############################################################# # # Makefile for building libcurlpp examples with MSVC # All examples are linked against curlpp release static library # Giuseppe "Cowo" Corbelli - cowo at lugbs dot linux dot it # # Usage: nmake -f Makefile.msvc all # Should be invoked from examples/ directory # Edit the LIBCURL_PATH/BOOST_PATH or set LIBCURL_PATH/BOOST_PATH env vars # ############################################################## CURLPP_LIB_NAME = curlpp.lib CURL_LIB_NAME = libcurl.lib ############################################################# !IFNDEF LIBCURL_PATH LIBCURL_PATH = ../../curl/include !ENDIF !IF "$(cfg)"=="DebugStatic" || "$(cfg)"=="DebugDynamic" CC = cl.exe /MDd /Od /Gm /Zi /D_DEBUG /GR /EHsc !ELSE CC = cl.exe /MD /O2 /DNDEBUG /GR /Y- /EHsc !ENDIF CFLAGS = /I ../include /I ../include/curlpp /I "$(LIBCURL_PATH)/include" /DCURLPP_STATICLIB /D_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE /nologo /W3 /DWIN32 /FD /c !IFDEF BOOST_PATH CFLAGS = /I $(BOOST_PATH) $(CFLAGS) !ENDIF LNKLIB = link.exe /INCREMENTAL:NO /OPT:NOREF LFLAGS = /nologo /LIBPATH:"$(LIBCURL_PATH)\lib" /LIBPATH:"..\$(cfg)" $(CURLPP_LIB_NAME) $(CURL_LIB_NAME) LNK = $(LNKLIB) $(LFLAGS) example01 : $$(@B).o $(LNK) /out:$@.exe $** example02 : $$(@B).o $(LNK) /out:$@.exe $** example03 : $$(@B).o $(LNK) /out:$@.exe $** example04 : $$(@B).o $(LNK) /out:$@.exe $** example05 : $$(@B).o $(LNK) /out:$@.exe $** example06 : $$(@B).o $(LNK) /out:$@.exe $** example07 : $$(@B).o $(LNK) /out:$@.exe $** example08 : $$(@B).o $(LNK) /out:$@.exe $** example09 : $$(@B).o $(LNK) /out:$@.exe $** example10 : $$(@B).o $(LNK) /out:$@.exe $** example11 : $$(@B).o $(LNK) /out:$@.exe $** example12 : $$(@B).o $(LNK) /out:$@.exe $** example13 : $$(@B).o $(LNK) Ws2_32.lib /out:$@.exe $** example14 : $$(@B).o $(LNK) Ws2_32.lib /out:$@.exe $** example15 : $$(@B).o $(LNK) /out:$@.exe $** example16 : $$(@B).o $(LNK) /out:$@.exe $** example17 : $$(@B).o $(LNK) /out:$@.exe $** example18 : $$(@B).o $(LNK) /out:$@.exe $** example19 : $$(@B).o $(LNK) /out:$@.exe $** example20 : $$(@B).o $(LNK) /out:$@.exe $** example21 : $$(@B).o $(LNK) /out:$@.exe $** example22 : $$(@B).o $(LNK) /out:$@.exe $** TARGET = \ example01 \ example02 \ example03 \ example04 \ example05 \ example06 \ example07 \ example08 \ example09 \ example10 \ example11 \ example12 \ example13 \ example14 \ example15 \ example16 \ example17 \ example18 \ example19 \ example20 \ example21 \ example22 all : $(TARGET) copy_curlpp rebuild: clean all clean: @echo Cleaning... del *.o *.exe >NUL 2>&1 copy_curlpp: !IF "$(cfg)"=="DebugDynamic" || "$(cfg)"=="ReleaseDynamic" copy ..\$(cfg)\curlpp.dll .\ !ENDIF .SUFFIXES: .cpp .o .cpp.o: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /Fo"$@" $<