Correzioni su TDistrib in modo da gestire al meglio casi limite con totali nulli
git-svn-id: svn:// c028cbd2-c16b-5b4b-a496-9718f37d4682
This commit is contained in:
@ -57,9 +57,7 @@ public:
// @cmember Ritorna il numero di oggetti nel contenitore
virtual long objects( ) const pure;
// @cmember Ritorna true se il contenitore e' vuoto
virtual bool empty() const
{ return objects( ) == 0; }
virtual bool empty() const { return objects( ) == 0; }
// @cmember Cerca il successivo elemento che soddisfa la <t OPERATION_FUNCTION>
virtual void for_each( OPERATION_FUNCTION );
@ -17,11 +17,8 @@
#include <xvt.h>
#define S4OFF_REPORT
#if XVT_OS == XVT_OS_WIN32
#define S4DLL
#define S4WIN32
//#define S4DLL
//#define S4WIN32
#include <d4all.h>
#include <codeb.h>
@ -1874,14 +1874,13 @@ void TPushbutton_control::update()
XinWindow win = xi_get_window(_obj);
XI_RCT rct; xi_get_rect(_obj, &rct); // = _obj->v.btn->rct;
xi_inflate_rect(&rct, -3);
xi_set_clip(win, &rct);
xi_draw_shaded_rect(win, &rct, _obj->v.btn->down, 2, BTN_LIGHT_COLOR, BTN_BACK_COLOR, BTN_DARK_COLOR);
xi_draw_3d_rect(win, &rct, _obj->v.btn->down, 2, BTN_LIGHT_COLOR, BTN_BACK_COLOR, BTN_DARK_COLOR);
xi_inflate_rect(&rct, -3);
xi_set_clip(win, &rct);
const int bmp = (_bmp_dn > 0 && _obj->v.btn->down) ? _bmp_dn : _bmp_up;
if (bmp > 0)
@ -1891,6 +1890,7 @@ void TPushbutton_control::update()
xvt_rect_offset(&dst, 2, 2);
i.draw((WINDOW)win, dst);
xi_set_clip(win, NULL);
@ -945,6 +945,8 @@ bool TForm_subsection::print_body(sec_print_mode showfields)
bool again=TRUE;
while (again && group_expr==_section->eval_expr(*_condexpr,_file_id).as_string())
if (printer().frozen())
if (!_bigskip || i==0)
@ -3702,9 +3704,8 @@ bool TForm::print(
if ((_char_to_pos != '\0' || ((_ipx +_ipy+_fpx) != 0)) && // Se i parametri di posizionamento sono settati e
(_x != 0 || _y != 0)) // cosi' pure gli offset genera un errore.
error_box(TR("Non e' possibile settare contemporaneamente gli offset"
return error_box(TR("Non e' possibile settare contemporaneamente gli offset"
" e i parametri di posizionamento del modulo."));
return FALSE;
TPrinter& pr = printer();
if (_frompage) pr.set_from_page(_frompage);
@ -3410,28 +3410,37 @@ int TRectype::compare_key(
return res;
HIDDEN bool fld_empty(const char* s, int len, bool number)
HIDDEN bool fld_empty(const char* s, int len, bool /* number */)
if (s && *s)
if (s && *s && len > 0)
for (; len; s++, len--)
if (*s != ' ') return false;
for (; len; s++, len--) if (*s != ' ')
return false;
return true;
HIDDEN int fld_cmp(const char* a, const char* b, int len, bool number)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len && *a == *b; b++, a++, i++);
if (i == len) return 0;
int res = *a - *b;
int res = memcmp(a, b, len);
if (res == 0)
return res;
int i = 0;
if (number) // Aggiunta del 11-02-2014: ignoro spazi e zeri iniziali dei numeri
for (; i < len && (*a==' ' || *a=='0') && (*b==' ' || *b=='0'); b++, a++, i++);
for (; i < len && *a == *b; b++, a++, i++);
if (i == len)
return 0;
res = *a - *b;
if (number)
b -= i;
i = 0;
return fld_empty(b, len - i, number) ? 0 : res;
@ -3615,7 +3624,7 @@ word TRectype::get_word(const char* fieldname) const
real TRectype::get_real(const char* fieldname) const
real r(get_str(fieldname));
const real r(get_str(fieldname));
return r;
@ -1200,7 +1200,8 @@ bool TPrint_application::print_one (
TPrinter& prn = printer();
if ((_prind && _prind->iscancelled()) || prn.frozen())
if (_cancelled = cancel_hook()) return FALSE;
if (_cancelled = cancel_hook())
return false;
if (!_print_defined)
return TRUE;
@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
#include <progind.h>
#include <controls.h>
#include <reprint.h>
#include <urldefid.h>
// TIndwin
int TIndwin::_indwin_count = 0;
@ -261,7 +264,9 @@ bool TIndwin::stop_run(KEY k)
// TProgind --------------------------------------------------------------
// TProgind
TProgind::TProgind(long max, const char* txt, bool cancel, bool bar, int div)
: TIndwin(max, txt, cancel, bar, div), _next_update(0)
@ -315,9 +320,44 @@ TTimerind::~TTimerind()
