/* GF.H - Supports LARGE model */
#define _LDATA     1
#define _LCODE     1
#ifndef _MSC
#define _MSC 5
#if defined (WIN32) && !defined(M_I386)
#define M_I386

/*  Required GF.H Header for Microsoft C
*  Copyright (C) 1983-89 Greenleaf Software, Inc.  All rights reserved.
*  To use, copy this file, GF.S to GF.H

#ifndef GFDOTH
#define GFDOTH

#ifndef LINT_ARGS
#define LINT_ARGS

#define GF_CDECL /*cdecl eliminato */

#define EOS     '\0'
#ifdef M_I386
typedef unsigned short  word;
typedef unsigned int    word;
#ifndef GLOS2
typedef char            BYTE;
typedef int             mbool; 
#define VIDEO   0x10
#define DOSINT  0x21
struct GFREGS   { int ax,bx,cx,dx,si,di,ds,es; };
#define YES     1
#define NO      0
#ifndef TRUE
	#define TRUE    1
#ifndef FALSE
	#define FALSE   0
#ifndef OK
	#define OK      1
#define NOTOK   0
#define SUCCESS 1
#define FAILURE 0
#ifndef ON
	#define ON      1
#ifndef OFF
	#define OFF     0
#define SET     1
#define CLEAR   0
#define FOREVER 1
#define NEVER   0
#define ERROR   (-1)
#define NORM    1
#define FAST    2
#define SLOW    3
#define INCHES  10
#define LINES   11
#define BLANK   0x20
#define CR      13
#define LF      10
#define FF      12
#define BKSP    8
#define TAB     9
#define ESC     27
#define DEL     0x7F
/* monochrome video attributes */
#define ULINE 1
#define INTENSE 8
#define NORMAL  7
#define VNORMAL 7
#define REVERSE 0x70
#define NONDISP 0
#define iscarry(x) ((x&0x0001)?TRUE:FALSE)
