Patch level :

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Ricompilazione Demo : [ ]
Commento            : Modifiche di marco

git-svn-id: svn:// c028cbd2-c16b-5b4b-a496-9718f37d4682
This commit is contained in:
luca 2000-03-02 15:26:30 +00:00
parent 2cd9155ec7
commit 8d5786295a
14 changed files with 1326 additions and 273 deletions

webcgi/eurocampo/Makefile Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# Makefile
# Decommentare il seguente per includere le informazioni di debug
#CFLAGS=-Wall -g
# Usare il seguente per non includere le informazioni di debug
CFLAGS=-Wall -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
all: cvs2sql
$(OBJDIR)cvs2sql.o: cvs2sql.c
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c cvs2sql.c -o $(OBJDIR)cvs2sql.o -I$(PGINCLUDE)
cvs2sql: $(OBJDIR)cvs2sql.o
gcc $(CFLAGS) -o cvs2sql $(OBJDIR)cvs2sql.o -lpq -L$(PGLIB)

webcgi/eurocampo/cvs2sql.c Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
Programma interfacciabile a CVS tramite loginfo, per registrare i commit su di un database POSTGRES.
L'applicazione dovra' essere eseguita sul server nel quale risiede il repository (Etabeta)
Le informazioni da registrare sulla tabella COMMITS, vengono reperite in 3 modi:
- dallo stdin per quanto riguarda il log file vero e proprio: [Release] [Descrizione] [Errori] [Files]
- variabile d'ambiente per l'autore ($USER)
- linea di comando per quanto riguarda il nome del modulo.
Sarebbe bello farlo in C++ ma su etabeta gcc e' installato male e non funziona.
Altrettanto bello sarebbe potere usare cvs2sql presente nelle libwww:
Ma per fare cosi' e' necessario scaricarle e compilarle. E per compilare un programmino del cavolo non voglio includere nel
repository tutta quella roba.
#include <libpq-fe.h>
#include <string.h>
#define POSTGRES_HOST "mccoy"
#define POSTGRES_PORT ""
#define POSTGRES_DB "eurocampo"
#define DEFAULT_USER "Aga Informatica"
#define BUFSIZE 16384
void cvs2sql(char* modulo)
FILE *fin=stdin;
int status;
char autore[20];
char release[20];
char buffer[BUFSIZE];
char files[BUFSIZE/4];
char descrizione[BUFSIZE/4];
char errori [BUFSIZE/4];
char committed_files[BUFSIZE/2];
char *p1, *p2, *p3;
PGconn* pgc;
/* Sistema l'autore della modifica, prendendolo dalla variabile d'ambiente*/
if (strlen(autore) == 0)
strcpy(autore, "Aga Informatica");
/* Legge dallo stdin il log file, 16 KB sono abbastanza per un log...*/
status = fread(buffer, 1, BUFSIZE, fin);
if (status < 0)
printf("Can't read from stdin\n");
/* Legge le informazioni sui files modificati, aggiunti, cancellati */
strcpy(committed_files, "");
p1 = strstr(buffer, " Files:");
if (p1 != NULL)
int l;
p2 = strrchr(p1, '\n');
p1 = strstr(p2, "Log Message:");
*p1 = '\0';
l = (int) (p2 - p1);
strncpy(committed_files, p2, l);
p1 += 13;
/* Legge il paragrafo di release */
p2 = strstr(p1 ? p1 : buffer,"[Release]");
if (p2 != NULL)
p1 = strchr(p2, '\n');
*p1 = '\0';
strcpy(release, p2);
p2 = strstr(p1 ? p1 : buffer, "[Files]");
if (p2 != NULL)
p2 += 7;
strncpy(files, p2, );
p2 = strstr(p1 ? p1 : buffer, "[Descrizione]");
if (p2 != NULL)
p2 = strstr(p1 ? p1 : buffer, "[Errori]");
if (p2 != NULL)
/* Apre la connessione sul database, inizia una transazione, bloccando la tabella dei progressivi per gestire la concorrenza */
if (PQstatus(pgc)==CONNECTION_OK)
printf("FATAL ERROR: Can't open database %s: %s\n", POSTGRES_DB, PQerrorMessage(pgc));
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
if (argc == 2)
printf("Usage: cvs2sql <module>\nWarning: $USER environment variable must also be set \nand a log file must be written on stdin.\n");

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -27,7 +27,10 @@ protected:
void print_access_error();
bool load_corrector();
Check_answers_Application() {_db = NULL;}
_db = NULL;
virtual ~Check_answers_Application() {};

View File

@ -1,52 +1,52 @@
#ifndef _DEFINES_H
#define _DEFINES_H
#include <fstream.h>
#include <bool.h>
#include <String.h>
#include <Rational.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#define POSTGRES_HOST "localhost"
#define POSTGRES_PORT ""
#define POSTGRES_DB "corsi"
#define FAD_DIR "/corsi/"
#define FAD_ROOT "/disk2/html/corsi/corso_"
#define FAD_CGI FAD_DIR"cgi-bin/"
#define GET_MODULE_CGI FAD_CGI"get_module.cgi"
#define LOGIN_CGI FAD_CGI"login.cgi"
#define LOGOUT_CGI FAD_CGI"logout.cgi"
#define CHECK_ANSWERS_CGI FAD_CGI"check_answers.cgi"
#define MAXMODULES 64
#define MAXANSWERS 5
#define ERROR_FILE "__error" // File fittizio per segnalare gli errori
static Rational ZERO(0);
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
void getword(char *word, char *line, char stop);
char *makeword(char *line, char stop);
char *fmakeword(FILE *f, char stop, int *cl);
char x2c(char *what);
void unescape_url(char *url);
void plustospace(char *str);
int rind(char *s, char c);
int getline(char *s, int n, FILE *f);
void send_fd(FILE *f, FILE *fd);
off_t fsize(const char* n);
char * itoa(int);
char * ltoa(long);
char * dtoa(double);
void trim(String& s);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#ifndef _DEFINES_H
#define _DEFINES_H
#include <fstream.h>
#include <bool.h>
#include <String.h>
#include <Rational.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#define POSTGRES_HOST "localhost"
#define POSTGRES_PORT ""
#define POSTGRES_DB "corsi"
#define FAD_DIR "/corsi/"
#define FAD_ROOT "/disk2/html/corsi/corso_"
#define FAD_CGI FAD_DIR"cgi-bin/"
#define GET_MODULE_CGI FAD_CGI"get_module.cgi"
#define LOGIN_CGI FAD_CGI"login.cgi"
#define LOGOUT_CGI FAD_CGI"logout.cgi"
#define CHECK_ANSWERS_CGI FAD_CGI"check_answers.cgi"
#define MAXMODULES 64
#define MAXANSWERS 5
#define ERROR_FILE "__error" // File fittizio per segnalare gli errori
static Rational ZERO(0);
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
void getword(char *word, char *line, char stop);
char *makeword(char *line, char stop);
char *fmakeword(FILE *f, char stop, int *cl);
char x2c(char *what);
void unescape_url(char *url);
void plustospace(char *str);
int rind(char *s, char c);
int getline(char *s, int n, FILE *f);
void send_fd(FILE *f, FILE *fd);
off_t fsize(const char* n);
char * itoa(int);
char * ltoa(long);
char * dtoa(double);
void trim(String& s);
#ifdef __cplusplus