// C-style binding
// uses static pointer for single instance of TIndwin
// TProgress_monitor
bool TProgress_monitor::set_status(long n)
// Aggiunsto timer iniziale se necessario
if (_status <= 0 && n <= 0)
_start = clock();
// Se sono passati 1 secondi e sono a meno di metà lavoro allora crea la TProgind
if (_pi == NULL && n < _total/2 && (clock() - _start) >= CLOCKS_PER_SEC)
_pi = new TProgind(_total, _txt, _cancellable);
// Aggiorna la TProgind associata, sempre che esista
_status = min(n, _total);
return _pi == NULL || _pi->setstatus(_status);
TProgress_monitor::TProgress_monitor(long items, const char* txt, bool cancancel)
: _total(items), _txt(txt), _status(0), _cancellable(cancancel), _pi(NULL), _start(clock())
// Distruggi la TProgind o la clessidra, a seconda del caso
if (_pi != NULL)
delete _pi;
// C-style bindings
// uses static pointer for single instance of TIndwin
static TIndwin* __indwin__p = NULL;
void progind_create(long m, const char* t, bool b, bool c, int n)
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ class TIndwin : public TWindow
// @cmember:(INTERNAL) Movimento della barra e percentuale
WINDOW _gauge;
// @cmember:(INTERNAL) ora inizio elaborazione
unsigned long _start_time;
clock_t _start_time;
// @cmember:(INTERNAL) Flag che indica quali operazioni sono state effettuate
byte _flags;
@ -96,6 +96,9 @@ public:
virtual bool setstatus(long l);
// @cmember Forza il timer d'inizio (serve solo a TProgress_monitor)
void set_start_time(unsigned long st) { _start_time = st; }
// @cmember Costruttore
TIndwin(long max, const char* txt, bool cancel = TRUE, bool bar = TRUE, int div = 60);
// @cmember Distruttore
@ -155,6 +158,32 @@ public:
virtual ~TTimerind();
// @doc EXTERNAL
// @class TProgress_monitor | Classe per gestire intelligentemente clessidra o barra di attesa
// @base public | TObject
class TProgress_monitor : public TObject
long _total, _status;
TString _txt;
bool _cancellable;
TProgind* _pi;
clock_t _start;
virtual bool set_status(long n);
bool add_status(long i = 1) { return set_status(_status+i); }
// deprecated TProgind compatibility methods
bool setstatus(long n) { return set_status(n); }
bool addstatus(long n) { return add_status(n); }
TProgress_monitor(long items, const char* txt, bool cancellable = true);
#ifdef __cplusplus
@ -1696,15 +1696,20 @@ real TGeneric_distrib::get ()
_ready = true;
CHECK (_current < _slices.items(), "TGeneric_distrib: too many gets");
real & currslice = (real &) _slices[_current++];
const real & currslice = (real &) _slices[_current++];
real r = currslice;
if (_tot != _totslices)
if (_tot < 1E9 && currslice < 1E9)
r = (_tot * currslice) / _totslices;
if (currslice != _totslices) // Caso normale
if (abs(_tot) < 1E9 && abs(currslice) < 1E9)
r = _tot * currslice / _totslices;
r *= (_tot / _totslices);
r = _tot; // Caso limite che risolve (_totslices==0) && (_tot != 0)
r.round (_decs);
_tot -= r;
_totslices -= currslice;
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include <dongle.h>
#include <modaut.h>
#include <progind.h>
#include <recarray.h>
#include <recset.h>
#include <relation.h>
#include <utility.h>
@ -384,20 +385,18 @@ bool TRecordset::save_as_dbf(const char* table, int mode)
mode = 0x1;
TLocalisamfile* pisam = NULL;
TBaseisamfile* pisam = NULL;
if (logicnum >= LF_USER)
if (*dirname)
pisam = new TIsamtempfile(logicnum, table);
pisam = new TLocalisamfile(logicnum);
pisam = new TFast_isamfile(logicnum);
if (pisam == NULL)
return error_box("Impossibile creare il file %s", table);
TLocalisamfile& isam = *pisam;
TProgind pi(items(), TR("Esportazione in corso..."));
TBaseisamfile& isam = *pisam;
TRectype& rec = isam.curr();
TString_array names;
@ -415,10 +414,12 @@ bool TRecordset::save_as_dbf(const char* table, int mode)
TProgress_monitor pi(items(), TR("Esportazione in corso..."), true);
bool ok = true;
for (bool go = move_first(); go; go = move_next())
if (!pi.add_status())
FOR_EACH_ARRAY_ROW(names, j, name) if (name->not_empty())
rec.put(*name, get(j).as_string());
