Merge branch 'R_10_00' of into R_10_00
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Aggiunta maschere mancanti
Modifica prorata
@ -3,82 +3,82 @@ Demo=0
Edit_23 = cg2 -0
File(66) = cg5100a.msk|X
File(67) = cg5200a.msk|X
File(64) = cg5.exe|X
File(68) = cg5300a.msk|X
Patch = 728
Versione = 21511200
Kill(0) = batbcve.msk|x
Kill(1) = bastzon.rep|x
Kill(2) = batbtra.msk|x
Kill(3) = batbndo.msk|x
Kill(4) = bastver.msk|x
Kill(5) = bastcfi.rep|x
Kill(6) = batbpor.msk|x
Kill(7) = bastcam.rep|x
Kill(8) = bastleg.rep|x
Kill(9) = batbver.msk|x
Kill(10) = batbcam.msk|x
Kill(11) = bastpor.msk|x
Kill(12) = bastcco.rep|x
Kill(13) = batbind.msk|x
Kill(14) = bastnot.msk|x
Kill(15) = batbivd.msk|x
Kill(0) = bastntb.rep|x
Kill(1) = bastvet.msk|x
Kill(2) = bastpdb.msk|x
Kill(3) = bastmsp.msk|x
Kill(4) = batbarb.msk|x
Kill(5) = bastndo.rep|x
Kill(6) = bastesc.msk|x
Kill(7) = batbvet.msk|x
Kill(8) = bastzon.msk|x
Kill(9) = bastcve.rep|x
Kill(10) = batbivd.msk|x
Kill(11) = batbtit.msk|x
Kill(12) = bastnot.msk|x
Kill(13) = bastcco.msk|x
Kill(14) = batbcco.msk|x
Kill(15) = bastscc.msk|x
Kill(16) = batbleg.msk|x
Kill(17) = batbcco.msk|x
Kill(18) = bastmsp.msk|x
Kill(19) = bastntb.rep|x
Kill(20) = bastcco.msk|x
Kill(21) = batbtit.msk|x
Kill(22) = batblia.msk|x
Kill(23) = bastscc.msk|x
Kill(24) = batbarb.msk|x
Kill(25) = bastvet.msk|x
Kill(26) = bastzon.msk|x
Kill(27) = bastesc.msk|x
Kill(28) = batbmsp.msk|x
Kill(29) = bastivd.rep|x
Kill(30) = bastndo.rep|x
Kill(31) = bastpdb.msk|x
Kill(32) = bastcve.rep|x
Kill(33) = batbvet.msk|x
Kill(34) = batbreg.msk|x
Kill(35) = bastndo.msk|x
Kill(36) = bastdpn.msk|x
Kill(37) = batblbu.msk|x
Kill(38) = bastntb.msk|x
Kill(39) = cgtbcon.msk|x
Kill(40) = bastvet.rep|x
Kill(41) = batbdel.msk|x
Kill(42) = batbzon.msk|x
Kill(43) = bastcam.msk|x
Kill(44) = bastpdb.rep|x
Kill(45) = bastver.rep|x
Kill(17) = batblia.msk|x
Kill(18) = bastpor.msk|x
Kill(19) = batbcam.msk|x
Kill(20) = batbind.msk|x
Kill(21) = bastcco.rep|x
Kill(22) = batbntb.msk|x
Kill(23) = bastpor.rep|x
Kill(24) = bastcve.msk|x
Kill(25) = batbesc.msk|x
Kill(26) = bastleg.msk|x
Kill(27) = bastmsp.rep|x
Kill(28) = batbcfi.msk|x
Kill(29) = bastarb.rep|x
Kill(30) = batbins.msk|x
Kill(31) = batblia.msk|x
Kill(32) = batbscc.msk|x
Kill(33) = bastivd.msk|x
Kill(34) = batbnot.msk|x
Kill(35) = bastreg.rep|x
Kill(36) = bastnot.rep|x
Kill(37) = batbpdb.msk|x
Kill(38) = cgtbcon.msk|x
Kill(39) = bastver.rep|x
Kill(40) = bastcfi.msk|x
Kill(41) = bastntb.msk|x
Kill(42) = bastpdb.rep|x
Kill(43) = bastesc.rep|x
Kill(44) = bastdpn.rep|x
Kill(45) = bastarb.msk|x
Kill(46) = bastreg.msk|x
Kill(47) = bastdpn.rep|x
Kill(48) = batblia.msk|x
Kill(49) = batbcfi.msk|x
Kill(50) = bastesc.rep|x
Kill(51) = bastcfi.msk|x
Kill(52) = batbinl.msk|x
Kill(53) = bastarb.msk|x
Kill(54) = batbscc.msk|x
Kill(55) = bastarb.rep|x
Kill(56) = bastnot.rep|x
Kill(57) = batbnot.msk|x
Kill(58) = bastcve.msk|x
Kill(59) = batbntb.msk|x
Kill(60) = bastivd.msk|x
Kill(61) = batbins.msk|x
Kill(62) = batbpdb.msk|x
Kill(63) = bastreg.rep|x
Kill(64) = batbesc.msk|x
Kill(65) = bastpor.rep|x
Kill(66) = bastmsp.rep|x
Kill(67) = bastleg.msk|x
Kill(68) = batbdpn.msk|x
Kill(69) = bastscc.rep|x
Kill(47) = batbinl.msk|x
Kill(48) = bastivd.rep|x
Kill(49) = bastndo.msk|x
Kill(50) = batbdel.msk|x
Kill(51) = batbmsp.msk|x
Kill(52) = batbreg.msk|x
Kill(53) = bastvet.rep|x
Kill(54) = batblbu.msk|x