View File

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ void Get_module_Application::print_header(const char * title)
cout << "<HEAD>" << endl;
cout << "<TITLE>" << title << "</TITLE>" << endl;
cout << "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"/def_style.css\" type=\"text/css\">" << endl;
cout << "</HEAD>" << endl;
cout << "</HEAD>" << endl;
cout << "<BODY>" << endl;
@ -214,10 +214,12 @@ void Get_module_Application::get_module()
if (first_test){
cout << "<H2>Questionario iniziale non implementato</H2><BR><BR>" << endl;
cout << "<P>Il questionario iniziale per il modulo selezionato non è presente.</P><BR>";
cout << "<P>Per ritornare alla pagina iniziale del modulo premete il pulsante INDIETRO del vostro browser o cliccate <a onclick=window.history.back(1)> qui</a>.</P><BR>";
else {
cout << "<H2>Modulo non implementato</H2><BR><BR>" << endl;
cout << "<P>I materiali didattici per il modulo selezionato non sono presenti.</P><BR>";
cout << "<P>Per ritornare alla pagina iniziale del modulo premete il pulsante INDIETRO del vostro browser o cliccate <a onclick=window.history.back(1)> qui</a>.</P><BR>";
case get_test:
@ -225,23 +227,27 @@ void Get_module_Application::get_module()
print_header("Accesso al livello di test non consentito");
cout << "<H2>Accesso al livello di test non consentito</H2><BR><BR>" << endl;
cout << "<P>L'utente <STRONG>" << _utente << "</STRONG> non ha i permessi necessari per accedere al livello di test richiesto oppure il test è già stato svolto.</P><BR>" << endl;
cout << "<P>Per ritornare alla pagina iniziale del modulo premete il pulsante INDIETRO del vostro browser o cliccate <a onclick=window.history.back(1)> qui</a>.</P><BR>";
else {
print_header("Questionario non ancora implementato");
cout << "<H2>Questionario non ancora implementato</H2><BR><BR>" << endl;
cout << "<P>Il questionario per il modulo selezionato non è presente.</P><BR>";
cout << "<P>Per ritornare alla pagina iniziale del modulo premete il pulsante INDIETRO del vostro browser o cliccate <a onclick=window.history.back(1)> qui</a>.</P><BR>";
case get_lesson:
if (filename == ERROR_FILE) {
print_header("Accesso alla lezione non consentito");
cout << "<H2>Accesso alla lezione non consentito</H2><BR><BR>" << endl;
cout << "<P>L'utente <STRONG>" << _utente << "</STRONG> non ha i permesso necessari per accedere al livello di lezione richiesto.</P><BR>" << endl;
cout << "<P>L'utente <STRONG>" << _utente << "</STRONG> non ha i permessi necessari per accedere al livello di lezione richiesto.</P><BR>" << endl;
cout << "<P>Per ritornare alla pagina iniziale del modulo premete il pulsante INDIETRO del vostro browser o cliccate <a onclick=window.history.back(1)> qui</a>.</P><BR>";
else {
print_header("Lezione non ancora implementata");
cout << "<H2>Lezione non ancora implementata</H2><BR><BR>" << endl;
cout << "<P>La lezione per il modulo selezionato non è presente.</P><BR>";
cout << "<P>Per ritornare alla pagina iniziale del modulo premete il pulsante INDIETRO del vostro browser o cliccate <a onclick=window.history.back(1)> qui</a>.</P><BR>";
@ -252,6 +258,7 @@ void Get_module_Application::get_module()
print_header("Accesso al modulo non consentito");
cout << "<H2>Accesso al modulo non consentito</H2><BR><BR>" << endl;
cout << "<P>L'utente <STRONG>"<< _utente << "</STRONG> non ha i permessi necessari per accedere al modulo indicato.</P><BR>";
cout << "<P>Per ritornare alla pagina iniziale del modulo premete il pulsante INDIETRO del vostro browser o cliccate <a onclick=window.history.back(1)> qui</a>.</P><BR>";

View File

@ -108,13 +108,17 @@ void Login_Application::login()
cout << "<P>Benvenuto/a, <STRONG>" << _realname << "</STRONG>.</P>" << endl;
cout << "<P>Ecco l'elenco dei moduli disponibili, clicca sull'immagine relativa al modulo per entrare nell'area di formazione prescelta. Si ricorda che i moduli contraddistinti da una piccola spirale fanno parte delle lezioni avanzate.</P>" << endl;
const int nt = _db->Tuples();
if (nt > 0) {
// Seleziona i moduli abilitati per costui
cout << "<BR><CENTER><TABLE WIDTH=50% CELLPADDING=4>" << endl;
int curr_module=0;
for (int i=0; i<nt;i++) {
const unsigned int mod_num = atoi(_db->GetValue(i, "modulenum"))-1;
if (_moduli.length() > mod_num+1 && _moduli[mod_num] == 'X') { // Se il modulo e' abilitato visualizza
const char *mod_name = _db->GetValue(i, "modulename");
bool cafe;
cafe = (strncmp(mod_name,"cafe",4)==0);
if (_moduli.length() > mod_num+1 && _moduli[mod_num] == 'X' && (!cafe)) { // Se il modulo e' abilitato e non rappresenta una class cafe visualizza le icone relative
const bool new_row = curr_module % 2 == 0;
if (new_row)

