="Bolli" /> <field x="63" y="7" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="Spese incas." /> <field x="76" y="7" type="Testo" width="20" pattern="1" text="Spese da addeb." /> <field x="10" y="8" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="CliF;For ass." /> <field x="25" y="8" type="Testo" width="20" pattern="1" text="Cod. meccanografico" /> <field x="46" y="8" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="Gest. contratto" /> <field x="63" y="8" type="Testo" width="10" pattern="1" text="Rid. Iva" /> <field x="76" y="8" type="Testo" width="16" pattern="1" text="Ultimo sollecito" /> <field x="93" y="8" type="Testo" width="20" pattern="1" text="Ultimo estr. conto" /> <field x="112" y="8" type="Testo" width="20" pattern="1" text="Titolo onorifico" /> <field x="10" y="9" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="Sconto" /> <field x="46" y="9" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="Sconto cliente" /> <field x="63" y="9" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="Fatt. sosp." /> <field x="76" y="9" type="Testo" width="21" pattern="1" text="Vs. lettera esenzione" /> <field x="112" y="9" type="Testo" width="21" pattern="1" text="Ns. lettera esenz." /> <field x="10" y="10" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="Cod. ABI p.e." /> <field x="25" y="10" type="Testo" width="20" pattern="1" text="Cod. CAB p.e." /> <field x="46" y="10" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="Ind. effetti" /> <field x="63" y="10" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="Emiss. eff." /> <field x="76" y="10" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="Imp. min. eff." /> <field x="93" y="10" type="Testo" width="16" pattern="1" text="Effetti non acc." /> <field x="112" y="10" type="Testo" width="20" pattern="1" text="Scadenza effetti" /> <field x="10" y="11" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="Ind. documento" /> <field x="25" y="11" type="Testo" width="20" pattern="1" text="Ind. spedizione" /> <field x="46" y="11" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="Note documento" /> <field x="63" y="11" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="Cod. mezzo" /> <field x="76" y="11" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="Porto" /> <field x="93" y="11" type="Testo" width="10" pattern="1" text="Vettori" /> <field x="10" y="12" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="Ragg. ordini" /> <field x="25" y="12" type="Testo" width="20" pattern="1" text="Importo minimo" /> <field x="46" y="12" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="Importo massimo" /> <field x="76" y="12" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="Priorita ev." /> <field x="93" y="12" type="Testo" width="15" pattern="1" text="Tipo evasione" /> </section> <section type="Head" level="1" /> <section type="Body" /> <section type="Body" level="1"> <field type="Stringa" width="1" pattern="1"> <source>CLIFO.TIPOCF</source> </field> <field x="3" type="Numero" align="right" width="6" pattern="1"> <source>CLIFO.CODCF</source> </field> <field x="10" type="Stringa" width="50" pattern="1"> <source>CLIFO.RAGSOC</source> </field> <field x="10" y="1" type="Stringa" width="35" pattern="1"> <source>CLIFO.INDCF+", "+CLIFO.CIVCF</source> </field> <field x="46" y="1" type="Stringa" width="35" pattern="1"> <source>CLIFO.LOCALITACF</source> </field> <field x="10" y="2" type="Stringa" width="5" pattern="1"> <source>CLIFO.CAPCF</source> </field> 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width="6" pattern="1" hide_zero="1"> <source>CFVEN.PERCSPINC</source> </field> <field x="76" y="7" type="Stringa" width="8" pattern="1"> <source>CFVEN.CODSP1</source> </field> <field x="85" y="7" type="Stringa" width="8" pattern="1"> <source>CFVEN.CODSP2</source> </field> <field x="94" y="7" type="Stringa" width="8" pattern="1"> <source>CFVEN.CODSP3</source> </field> <field