Kill(55) = bastcam.msk|x
Kill(56) = bastdpn.msk|x
Kill(57) = batbzon.msk|x
Kill(58) = bastscc.rep|x
Kill(59) = batbdpn.msk|x
Kill(60) = batbver.msk|x
Kill(61) = bastleg.rep|x
Kill(62) = bastzon.rep|x
Kill(63) = batbcve.msk|x
Kill(64) = bastcfi.rep|x
Kill(65) = bastver.msk|x
Kill(66) = batbndo.msk|x
Kill(67) = batbtra.msk|x
Kill(68) = bastcam.rep|x
Kill(69) = batbpor.msk|x
Data = 14-03-2019
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
#25 Errore stampa mastrini con flag di competenza IVA
Corretta stampa e visualizzazione mastrini per competenza IVA
Ripristinata stampa componenti pro-rata.
Non ho rimesso i totali perchè ci sono già numeratore e denominatore
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
Edit_23 = cg2 -0
File(23) = cg3.exe|X
File(41) = cg4.exe|X
Patch = 730
Versione = 21511200
Kill(0) = batbcam.msk|x
Kill(1) = batbesc.msk|x
Kill(2) = batblia.msk|x
Kill(3) = bastpor.msk|x
Kill(4) = bastcve.msk|x
Kill(5) = batbins.msk|x
Kill(6) = bastmsp.rep|x
Kill(7) = bastivd.msk|x
Kill(8) = bastleg.msk|x
Kill(9) = batbscc.msk|x
Kill(10) = bastscc.msk|x
Kill(11) = bastcco.rep|x
Kill(12) = batbcco.msk|x
Kill(13) = batbind.msk|x
Kill(14) = batblia.msk|x
Kill(15) = bastpor.rep|x
Kill(16) = batbleg.msk|x
Kill(17) = batbntb.msk|x
Kill(18) = batbtit.msk|x
Kill(19) = batbivd.msk|x
Kill(20) = bastcco.msk|x
Kill(21) = bastnot.msk|x
Kill(22) = batbdpn.msk|x
Kill(23) = bastver.msk|x
Kill(24) = bastscc.rep|x
Kill(25) = bastcfi.rep|x
Kill(26) = batbtra.msk|x
Kill(27) = batbndo.msk|x
Kill(28) = bastndo.msk|x
Kill(29) = bastcam.msk|x
Kill(30) = bastleg.rep|x
Kill(31) = bastivd.rep|x
Kill(32) = batblbu.msk|x
Kill(33) = batbver.msk|x
Kill(34) = batbzon.msk|x
Kill(35) = batbcve.msk|x
Kill(36) = bastdpn.msk|x
Kill(37) = bastzon.rep|x
Kill(38) = bastver.rep|x
Kill(39) = bastarb.msk|x
Kill(40) = batbmsp.msk|x
Kill(41) = cgtbcon.msk|x
Kill(42) = bastdpn.rep|x
Kill(43) = batbdel.msk|x
Kill(44) = batbinl.msk|x
Kill(45) = bastvet.rep|x
Kill(46) = bastreg.msk|x
Kill(47) = batbreg.msk|x
Kill(48) = bastarb.rep|x
Kill(49) = bastreg.rep|x
Kill(50) = bastntb.msk|x
Kill(51) = batbcfi.msk|x
Kill(52) = batbnot.msk|x
Kill(53) = bastcfi.msk|x
Kill(54) = batbpdb.msk|x
Kill(55) = bastesc.rep|x
Kill(56) = bastnot.rep|x
Kill(57) = bastpdb.rep|x
Kill(58) = batbpor.msk|x
Kill(59) = bastcam.rep|x
Kill(60) = bastcve.rep|x
Kill(61) = bastzon.msk|x
Kill(62) = bastvet.msk|x
Kill(63) = bastntb.rep|x
Kill(64) = bastndo.rep|x
Kill(65) = batbarb.msk|x
Kill(66) = bastmsp.msk|x
Kill(67) = bastpdb.msk|x
Kill(68) = batbvet.msk|x
Kill(69) = bastesc.msk|x
Data = 14-03-2019
Descrizione = Contabilita' Generale
Dischi = 1
Moduli = ba
Patch = 730
PostProcess = bainst -0 CG
PreProcess =
Prezzo(1) =
Prezzo(2) =
Versione = 21511200
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
Aggiunta possibilità di togliere sconto in righe documenti
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
File(0) = fp0.exe|X
File(1) = fp0100a.msk|X
Patch = 0732
Versione = 21511200
Data = 15-03-2019
Descrizione = Fattura Elettronica
Dischi = 1
Moduli = cg,ve
Patch = 732
PostProcess =
PreProcess =
Versione = 21511200
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
Aggiunta funzioni libreria DB
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
File(54) = xvtdb.dll|X
Patch = 732
Versione = 21511200
Data = 15-03-2019
Descrizione = Sistema
Dischi = 1
Moduli =
Patch = 732