View File

@ -50,16 +50,30 @@ void Logout_Application::logout()
command += "' AND logged='t'";
const int tuples = _db->Tuples();
if (tuples > 0) { // E' loggato oppure no...
if (tuples > 0)
{ // E' loggato oppure no...
// Cosa deve fare:
// Sistema le informazioni di logging dell'utente (anche sulla tabella ACCESSI)
String progressivo;
progressivo = _db->GetValue(0, "progaccesso");
command = "UPDATE UTENTI SET logged=0, logindate=null ";
command += " WHERE loginname='";
command += _utente;
command += "'";
_db->ExecCommandOk(command); // Aggiorna la tabella utenti
if (strncmp(_utente,"demo", 4)==0)
//Se l'utente è un utente dimostrativo cancella i dati relativi alle verifiche effettuate dalla tabella UTENTI
progressivo = _db->GetValue(0, "progaccesso");
command = "UPDATE UTENTI SET logged=0, logindate=null , verifiche= '' ";
command += " WHERE loginname='";
command += _utente;
command += "'";
progressivo = _db->GetValue(0, "progaccesso");
command = "UPDATE UTENTI SET logged=0, logindate=null ";
command += " WHERE loginname='";
command += _utente;
command += "'";
_db->ExecCommandOk(command); // Aggiorna la tabella utenti
command = "UPDATE ACCESSI SET logoutdate=current_timestamp WHERE loginname='";
command += _utente;
command += "' AND progressivo=";

View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ CFLAGS=-Wall -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer
all: login.cgi logout.cgi get_module.cgi check_answers.cgi report.cgi html_parser score_corrector
@ -19,55 +20,55 @@ install: all
install -m 750 -o nobody -g nobody -s check_answers.cgi $(INSTALLDIR)
install -m 750 -o nobody -g nobody -s report.cgi $(INSTALLDIR)
util.o: util.cpp
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c util.cpp
$(OBJDIR)util.o: util.cpp
gcc $(CFLAGS) -c util.cpp -o $(OBJDIR)util.o
applicat.o: applicat.cpp applicat.h
g++ $(CFLAGS) -c applicat.cpp
$(OBJDIR)applicat.o: applicat.cpp applicat.h
g++ $(CFLAGS) -c applicat.cpp -o $(OBJDIR)applicat.o
login.o: login.cpp applicat.h
g++ $(CFLAGS) -c login.cpp -I$(PGINCLUDE)
$(OBJDIR)login.o: login.cpp applicat.h
g++ $(CFLAGS) -c login.cpp -I$(PGINCLUDE) -o $(OBJDIR)login.o
login.cgi: login.o applicat.o util.o
g++ $(CFLAGS) -o login.cgi login.o applicat.o util.o -lpq -lpq++ -L$(PGLIB)
login.cgi: $(OBJDIR)login.o $(OBJDIR)applicat.o $(OBJDIR)util.o
g++ $(CFLAGS) -o login.cgi $(OBJDIR)login.o $(OBJDIR)applicat.o $(OBJDIR)util.o -lpq -lpq++ -L$(PGLIB)
logout.o: logout.cpp applicat.h
g++ $(CFLAGS) -c logout.cpp -I$(PGINCLUDE)
$(OBJDIR)logout.o: logout.cpp applicat.h
g++ $(CFLAGS) -c logout.cpp -I$(PGINCLUDE) -o $(OBJDIR)logout.o
logout.cgi: logout.o applicat.o util.o
g++ $(CFLAGS) -o logout.cgi logout.o applicat.o util.o -lpq -lpq++ -L$(PGLIB)
logout.cgi: $(OBJDIR)logout.o $(OBJDIR)applicat.o $(OBJDIR)util.o
g++ $(CFLAGS) -o logout.cgi $(OBJDIR)logout.o $(OBJDIR)applicat.o $(OBJDIR)util.o -lpq -lpq++ -L$(PGLIB)
get_module.o: get_module.cpp applicat.h
g++ $(CFLAGS) -c get_module.cpp -I$(PGINCLUDE)
$(OBJDIR)get_module.o: get_module.cpp applicat.h
g++ $(CFLAGS) -c get_module.cpp -I$(PGINCLUDE) -o $(OBJDIR)getmodule.o
get_module.cgi: get_module.o applicat.o util.o
g++ $(CFLAGS) -o get_module.cgi get_module.o applicat.o util.o -lpq -lpq++ -L$(PGLIB)
get_module.cgi: $(OBJDIR)get_module.o $(OBJDIR)applicat.o $(OBJDIR)util.o
g++ $(CFLAGS) -o get_module.cgi $(OBJDIR)get_module.o $(OBJDIR)applicat.o $(OBJDIR)util.o -lpq -lpq++ -L$(PGLIB)
check_answers.o: check_answers.cpp applicat.h
g++ $(CFLAGS) -c check_answers.cpp -I$(PGINCLUDE)
$(OBJDIR)check_answers.o: check_answers.cpp applicat.h
g++ $(CFLAGS) -c check_answers.cpp -I$(PGINCLUDE) -o $(OBJDIR)check_answers.o
check_answers.cgi: check_answers.o applicat.o util.o questionnaire.o
g++ $(CFLAGS) -o check_answers.cgi check_answers.o applicat.o questionnaire.o util.o -lpq -lpq++ -L$(PGLIB)
check_answers.cgi: $(OBJDIR)check_answers.o $(OBJDIR)applicat.o $(OBJDIR)util.o $(OBJDIR)questionnaire.o
g++ $(CFLAGS) -o check_answers.cgi $(OBJDIR)check_answers.o $(OBJDIR)applicat.o $(OBJDIR)questionnaire.o $(OBJDIR)util.o -lpq -lpq++ -L$(PGLIB)
report.o: report.cpp applicat.h
g++ $(CFLAGS) -c report.cpp -I$(PGINCLUDE)
$(OBJDIR)report.o: report.cpp applicat.h
g++ $(CFLAGS) -c report.cpp -I$(PGINCLUDE) -o $(OBJDIR)report.o
report.cgi: report.o applicat.o util.o questionnaire.o
g++ $(CFLAGS) -o report.cgi report.o applicat.o questionnaire.o util.o -lpq -lpq++ -L$(PGLIB)
report.cgi: $(OBJDIR)report.o $(OBJDIR)applicat.o $(OBJDIR)util.o $(OBJDIR)questionnaire.o
g++ $(CFLAGS) -o report.cgi $(OBJDIR)report.o $(OBJDIR)applicat.o $(OBJDIR)questionnaire.o $(OBJDIR)util.o -lpq -lpq++ -L$(PGLIB)
html_parser.o: html_parser.cpp applicat.h
g++ $(CFLAGS) -c html_parser.cpp
$(OBJDIR)html_parser.o: html_parser.cpp applicat.h
g++ $(CFLAGS) -c html_parser.cpp -o $(OBJDIR)html_parser.o
score_corrector.o: score_corrector.cpp applicat.h
g++ $(CFLAGS) -c score_corrector.cpp -I$(PGINCLUDE)
$(OBJDIR)score_corrector.o: score_corrector.cpp applicat.h
g++ $(CFLAGS) -c score_corrector.cpp -I$(PGINCLUDE) -o $(OBJDIR)score_corrector.o
questionnaire.o: questionnaire.cpp questionnaire.h
g++ $(CFLAGS) -c questionnaire.cpp
$(OBJDIR)questionnaire.o: questionnaire.cpp questionnaire.h
g++ $(CFLAGS) -c questionnaire.cpp -o $(OBJDIR)questionnaire.o
html_parser: html_parser.o applicat.o questionnaire.o util.o
g++ $(CFLAGS) -o html_parser html_parser.o applicat.o questionnaire.o util.o
html_parser: $(OBJDIR)html_parser.o $(OBJDIR)applicat.o $(OBJDIR)questionnaire.o $(OBJDIR)util.o
g++ $(CFLAGS) -o html_parser $(OBJDIR)html_parser.o $(OBJDIR)applicat.o $(OBJDIR)questionnaire.o $(OBJDIR)util.o
score_corrector: score_corrector.o applicat.o questionnaire.o util.o
g++ $(CFLAGS) -o score_corrector score_corrector.o applicat.o questionnaire.o util.o -lpq -lpq++ -L$(PGLIB)
$(OBJDIR)score_corrector: $(OBJDIR)score_corrector.o $(OBJDIR)applicat.o $(OBJDIR)questionnaire.o $(OBJDIR)util.o
g++ $(CFLAGS) -o score_corrector $(OBJDIR)score_corrector.o $(OBJDIR)applicat.o $(OBJDIR)questionnaire.o $(OBJDIR)util.o -lpq -lpq++ -L$(PGLIB)