x="103" y="7" type="Stringa" width="8" pattern="1"> <source>CFVEN.CODSP4</source> </field> <field x="10" y="8" type="Numero" align="right" width="6" pattern="1" hide_zero="1"> <source>CFVEN.CODCFASS</source> </field> <field x="25" y="8" type="Stringa" width="10" pattern="1"> <source>CFVEN.CODPRCF</source> </field> <field x="46" y="8" type="Stringa" height="0" pattern="1"> <source>CFVEN.GESTCONTR</source> </field> <field x="46" y="8" type="Stringa" width="1" pattern="1"> <source>CFVEN.GESTCONTR</source> </field> <field x="63" y="8" type="Stringa" width="1" pattern="1"> <source>CFVEN.IVARID</source> </field> <field 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<field x="10" y="10" type="Numero" align="right" width="5" pattern="1" hide_zero="1"> <source>CFVEN.CODABIPR</source> </field> <field x="25" y="10" type="Numero" align="right" width="5" pattern="1" hide_zero="1"> <source>CFVEN.CODCABPR</source> </field> <field x="46" y="10" type="Numero" align="right" width="3" pattern="1" hide_zero="1"> <source>CFVEN.CODINDEFF</source> </field> <field x="63" y="10" type="Stringa" width="1" pattern="1"> <source>CFVEN.EMEFFRICH</source> </field> <field x="76" y="10" type="Numero" align="right" width="18" pattern="1" hide_zero="1"> <source>CFVEN.IMPMINEFF</source> </field> <field x="95" y="10" type="Stringa" width="25" height="2" pattern="1"> <source>CFVEN.NONACCEFF</source> </field> <field x="10" y="11" type="Numero" align="right" width="3" pattern="1" hide_zero="1"> <source>CFVEN.CODINDDOC</source> </field> <field x="25" y="11" type="Numero" align="right" width="3" pattern="1" hide_zero="1"> <source>CFVEN.CODINDSP</source> </field> <field x="46" y="11" type="Stringa" width="3" pattern="1"> <source>CFVEN.CODNOTESP1</source> </field> <field x="53" y="11" type="Stringa" width="3" pattern="1"> <source>CFVEN.CODNOTESP2</source> </field> <field x="63" y="11" type="Stringa" width="2" pattern="1"> <source>CFVEN.CODSPMEZZO</source> </field> <field x="76" y="11" type="Stringa" width="3" pattern="1"> <source>CFVEN.CODPORTO</source> </field> <field x="10" y="12" type="Stringa" width="1" pattern="1"> <source>CFVEN.RAGGOR</source> </field> <field x="25" y="12" type="Numero" align="right" width="18" pattern="1" hide_zero="1"> <source>CFVEN.MINORD</source> </field> <field x="46" y="12" type="Numero" align="right" width="18" pattern="1" hide_zero="1"> <source>CFVEN.MAXORD</source> </field> <field x="76" y="12" type="Numero" align="right" width="2" pattern="1" hide_zero="1"> <source>CFVEN.PREVORD</source> </field> <field x="93" y="12" type="Stringa" width="2" pattern="1"> <source>CFVEN.TIPOEVORD</source> </field> </section> <section type="Head" level="11"> <field x="10" type="Testo" width="50" pattern="1" text="Indirizzi di spedizione" /> </section> <section type="Body" level="11"> <sql>USE INDSPED JOIN COMUNI INTO STATO==STATO COM==COM FROM TIPOCF=#PARENT.TIPOCF CODCF=#PARENT.CODCF TO TIPOCF=#PARENT.TIPOCF CODCF=#PARENT.CODCF</sql> <field x="10" type="Stringa" width="50" pattern="1"> <source>RAGSOC</source> </field> <field x="10" y="1" type="Stringa" width="86" pattern="1"> <source>INDIR+" "+CIV</source> </field> <field x="97" y="1" type="Stringa" width="35" pattern="1"> <source>LOCALITA</source> </field> <field x="10" y="2" type="Stringa" width="5" pattern="1"> <source>INDSPED.CAP</source> </field> <field x="16" y="2" type="Stringa" width="55" pattern="1"> <source>COMUNI.DENCOM+" "+COMUNI.PROVCOM</source> </field> </section> <section type="Foot" level="11" /> <section type="Foot" /> <section type="Foot" level="1" /> <sql>USE CLIFO KEY #F_PD6030_SORT SELECT (TIPOCF==#F_PD6030_TYPE) JOIN CFVEN INTO TIPOCF==TIPOCF CODCF==CODCF JOIN COMUNI INTO STATO==STATOCF COM==COMCF JOIN %CPG ALIAS 100 INTO CODTAB==CODPAG FROM TIPOCF=#F_PD6030_TYPE CODCF=#DACODCF RAGSOC=#DARAGSOC TO TIPOCF=#F_PD6030_TYPE CODCF=#ACODCF RAGSOC=#ARAGSOC</sql> </report>