PostProcess =
PreProcess =
Prezzo(1) =
Prezzo(2) =
Versione = 21511200
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
@ -573,6 +573,9 @@ bool TMastrini_application::almeno_un_record()
rmov.put(RMV_CONTO, _conto);
rmov.put(RMV_SOTTOCONTO, _sottoc);
TCursor cur(&rel, "", 2, &rmov, &rmov);
TDate fine = _data_fine;
if (_data_liq_iva)
const long items = cur.items();
for (cur = 0L; cur.pos() < items; ++cur)
@ -580,7 +583,7 @@ bool TMastrini_application::almeno_un_record()
const int annoes = rmov.get_int (RMV_ANNOES);
const TString4 provvis (mov.get(MOV_PROVVIS));
const TDate datareg = get_filter_date(mov, rmov);
if ( ((annoes==_annomsk) || (_annomsk==0)) && ((datareg>=_data_ini) && (datareg<=_data_fine)) && (_stampa_mov_prov || provvis.blank()))
if ( ((annoes==_annomsk) || (_annomsk==0)) && ((datareg>=_data_ini) && (datareg<=fine)) && (_stampa_mov_prov || provvis.blank()))
trovato = true;
@ -1436,16 +1439,7 @@ bool TMastrini_application::preprocess_page(int file, int counter)
_sezione = rmov.get(RMV_SEZIONE);
_datareg = get_filter_date(mov, rmov.curr());
if (_data_liq_iva)
_datareg_stampa = _datareg;
if (_annomsk == 0)
_datareg_stampa = _datareg;
_datareg_stampa = mov.get(MOV_DATAREG);
_datareg_stampa = mov.get(MOV_DATAREG);
const TString4 provvis = mov.get(MOV_PROVVIS);
@ -506,9 +506,11 @@ void TMastrino::read(const TBill& conto,
const TDate data = TDate(rmov_datareg);
TRiga_mastrino* r = new TRiga_mastrino(riga_mastrino,
rmov().recno(), mov().recno(),
_pdare_per, _pavere_per, data_corrente);
_pdare_per, _pavere_per, data);
@ -741,8 +741,8 @@ TRecordset* create_recordset(const TString& sql)
rex = new TCSV_recordset(sql); else
if (sql.starts_with("AS400", true))
rex = new TAS400_recordset(sql);
//if (sql.starts_with("CONNECT", true))
//rex = new TDB_recordset(sql);
if (sql.starts_with("CONNECT", true))
rex = new TDB_recordset(sql);
rex = new TSQL_recordset(sql);
@ -48,44 +48,110 @@ unsigned SSimple_query::sq_get_num_fields() const
return _rec.get_num_fields();
TString SSimple_query::sq_get_name_field(const unsigned column) const
return _rec.get_name_field(column);
int SSimple_query::sq_get_width_field(const unsigned column) const
return _rec.get_width_field(column);
TFieldtypes SSimple_query::sq_get_type_field(const unsigned column) const
const TString type = _rec.get_type_field(column);
if (type == "dtUnknown")
return _nullfld;
if (type == "dtBool")
return _boolfld;
if (type == "dtShort")
return _intfld;
if (type == "dtULong")
return _longfld;
if (type == "dtDouble")
return _realfld;
if (type == "dtNumeric")
return _realfld;
if (type == "dtDateTime")
return _datefld;
if (type == "dtString")
return _alfafld;
if (type == "dtBytes")
return _intfld;
if (type == "dtLongBinary")
return _alfafld;
if (type == "dtLongChar")
return _alfafld;
if (type == "dtBLob")
return _alfafld;
if (type == "dtCLob")
return _alfafld;
if (type == "dtCursor")
return _nullfld;
if (type == "dtSpecificToDBMS")
return _nullfld;
return _nullfld;
void TDB_recordset::reset()
_items = 0;
_current_row = -1;
_columns_loaded = false;
/* La query può iniziare con la stringa di connessione così fatta:
* CONNECT(server, user, psw, driver = "MSSQL") il driver può essere omesso
* Se c'è la estraggo, setto la connessione e prendo la vera query
* Se no setto direttamente la query
* CONNECT(server, user, psw, driver = "MSSQL") il driver può essere omesso.