View File

@ -332,20 +332,35 @@ void Questionnaire::dump_html(const String& corso, const int modulo, const char
cout << "<CENTER>" << endl;
cout << "<H2>" << _title << "</H2>" << endl;
cout << "</CENTER>" << endl;
cout << "<P>Punteggio ottenuto nel test: <STRONG>" << dtoa((double)punteggio) ;
cout << " su di un massimo di " << itoa(_max_score) << "</STRONG><BR><BR><BR>" << endl;
cout << "<P>Le caselle di sinistra identificano le risposte corrette, quelle di destra le risposte fornite</P>" << endl;
cout << "<P>Ogni risposta che differisce dal correttore viene videnziata in rosso</p>" <<endl;
cout << "<P>Il punteggio ottenuto nel test corrisponde a: <STRONG>" << dtoa((double)punteggio) << "</STRONG>.";
cout << "<P>Ricordiamo che il punteggio avrebbe potuto assumere un valore compreso fra -" << itoa(_max_score) << " e " << itoa(_max_score) <<"<BR><BR><BR>" << endl;
/*if (testnum == 'z')
String command;
command = "SELECT * FROM VERIFICHE WHERE loginname='";
command += application._utente;
command += "' AND testnum='";
command += prevtest;
command += "'";
cout << "<P>Le caselle selezionate nella colonna di sinistra identificano le risposte corrette, mentre la colonna di destra riporta le risposte da voi fornite</P>" << endl;
cout << "<P>Le risposte evidenziate in rosso corrispondono a risposte sbagliate da voi indicate come esatte.</p>" <<endl;
cout << "<P>Le risposte evidenziate in verde corrispondono a risposte esatte che voi non avete individuato.</p>" <<endl;
cout << "<P>Le risposte in nero corrispondono a risposte esatte da voi indicate come tali.</p>" <<endl;
cout << "<P>Di conseguenza le risposte in rosso e quelle in verde rappresentano l'insieme completo dei vostri errori.</p>" <<endl;
cout << "<BR><BR>" << endl;
cout << "<FORM>" << endl; // Senza il tag <FORM> non visualizza i checkbox!
for (i=0;i<MAXQUESTIONS;i++)
if (!_questions[i].text.empty())
cout << "<P><STRONG>" << _questions[i].text << "</STRONG></P>" << endl; // Test della domanda
cout << "<P><STRONG>" << _questions[i].text << "</STRONG></P>" << endl; // Testo della domanda
for (j=0;j<MAXANSWERS;j++)
Answer_struct& ans = _questions[i].answers[j];
const bool is_right = ans.user_answer == ans.corrector_answer;
const bool is_right = ans.user_answer == ans.corrector_answer;
const bool wrong_checked = ((ans.user_answer == 'V') && (ans.corrector_answer == 'F'))? TRUE:FALSE;
cout << "<P><INPUT TYPE=\"CHECKBOX\" NAME=\"C_" << i+1 << "_" << j+1;
cout << "\" VALUE=\"ON\" ";
if (ans.corrector_answer == 'V')
@ -357,8 +372,10 @@ void Questionnaire::dump_html(const String& corso, const int modulo, const char
cout << "CHECKED ";
cout << "onClick=\"return false;\">"; // Risposte dell'utente
if (!is_right) // Se la risposta fornita non corrisponde a quella del correttore, evidenzia in rosso la risposta data.
cout << "<font color=\"#FF0000\">";
if (wrong_checked)
cout << "<font color=\"#FF0000\">";
cout << "<font color=\"#00800\">";
cout << _questions[i].answers[j].text;
if (!is_right)
cout << "</font>";

