/* * EX00WIN.RC * * Header file for ArchiveLib 2.0 * * Copyright (c) Greenleaf Software, Inc. 1994 - 1996 * All Rights Reserved * * DESCRIPTION * * This is the RC file used by Windows example program 00. It * has all of the constants defined for use in the RC file that * is linked with this example. Note that the exact same RC * is used by both the C++ and C example programs. * * REVISION HISTORY * * February 1, 1996 2.0A : Second release * */ #ifndef WS_POPUP #include #endif #include "ex00win.h" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Dialog // ALMAINDIALOG DIALOG 11, 30, 197, 101 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" { EDITTEXT AL_ARCHIVE_NAME, 53, 27, 77, 12 PUSHBUTTON "&Compress", AL_COMPRESS, 147,28,42,12 PUSHBUTTON "E&xit", AL_EXIT, 147,79,42,12 LTEXT "Archive:", IDC_STATIC, 3,28,33,8 PUSHBUTTON "&Abort", AL_ABORT, 147,45,42,12 EDITTEXT AL_INPUT_FILES, 53,46,77,12, ES_AUTOHSCROLL LTEXT "Input files:", IDC_STATIC, 3,46,42,8 LTEXT "AL_PROGRESS_TEXT", AL_PROGRESS_TEXT, 57,64,82,10 PUSHBUTTON "About", AL_ABOUT, 147,62,42,12 CTEXT "Windows example 00: Use wildcards to build an archive", IDC_STATIC, 6,8,185,9 LTEXT "Number", AL_PROGRESS_NUMBER, 57,78,82,10 RTEXT "Activity:", IDC_STATIC, 8,64,42,10 RTEXT "Byte Count:", IDC_STATIC, 8,78,42,10 CONTROL "", IDC_STATIC, "Static", SS_BLACKRECT | WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE | WS_GROUP, 4,62,138, 31 } ALABOUTDIALOG DIALOG 0, 0, 145, 70 STYLE DS_MODALFRAME | WS_POPUP | WS_VISIBLE | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU CAPTION "Dialog" FONT 8, "MS Sans Serif" { DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK", IDOK, 47,51,50,14 ICON "ALIcon", IDC_STATIC, 6,6,18,20 CTEXT "Greenleaf Archive Library 2.0", IDC_STATIC, 29, 9, 101, 12 CTEXT "Copyright (c) 1994-1996", IDC_STATIC, 36, 23, 87, 12 } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Icon // ALICON ICON DISCARDABLE "ALICON.ICO" ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Menu // ALMENU MENU DISCARDABLE BEGIN POPUP "&File" BEGIN MENUITEM "E&xit", AL_EXIT END POPUP "&Help" BEGIN MENUITEM "&About", AL_ABOUT END END