@ -985,7 +986,7 @@ const TString& TCursor_parser::line()
if (_pushed.not_empty())
return pop();
char* buff = _token.get_buffer(256);
char* buff = _token.get_buffer(512);
_instr.getline(buff, _token.size());
return _token;
@ -837,7 +837,7 @@ int TRelation_application::delete_mode()
keep_running = FALSE;
if (tasto == K_DEL && sht.checked() == 0)
error_box(TR("Non e' stato selezionato nessun elemento"));
error_box(TR("Non è stato selezionato nessun elemento"));
keep_running = TRUE;
@ -1216,6 +1216,9 @@ int TRelation_application::rewrite(const TMask& m)
return err;
const char* TRelation_application::record_description(const TRelation& r) const
{ return r.file().description(); }
// @doc INTERNAL
// @mfunc Cancella il record corrente
@ -1230,10 +1233,10 @@ bool TRelation_application::relation_remove()
TRelation& r = *get_relation();
if (protected_record(r))
return warning_box(TR("Elemento non eliminabile"));
return warning_box(FR("%s non eliminabile"), record_description(r));
if (_curr_transaction == TRANSACTION_DELETE ||
delete_box(FR("Confermare l'eliminazione del record %s"), r.file().description()))
delete_box(FR("Confermare eliminazione %s"), record_description(r)))
const bool ok = remove();
@ -241,6 +241,8 @@ protected:
virtual void sheet2ini(TSheet_field &sheet,TConfig& ini);
virtual void ini2mask(TConfig& ini, TMask& m, bool query);
virtual bool mask2mail(const TMask& m);
// @cmember Breve descrizione del tipo documento corrente
virtual const char* record_description(const TRelation& r) const;
// @access Public Member
@ -2776,10 +2776,10 @@ void TReport::report2mask(TMask & m) const
TVariant & string2var(TVariant & v, const TFieldref * r, const TString & val)
TVariant& string2var(TVariant& v, const TFieldref& r, const TString& val)
const int from = r->from();
int to = r->to();
const int from = r.from();
int to =;
if (from > 0 || to > 0)
@ -2838,7 +2838,7 @@ void TReport::mask2report(const TMask & m)
get_usr_val(name, var);
if (val.empty())
val = is_final ? MAX_STRING : "";
string2var(var, ref, val);
string2var(var, *ref, val);
@ -612,7 +612,6 @@ public:
virtual bool set_recordset(const TString& sql);
virtual bool set_recordset(TRecordset* sql);
virtual TRecordset* recordset() const { return _recordset; }
bool evaluate_atom(const char* atom, TVariant& var);
bool evaluate(const char* expr, TVariant& var, TFieldtypes force_type);
const TString& prescript() const;
@ -2737,20 +2737,34 @@ void TReport_book::add_doc(const TString& name)
TReport* eminem = new TReport;
if (eminem->load(name))
TReport* rep = _report; // Salvo variabile globale
if (rep->use_mask())
TFilename msk = rep->filename().name();
TFilename msk = _report->filename().name();
if (msk.custom_path())
if (_report->use_mask() && msk.custom_path())
TMask m(msk);
TRecordset* mainset = _report->recordset();
TRecordset* recset = eminem->recordset();
if (mainset && recset)
const TString_array& vars = mainset->variables();
FOR_EACH_ARRAY_ROW(vars, i, name)
recset->set_var(*name, mainset->get_var(*name));
if (main_app().name().starts_with("ve1"))
recset->set_var("#PROVV", mainset->get("PROVV"));
recset->set_var("#ANNO", mainset->get("ANNO"));
recset->set_var("#CODNUM", mainset->get("CODNUM"));
recset->set_var("#NDOC", mainset->get("NDOC"));
TReport* rep = _report; // Salvo variabile globale
add(*eminem, true);
_report = rep; // Ripristino variabile globale
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ TString & TVariable_field::get() const
if (_in_get)
fatal_box("Recursive get in %s", (const char *) _name);
((TVariable_field *) this)->_in_get = TRUE;
((TVariable_field *) this)->_in_get = true;
if (_e)
CHECK(_rec, "NULL Record pointer with an expression");
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ TString & TVariable_field::get() const
CHECK(_rec, "NULL Record pointer with a function");
v = _getfunc(*_rec);
((TVariable_field *) this)->_in_get = FALSE;
((TVariable_field*) this)->_in_get = false;
((TVariable_field*) this)->set_clean();
return v;
Reference in New Issue
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