View File

@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ public:
void reset();
Rational calc_score();
bool load(const String& s1, const String& s2);
void dump_html(const String& corso, const int modulo, const char testnum);
Questionnaire() { reset();}
void dump_html(const String& corso, const int modulo, const char testnum);
Questionnaire() { reset();}
virtual ~Questionnaire() {};

webcgi/formazione/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (c) 1996 Steven E. Brenner
# $Id:,v 1.1 2000-03-02 15:26:30 luca Exp $
require 5.001;
use strict;
require "./";
require "./HyperNews/.scripts/";
my (%cgi_data, # The form data
%cgi_cfn, # The uploaded file(s) client-provided name(s)
%cgi_ct, # The uploaded file(s) content-type(s). These are
# set by the user's browser and may be unreliable
%cgi_sfn, # The uploaded file(s) name(s) on the server (this machine)
$ret, # Return value of the ReadParse call.
$user, # User name from environment
$course, # Course name selected from user database
$basedir, # Base directory for download (per evitare i cheats)
$fn, # File per le note dell'utente
$fl, # nome del file in locale
# When writing files, several options can be set..
# Spool the files to the /tmp directory
#$basedir = "../upload/";
$basedir = "../corso_";
$user = $ENV{'REMOTE_USER'};
$course = get_course($user);
$cgi_lib::writefiles = "/tmp";
$basedir = "$basedir$course/upload/";
$user = "$basedir$user";
if (!-d $user) {
mkdir $user, 0755;
$cgi_lib::writefiles = $user;
# Limit upload size to avoid using too much memory
$cgi_lib::maxdata = 500000;
# Start off by reading and parsing the data. Save the return value.
# Pass references to retreive the data, the filenames, and the content-type
$ret = &ReadParse(\%cgi_data,\%cgi_cfn,\%cgi_ct,\%cgi_sfn);
# A bit of error checking never hurt anyone
if (!defined $ret) {
&CgiDie("Errore in lettura parametri del CGI");
} elsif (!$ret or !defined $cgi_data{'upfile'} or !defined $cgi_data{'note'}) {
# Legge il file upload.htm dal direttorio dei servizi
# e lo restituisce così com'è
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
$xn = "../servizi/upload.htm";
open (FKL, $xn);
while (!eof(FKL)) {
$ccc = getc(FKL);
print $ccc;
close (FKL);
exit 1;
if ($user eq '') {
&CgiDie("Utente non autorizzato\n",
"Si prega di effettuare ancora la validazione dell'utente.\n");
if (!-d $basedir) {
&CgiDie("Impossibile trovare il direttorio base per l'upload\n",
"Contattare il docente.\n");
if ($cgi_cfn{'upfile'} eq '') {
&CgiDie("Nome file non valido\n",
"Assicurarsi di aver fornito un nome file corretto.\n");
$fn = ">>$user/note.txt";
open (FILE, $fn) || &CgiDie("Impossibile aprire il file delle note $fn\n");
binmode (FILE); # write files accurately
print FILE "---- Nota ----\n";
print FILE $cgi_data{'note'} ;
# print FILE "\n---- Fine nota ----\n";
print FILE "\n";
close (FILE);
$i1 = rindex($cgi_cfn{'upfile'}, "\\");
$i2 = rindex($cgi_cfn{'upfile'}, "/");
if ($i2 > $i1) {
$i1 = $i2;
$fl = "$user/";
if ($i1 > -1) {
$fl .= substr($cgi_cfn{'upfile'}, $i1+1);
} else {
$fl .= $cgi_cfn{'upfile'};
# Cambia nome
rename ($cgi_sfn{'upfile'}, $fl) ;
# Now print the page for the user to see...
print &PrintHeader;
print &HtmlTop("Invio file");
print <<EOT;
Il file <i>$cgi_cfn{'upfile'}</i> e' stato ricevuto.<br>
print &HtmlBot;
# The following lines are solely to suppress 'only used once' warnings
$cgi_lib::writefiles = $cgi_lib::writefiles;
$cgi_lib::maxdata = $cgi_lib::maxdata;

View File

@ -1,166 +1,166 @@
#include "defines.h"
#define LF 10
#define CR 13
static char __stringa[64];
char* itoa(int i)
sprintf(__stringa, "%d", i);
return __stringa;
char* ltoa(long l)
sprintf(__stringa, "%ld", l);
return __stringa;
char* dtoa(double d)
sprintf(__stringa, "%6.4f", d);
return __stringa;
void getword(char *word, char *line, char stop) {
int x = 0,y;
for(x=0;((line[x]) && (line[x] != stop));x++)
word[x] = line[x];
word[x] = '\0';
if(line[x]) ++x;
while((line[y++] = line[x++]));
char *makeword(char *line, char stop) {
int x = 0,y;
char *word = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(line) + 1));
for(x=0;((line[x]) && (line[x] != stop));x++)
word[x] = line[x];
word[x] = '\0';
if(line[x]) ++x;
while((line[y++] = line[x++]));
return word;
char *fmakeword(FILE *f, char stop, int *cl) {
int wsize;
char *word;
int ll;
wsize = 102400;
word = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (wsize + 1));
while(1) {
word[ll] = (char)fgetc(f);
if(ll==wsize) {
word[ll+1] = '\0';
word = (char *)realloc(word,sizeof(char)*(wsize+1));
if((word[ll] == stop) || (feof(f)) || (!(*cl))) {
if(word[ll] != stop) ll++;
word[ll] = '\0';
return word;
char x2c(char *what) {
register char digit;
digit = (what[0] >= 'A' ? ((what[0] & 0xdf) - 'A')+10 : (what[0] - '0'));
digit *= 16;
digit += (what[1] >= 'A' ? ((what[1] & 0xdf) - 'A')+10 : (what[1] - '0'));
void unescape_url(char *url) {
register int x,y;
for(x=0,y=0;url[y];++x,++y) {
if((url[x] = url[y]) == '%') {
url[x] = x2c(&url[y+1]);
url[x] = '\0';
void plustospace(char *str) {
register int x;
for(x=0;str[x];x++) if(str[x] == '+') str[x] = ' ';
int rind(char *s, char c) {
register int x;
for(x=strlen(s) - 1;x != -1; x--)
if(s[x] == c) return x;
return -1;
int getline(char *s, int n, FILE *f) {
register int i=0;
while(1) {
s[i] = (char)fgetc(f);
if(s[i] == CR)
s[i] = fgetc(f);
if((s[i] == 0x4) || (s[i] == LF) || (i == (n-1))) {
s[i] = '\0';
return (feof(f) ? 1 : 0);
void send_fd(FILE *f, FILE *fd)
char c;
while (1) {
c = fgetc(f);
off_t fsize(const char* n)
struct stat statbuf;
stat(n, &statbuf);
return statbuf.st_size;
void trim(String& s)
const int l = s.length();
int i,f,n;
f = 0;
n = 0;
for (i = l-1; i>=0; i--)
if (s[i] != ' ')
if (i >= 0 && i < l-1)
f = i+1;
n = l-i-1;
s.del(f, n);
#include "defines.h"
#define LF 10
#define CR 13
static char __stringa[64];
char* itoa(int i)
sprintf(__stringa, "%d", i);
return __stringa;
char* ltoa(long l)
sprintf(__stringa, "%ld", l);
return __stringa;
char* dtoa(double d)
sprintf(__stringa, "%6.2f", d);
return __stringa;
void getword(char *word, char *line, char stop) {
int x = 0,y;
for(x=0;((line[x]) && (line[x] != stop));x++)
word[x] = line[x];
word[x] = '\0';
if(line[x]) ++x;
while((line[y++] = line[x++]));
char *makeword(char *line, char stop) {
int x = 0,y;
char *word = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(line) + 1));
for(x=0;((line[x]) && (line[x] != stop));x++)
word[x] = line[x];
word[x] = '\0';
if(line[x]) ++x;
while((line[y++] = line[x++]));
return word;
char *fmakeword(FILE *f, char stop, int *cl) {
int wsize;
char *word;
int ll;
wsize = 102400;
word = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (wsize + 1));
while(1) {
word[ll] = (char)fgetc(f);
if(ll==wsize) {
word[ll+1] = '\0';
word = (char *)realloc(word,sizeof(char)*(wsize+1));
if((word[ll] == stop) || (feof(f)) || (!(*cl))) {
if(word[ll] != stop) ll++;
word[ll] = '\0';
return word;
char x2c(char *what) {
register char digit;
digit = (what[0] >= 'A' ? ((what[0] & 0xdf) - 'A')+10 : (what[0] - '0'));
digit *= 16;
digit += (what[1] >= 'A' ? ((what[1] & 0xdf) - 'A')+10 : (what[1] - '0'));
void unescape_url(char *url) {
register int x,y;
for(x=0,y=0;url[y];++x,++y) {
if((url[x] = url[y]) == '%') {
url[x] = x2c(&url[y+1]);
url[x] = '\0';
void plustospace(char *str) {
register int x;
for(x=0;str[x];x++) if(str[x] == '+') str[x] = ' ';
int rind(char *s, char c) {
register int x;
for(x=strlen(s) - 1;x != -1; x--)
if(s[x] == c) return x;
return -1;
int getline(char *s, int n, FILE *f) {
register int i=0;
while(1) {
s[i] = (char)fgetc(f);
if(s[i] == CR)
s[i] = fgetc(f);
if((s[i] == 0x4) || (s[i] == LF) || (i == (n-1))) {
s[i] = '\0';
return (feof(f) ? 1 : 0);
void send_fd(FILE *f, FILE *fd)
char c;
while (1) {
c = fgetc(f);
off_t fsize(const char* n)
struct stat statbuf;
stat(n, &statbuf);
return statbuf.st_size;
void trim(String& s)
const int l = s.length();
int i,f,n;
f = 0;
n = 0;
for (i = l-1; i>=0; i--)
if (s[i] != ' ')
if (i >= 0 && i < l-1)
f = i+1;
n = l-i-1;
s.del(f, n);