* Se c'è la estraggo, setto la connessione e prendo la vera query.
* Se no setto direttamente la query.
* Ritorno false se non mi sono mai connesso a niente e non passo
* la stringa di connessione.
void TDB_recordset::set(const char* sql)
bool TDB_recordset::set(const char* sql)
bool ok;
TString real_query = "";
// Guardo se la query inizia con la stringa di connessione
if(TString(sql).starts_with("CONNECT(", true))
// Posso modificare oppure non posso ma _sql è vuota
if(!_freezed || _sql.empty())
TString query(sql);
int pos_EOCon = query.find(')'); // End Of Conn
const TString conn_str = query.sub(0, ++pos_EOCon);
if (_sql.empty() || !_freezed && !_sql.empty())
// Guardo se la query inizia con la stringa di connessione
if (TString(sql).starts_with("CONNECT(", true))
TString query(sql);
int pos_EOCon = query.find(')'); // End Of Conn
const TString& conn_str = query.sub(0, ++pos_EOCon);
ok = set_connection(conn_str);
if (!ok)
return false;
real_query << query.sub(pos_EOCon);
else if (!_connected)
return false;
real_query << sql;
real_query << query.sub(pos_EOCon);
// Serve?
if (!_freezed || _sql != sql)
_sql.cut(0) << real_query;
if (_sql.find("SELECT") >= 0 || _sql.find("select") >= 0)
return _rec->sq_set(_sql);
real_query << sql;
if (!_freezed || _sql != sql)
_sql.cut(0) << real_query;
if (_sql.find("SELECT") >= 0 || _sql.find("select") >= 0)
return false;
void TDB_recordset::set_connection(const char* conn_str) const
/* Parso la stringa di connessione ed estraggo i dati.
* Se il numero di dati è sufficiente eseguo la connessione.
* Ritorno false se non riesco a connettermi o il numero di dati è sbagliato
bool TDB_recordset::set_connection(const char* conn_str) const
TString pn(conn_str);
TString srv = "", usr = "", pwd = "", drv = "";
@ -112,19 +178,22 @@ void TDB_recordset::set_connection(const char* conn_str) const
first_pos = last_pos;
// Guardo se ho valorizzato almeno i primi 3 elementi della connect
// Se non valorizzo l'ultimo metto come default MSSQL Server
// Se non valorizzo l'ultimo come default: MSSQL Server
if (i == 2)
connect(srv.ltrim(), usr.ltrim(), pwd.ltrim(), TSDB_MSSQL);
else if(i == 3)
connect(srv.ltrim(), usr.ltrim(), pwd.ltrim(), str_to_driver(drv.ltrim()));
return connect(srv.ltrim(), usr.ltrim(), pwd.ltrim(), TSDB_MSSQL);
if(i == 3)
return connect(srv.ltrim(), usr.ltrim(), pwd.ltrim(), str_to_driver(drv.ltrim()));
return false;
int TDB_recordset::connect(const char * db, const char * user, const char * pass, const TT_driver tipo_db) const
// Ritorna true se si connette
bool TDB_recordset::connect(const char * db, const char * user, const char * pass, const TT_driver tipo_db) const
return _rec->sq_connect(db, user, pass, tipo_db);
return _rec->sq_connect(db, user, pass, tipo_db) == NOERR;
TT_driver TDB_recordset::str_to_driver(const char* tipo_db)
@ -170,64 +239,78 @@ TT_driver TDB_recordset::str_to_driver(const char* tipo_db)
return TSDB_undefined;
int TDB_recordset::connect(const char* db, const char* user, const char* pass, const char* tipo_db) const
bool TDB_recordset::connect(const char* db, const char* user, const char* pass, const char* tipo_db) const
return _rec->sq_connect(db, user, pass, str_to_driver(tipo_db));
return _rec->sq_connect(db, user, pass, str_to_driver(tipo_db)) == NOERR;
TRecnotype TDB_recordset::items() const
if(!_rec->sq_is_loaded() && _items == 0)
auto& i = const_cast<TRecnotype&>(_items);
i = _rec->sq_items();
return i;
return static_cast<TRecnotype>(_rec->sq_items());
bool TDB_recordset::move_to(TRecnotype pos)
const TRecnotype tot = items();
_current_row = pos;
TRecnotype row = pos;
bool ok;