webcgi/perlsyntax.txt Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,727 @@
PERLSYN(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERLSYN(1)
perlsyn - Perl syntax
A Perl script consists of a sequence of declarations and
statements. The only things that need to be declared in
Perl are report formats and subroutines. See the sections
below for more information on those declarations. All
uninitialized user-created objects are assumed to start
with a null or 0 value until they are defined by some
explicit operation such as assignment. (Though you can
get warnings about the use of undefined values if you
like.) The sequence of statements is executed just once,
unlike in sssseeeedddd and aaaawwwwkkkk scripts, where the sequence of
statements is executed for each input line. While this
means that you must explicitly loop over the lines of your
input file (or files), it also means you have much more
control over which files and which lines you look at.
(Actually, I'm lying--it is possible to do an implicit
loop with either the ----nnnn or ----pppp switch. It's just not the
mandatory default like it is in sssseeeedddd and aaaawwwwkkkk.)
Perl is, for the most part, a free-form language. (The
only exception to this is format declarations, for obvious
reasons.) Comments are indicated by the "#" character, and
extend to the end of the line. If you attempt to use /*
*/ C-style comments, it will be interpreted either as
division or pattern matching, depending on the context,
and C++ // comments just look like a null regular
expression, so don't do that.
A declaration can be put anywhere a statement can, but has
no effect on the execution of the primary sequence of
statements--declarations all take effect at compile time.
Typically all the declarations are put at the beginning or
the end of the script. However, if you're using
lexically-scoped private variables created with _m_y_(_),
you'll have to make sure your format or subroutine
definition is within the same block scope as the my if you
expect to to be able to access those private variables.
Declaring a subroutine allows a subroutine name to be used
as if it were a list operator from that point forward in
the program. You can declare a subroutine (prototyped to
take one scalar parameter) without defining it by saying
sub myname ($);
$me = myname $0 or die "can't get myname";
Note that it functions as a list operator though, not as a
unary operator, so be careful to use or instead of ||
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Subroutines declarations can also be loaded up with the
require statement or both loaded and imported into your
namespace with a use statement. See the _p_e_r_l_m_o_d manpage
for details on this.
A statement sequence may contain declarations of
lexically-scoped variables, but apart from declaring a
variable name, the declaration acts like an ordinary
statement, and is elaborated within the sequence of
statements as if it were an ordinary statement. That
means it actually has both compile-time and run-time
SSSSiiiimmmmpppplllleeee ssssttttaaaatttteeeemmmmeeeennnnttttssss
The only kind of simple statement is an expression
evaluated for its side effects. Every simple statement
must be terminated with a semicolon, unless it is the
final statement in a block, in which case the semicolon is
optional. (A semicolon is still encouraged there if the
block takes up more than one line, since you may
eventually add another line.) Note that there are some
operators like eval {} and do {} that look like compound
statements, but aren't (they're just TERMs in an
expression), and thus need an explicit termination if used
as the last item in a statement.
Any simple statement may optionally be followed by a
_S_I_N_G_L_E modifier, just before the terminating semicolon (or
block ending). The possible modifiers are:
unless EXPR
while EXPR
until EXPR
The if and unless modifiers have the expected semantics,
presuming you're a speaker of English. The while and
until modifiers also have the usual "while loop" semantics
(conditional evaluated first), except when applied to a
do-BLOCK (or to the now-deprecated do-SUBROUTINE
statement), in which case the block executes once before
the conditional is evaluated. This is so that you can
write loops like:
do {
$line = <STDIN>;
} until $line eq ".\n";
See the do entry in the _p_e_r_l_f_u_n_c manpage. Note also that
the loop control statements described later will _N_O_T work
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PERLSYN(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERLSYN(1)
in this construct, since modifiers don't take loop labels.
Sorry. You can always wrap another block around it to do
that sort of thing.
CCCCoooommmmppppoooouuuunnnndddd ssssttttaaaatttteeeemmmmeeeennnnttttssss
In Perl, a sequence of statements that defines a scope is
called a block. Sometimes a block is delimited by the
file containing it (in the case of a required file, or the
program as a whole), and sometimes a block is delimited by
the extent of a string (in the case of an eval).
But generally, a block is delimited by curly brackets,
also known as braces. We will call this syntactic
construct a BLOCK.
The following compound statements may be used to control
if (EXPR) BLOCK elsif (EXPR) BLOCK ... else BLOCK
LABEL while (EXPR) BLOCK continue BLOCK
Note that, unlike C and Pascal, these are defined in terms
of BLOCKs, not statements. This means that the curly
brackets are _r_e_q_u_i_r_e_d--no dangling statements allowed. If
you want to write conditionals without curly brackets
there are several other ways to do it. The following all
do the same thing:
if (!open(FOO)) { die "Can't open $FOO: $!"; }
die "Can't open $FOO: $!" unless open(FOO);
open(FOO) or die "Can't open $FOO: $!"; # FOO or bust!
open(FOO) ? 'hi mom' : die "Can't open $FOO: $!";
# a bit exotic, that last one
The if statement is straightforward. Since BLOCKs are
always bounded by curly brackets, there is never any
ambiguity about which if an else goes with. If you use
unless in place of if, the sense of the test is reversed.
The while statement executes the block as long as the
expression is true (does not evaluate to the null string
or 0 or "0"). The LABEL is optional, and if present,
consists of an identifier followed by a colon. The LABEL
identifies the loop for the loop control statements next,
last, and redo. If the LABEL is omitted, the loop control
statement refers to the innermost enclosing loop. This
may include dynamically looking back your call-stack at
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PERLSYN(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERLSYN(1)
run time to find the LABEL. Such desperate behavior
triggers a warning if you use the ----wwww flag.
If there is a continue BLOCK, it is always executed just
before the conditional is about to be evaluated again,
just like the third part of a for loop in C. Thus it can
be used to increment a loop variable, even when the loop
has been continued via the next statement (which is
similar to the C continue statement).
LLLLoooooooopppp CCCCoooonnnnttttrrrroooollll
The next command is like the continue statement in C; it
starts the next iteration of the loop:
LINE: while (<STDIN>) {
next LINE if /^#/; # discard comments
The last command is like the break statement in C (as used
in loops); it immediately exits the loop in question. The
continue block, if any, is not executed:
LINE: while (<STDIN>) {
last LINE if /^$/; # exit when done with header
The redo command restarts the loop block without
evaluating the conditional again. The continue block, if
any, is _n_o_t executed. This command is normally used by
programs that want to lie to themselves about what was
just input.
For example, when processing a file like _/_e_t_c_/_t_e_r_m_c_a_p. If
your input lines might end in backslashes to indicate
continuation, you want to skip ahead and get the next
while (<>) {
if (s/\\$//) {
$_ .= <>;
redo unless eof();
# now process $_
which is Perl short-hand for the more explicitly written
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PERLSYN(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERLSYN(1)
LINE: while ($line = <ARGV>) {
if ($line =~ s/\\$//) {
$line .= <ARGV>;
redo LINE unless eof(); # not eof(ARGV)!
# now process $line
Or here's a a simpleminded Pascal comment stripper
(warning: assumes no { or } in strings)
LINE: while (<STDIN>) {
while (s|({.*}.*){.*}|$1 |) {}
s|{.*}| |;
if (s|{.*| |) {
$front = $_;
while (<STDIN>) {
if (/}/) { # end of comment?
redo LINE;
Note that if there were a continue block on the above
code, it would get executed even on discarded lines.
If the word while is replaced by the word until, the sense
of the test is reversed, but the conditional is still
tested before the first iteration.
In either the if or the while statement, you may replace
"(EXPR)" with a BLOCK, and the conditional is true if the
value of the last statement in that block is true. While
this "feature" continues to work in version 5, it has been
deprecated, so please change any occurrences of "if BLOCK"
to "if (do BLOCK)".
FFFFoooorrrr LLLLooooooooppppssss
Perl's C-style for loop works exactly like the
corresponding while loop; that means that this:
for ($i = 1; $i < 10; $i++) {
is the same as this:
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PERLSYN(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERLSYN(1)
$i = 1;
while ($i < 10) {
} continue {
Besides the normal array index looping, for can lend
itself to many other interesting applications. Here's one
that avoids the problem you get into if you explicitly
test for end-of-file on an interactive file descriptor
causing your program to appear to hang.
$on_a_tty = -t STDIN && -t STDOUT;
sub prompt { print "yes? " if $on_a_tty }
for ( prompt(); <STDIN>; prompt() ) {
# do something
FFFFoooorrrreeeeaaaacccchhhh LLLLooooooooppppssss
The foreach loop iterates over a normal list value and
sets the variable VAR to be each element of the list in
turn. The variable is implicitly local to the loop and
regains its former value upon exiting the loop. If the
variable was previously declared with my, it uses that
variable instead of the global one, but it's still
localized to the loop. This can cause problems if you
have subroutine or format declarations within that block's
The foreach keyword is actually a synonym for the for
keyword, so you can use foreach for readability or for for
brevity. If VAR is omitted, $_ is set to each value. If
LIST is an actual array (as opposed to an expression
returning a list value), you can modify each element of
the array by modifying VAR inside the loop. That's
because the foreach loop index variable is an implicit
alias for each item in the list that you're looping over.
for (@ary) { s/foo/bar/ }
foreach $elem (@elements) {
$elem *= 2;
for $count (10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,'BOOM') {
print $count, "\n"; sleep(1);
for (1..15) { print "Merry Christmas\n"; }
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PERLSYN(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERLSYN(1)
foreach $item (split(/:[\\\n:]*/, $ENV{TERMCAP})) {
print "Item: $item\n";
Here's how a C programmer might code up a particular
algorithm in Perl:
for ($i = 0; $i < @ary1; $i++) {
for ($j = 0; $j < @ary2; $j++) {
if ($ary1[$i] > $ary2[$j]) {
last; # can't go to outer :-(
$ary1[$i] += $ary2[$j];
# this is where that last takes me
Whereas here's how a Perl programmer more confortable with
the idiom might do it:
OUTER: foreach $wid (@ary1) {
INNER: foreach $jet (@ary2) {
next OUTER if $wid > $jet;
$wid += $jet;
See how much easier this is? It's cleaner, safer, and
faster. It's cleaner because it's less noisy. It's safer
because if code gets added between the inner and outer
loops later on, the new code won't be accidentally
executed, the next explicitly iterates the other loop
rather than merely terminating the inner one. And it's
faster because Perl executes a foreach statement more
rapidly than it would the equivalent for loop.