if (_freezed && _loaded)
if (pos < 0)
_current_row = 0;
if (pos > tot)
_current_row = tot;
return true;
return _rec->sq_go(pos);
if (pos < 0)
row = 0;
if (pos > tot)
row = tot;
if( (ok = _rec->sq_go(row)) )
_current_row = pos;
return ok;
const TArray* TDB_recordset::row(TRecnotype n)
bool TDB_recordset::move_next()
static TRecnotype last_n = -1;
if(n >= 0 && n < _rec->sq_items())
if (_rec->sq_next())
if (n == last_n && !_row.empty()) // Richiedo sempre la stessa riga
return &_row;
if (move_to(n))
const unsigned ncol = _rec->sq_get_num_fields();
last_n = n;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < ncol; i++)
_row.add(_rec->sq_get(i, false));
return &_row;
_current_row = _rec->sq_pos();
return true;
return false;
const TArray TDB_recordset::get_next_row()
if (move_next())
return get_row();
return TArray().destroy();
const TArray TDB_recordset::get_row(TRecnotype n)
bool ok;
// Get della riga attuale
if(n == -1)
n = current_row();
ok = true;
ok = _rec->sq_is_loaded() && move_to(n); // Non faccio la move se non e` caricato
if (_rec->sq_is_loaded() && ok)
const unsigned ncol = _rec->sq_get_num_fields();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < ncol; i++)
_row.add(_rec->sq_get(i, false));
return _row;
// else
return &_row;
return _row;
void TDB_recordset::requery()
_items = 0;
unsigned TDB_recordset::columns() const
@ -235,11 +318,20 @@ unsigned TDB_recordset::columns() const
return _rec->sq_get_num_fields();
const TRecordset_column_info& TDB_recordset::column_info(const unsigned column) const
static TRecordset_column_info* info = new TRecordset_column_info;
info->_name = _rec->sq_get_name_field(column); // TString
info->_width = _rec->sq_get_width_field(column); // int
info->_type = _rec->sq_get_type_field(column); // TFieldtypes
return *info;
const TVariant& TDB_recordset::get(unsigned int column) const
static TVariant field = NULL_VARIANT;
static unsigned int last_get = 0;
if(column != last_get || field == NULL_VARIANT)
if(!_freezed || column != last_get || field == NULL_VARIANT)
last_get = column;
field = _rec->sq_get(column);
@ -248,11 +340,35 @@ const TVariant& TDB_recordset::get(unsigned int column) const
return field;
TDB_recordset::TDB_recordset(const char* sql, const bool freezed) : _freezed(freezed), _loaded(false)
const TVariant& TDB_recordset::active_connection() const
static TVariant conn = NULL_VARIANT;
return conn;
const bool TDB_recordset::exec(const char* sql) const
return _rec->sq_set_exec(sql);
const bool TDB_recordset::commit() const
return _rec->sq_commit();
TDB_recordset::TDB_recordset(const char* sql, const bool freezed) : _freezed(freezed)
_current_row = -1;
_rec = new SSimple_query();
_items = 0;
delete _rec;
@ -171,6 +171,12 @@ public:
const char sq_get_char(const char* field) { return _rec.get_char(field); }
/**< Ritorna il numero di campi dopo l'ultimo comando di esecuzione effettuato; se il risultato esiste */
unsigned int sq_get_num_fields() const;
/**< Ritorna il nome del campo numero (column) in formato (TString= */
TString sq_get_name_field(unsigned column) const;
/**< Ritorna la grandezza del campo numero (column) */
int sq_get_width_field(unsigned column) const;
/**< Ritorna il tipo del campo numero (column) in formato (TFieldtypes) */
TFieldtypes sq_get_type_field(unsigned column) const;
/**< Ritorna la posizione attuale */
const long sq_pos() const { return _rec.pos(); }
@ -205,32 +211,40 @@ class TDB_recordset : public TRecordset
TString _sql;
TString _dsn, _usr, _pwd, _drv;
bool _freezed, _loaded, _columns_loaded{};
TRecnotype _items, _current_row;
bool _freezed{}, _columns_loaded{}, _auto_commit{}, _connected{};