BBBBaaaassssiiiicccc BBBBLLLLOOOOCCCCKKKKssss aaaannnndddd SSSSwwwwiiiittttcccchhhh SSSSttttaaaatttteeeemmmmeeeennnnttttssss
A BLOCK by itself (labeled or not) is semantically
equivalent to a loop that executes once. Thus you can use
any of the loop control statements in it to leave or
restart the block. (Note that this is _N_O_T true in eval{},
sub{}, or contrary to popular belief do{} blocks, which do
_N_O_T count as loops.) The continue block is optional.
The BLOCK construct is particularly nice for doing case
if (/^abc/) { $abc = 1; last SWITCH; }
if (/^def/) { $def = 1; last SWITCH; }
if (/^xyz/) { $xyz = 1; last SWITCH; }
$nothing = 1;
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PERLSYN(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERLSYN(1)
There is no official switch statement in Perl, because
there are already several ways to write the equivalent.
In addition to the above, you could write
$abc = 1, last SWITCH if /^abc/;
$def = 1, last SWITCH if /^def/;
$xyz = 1, last SWITCH if /^xyz/;
$nothing = 1;
(That's actually not as strange as it looks once you
realize that you can use loop control "operators" within
an expression, That's just the normal C comma operator.)
/^abc/ && do { $abc = 1; last SWITCH; };
/^def/ && do { $def = 1; last SWITCH; };
/^xyz/ && do { $xyz = 1; last SWITCH; };
$nothing = 1;
or formatted so it stands out more as a "proper" switch
/^abc/ && do {
$abc = 1;
last SWITCH;
/^def/ && do {
$def = 1;
last SWITCH;
/^xyz/ && do {
$xyz = 1;
last SWITCH;
$nothing = 1;
/^abc/ and $abc = 1, last SWITCH;
/^def/ and $def = 1, last SWITCH;
/^xyz/ and $xyz = 1, last SWITCH;
$nothing = 1;
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PERLSYN(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERLSYN(1)
or even, horrors,
if (/^abc/)
{ $abc = 1 }
elsif (/^def/)
{ $def = 1 }
elsif (/^xyz/)
{ $xyz = 1 }
{ $nothing = 1 }
A common idiom for a switch statement is to use foreach's
aliasing to make a temporary assignment to $_ for
convenient matching:
SWITCH: for ($where) {
/In Card Names/ && do { push @flags, '-e'; last; };
/Anywhere/ && do { push @flags, '-h'; last; };
/In Rulings/ && do { last; };
die "unknown value for form variable where: `$where'";
Another interesting approach to a switch statement is
arrange for a do block to return the proper value:
$amode = do {
if ($flag & O_RDONLY) { "r" }
elsif ($flag & O_WRONLY) { ($flag & O_APPEND) ? "a" : "w" }
elsif ($flag & O_RDWR) {
if ($flag & O_CREAT) { "w+" }
else { ($flag & O_APPEND) ? "a+" : "r+" }
Although not for the faint of heart, Perl does support a
goto statement. A loop's LABEL is not actually a valid
target for a goto; it's just the name of the loop. There
are three forms: goto-LABEL, goto-EXPR, and goto-&NAME.
The goto-LABEL form finds the statement labeled with LABEL
and resumes execution there. It may not be used to go
into any construct that requires initialization, such as a
subroutine or a foreach loop. It also can't be used to go
into a construct that is optimized away. It can be used
to go almost anywhere else within the dynamic scope,
including out of subroutines, but it's usually better to
use some other construct such as last or die. The author
of Perl has never felt the need to use this form of goto
(in Perl, that is--C is another matter).
The goto-EXPR form expects a label name, whose scope will
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PERLSYN(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERLSYN(1)
be resolved dynamically. This allows for computed gotos
per FORTRAN, but isn't necessarily recommended if you're
optimizing for maintainability:
goto ("FOO", "BAR", "GLARCH")[$i];
The goto-&NAME form is highly magical, and substitutes a
call to the named subroutine for the currently running
subroutine. This is used by _A_U_T_O_L_O_A_D_(_) subroutines that
wish to load another subroutine and then pretend that the
other subroutine had been called in the first place
(except that any modifications to @_ in the current
subroutine are propagated to the other subroutine.) After
the goto, not even _c_a_l_l_e_r_(_) will be able to tell that this
routine was called first.
In almost all cases like this, it's usually a far, far
better idea to use the structured control flow mechanisms
of next, last, or redo instead of resorting to a goto.
For certain applications, the catch and throw pair of
eval{} and _d_i_e_(_) for exception processing can also be a
prudent approach.
PPPPOOOODDDDssss:::: EEEEmmmmbbbbeeeeddddddddeeeedddd DDDDooooccccuuuummmmeeeennnnttttaaaattttiiiioooonnnn
Perl has a mechanism for intermixing documentation with
source code. While it's expecting the beginning of a new
statement, if the compiler encounters a line that begins
with an equal sign and a word, like this
=head1 Here There Be Pods!
Then that text and all remaining text up through and
including a line beginning with =cut will be ignored. The
format of the intervening text is described in the _p_e_r_l_p_o_d
This allows you to intermix your source code and your
documentation text freely, as in
=item snazzle($)
The snazzle() function will behave in the most spectacular
form that you can possibly imagine, not even excepting
cybernetic pyrotechnics.
=cut back to the compiler, nuff of this pod stuff!
sub snazzle($) {
my $thingie = shift;
Note that pod translators should only look at paragraphs
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PERLSYN(1) Perl Programmers Reference Guide PERLSYN(1)
beginning with a pod diretive (it makes parsing easier),
whereas the compiler actually knows to look for pod
escapes even in the middle of a paragraph. This means
that the following secret stuff will be ignored by both
the compiler and the translators.
=secret stuff
warn "Neither POD nor CODE!?"
=cut back
print "got $a\n";
You probably shouldn't rely upon the _w_a_r_n_(_) being podded
out forever. Not all pod translators are well-behaved in
this regard, and perhaps the compiler will become pickier.
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