TRecnotype _current_row;
TArray _row, _column;
void reset();
void set(const char* sql);
bool set(const char* sql);
// Parsa la stringa di connessione contenuta nella query
void set_connection(const char * conn_str) const;
int connect(const char * db, const char * user, const char * pass, const TT_driver tipo_db) const;
int connect(const char * db, const char * user, const char * pass, const char * tipo_db) const;
bool set_connection(const char * conn_str) const;
bool connect(const char * db, const char * user, const char * pass, const TT_driver tipo_db) const;
bool connect(const char * db, const char * user, const char * pass, const char * tipo_db) const;
static TT_driver str_to_driver(const char* tipo_db);
TRecnotype items() const override; // Pure
bool move_to(TRecnotype pos) override; // Pure
bool move_next() override;
TRecnotype current_row() const override { return _current_row; } // Pure
const TArray* row(TRecnotype n);
const TArray get_next_row();
// Con il valore di default viene restituita la riga alla pos. attuale
const TArray get_row(TRecnotype n = -1);
void requery() override; // da impl. Pure
const TString& query_text() const override { return _sql; };
const TString& query_text() const override { return _sql; }
unsigned int columns() const override; // Pure
//virtual const TRecordset_column_info& column_info(unsigned int column) const; // Pure
unsigned int columns() const override; // Pure
const TRecordset_column_info& column_info(unsigned int column) const override; // Pure
const TVariant& get(unsigned int column) const override; // Pure
const TVariant& active_connection() const;
const bool exec(const char* sql) const;
const bool commit() const;
TDB_recordset(const char * sql, bool freezed = false);
@ -684,6 +684,60 @@ int TXvt_recordset::get_num_fields() const
return _RCS(_recset)->FieldCount();
const char* TXvt_recordset::get_name_field(const unsigned column) const
auto& f_name = _RCS(_recset)->Field(column);
return static_cast<const char *>(f_name.Name());
int TXvt_recordset::get_width_field(const unsigned column) const
auto& f_name = _RCS(_recset)->Field(column);
return static_cast<int>(f_name.FieldSize());
const char* TXvt_recordset::get_type_field(const unsigned column) const
auto& f_name = _RCS(_recset)->Field(column);
const auto type = f_name.FieldType();
case SA_dtUnknown:
return "dtUnknown";
case SA_dtBool:
return "dtBool";
case SA_dtShort:
return "dtShort";
case SA_dtUShort:
return "dtLong";
case SA_dtULong:
return "dtDouble";
case SA_dtNumeric:
return "dtNumeric";
case SA_dtDateTime:
return "dtDateTime";
case SA_dtInterval:
return "dtString";
case SA_dtBytes:
return "dtBytes";
case SA_dtLongBinary:
return "dtLongBinary";
case SA_dtLongChar:
return "dtLongChar";
case SA_dtBLob:
return "dtBLob";
case SA_dtCLob:
return "dtCLob";
case SA_dtCursor:
return "dtCursor";
case SA_dtSpecificToDBMS:
return "dtSpecificToDBMS";
return "dtUnknown";
long TXvt_recordset::get_code_error(bool erase)
long app = _code_error;
@ -201,6 +201,12 @@ public:
char get_char(const char* field);
/**< Ritorna il numero di campi dopo l'ultimo comando di esecuzione effettuato; se il risultato esiste */
int get_num_fields() const;
/**< Ritorna il nome del campo numero (column) */
const char* get_name_field(unsigned column) const;
/**< Ritorna la grandezza del campo numero (column) */
int get_width_field(unsigned column) const;
/**< Ritorna il tipo del campo numero (column) */
const char* get_type_field(unsigned column) const;
/**< Ritorna la posizione attuale */
long pos() const { return _recno; }
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