MOdificato isam

git-svn-id: svn:// c028cbd2-c16b-5b4b-a496-9718f37d4682
This commit is contained in:
alex 1996-09-26 15:26:47 +00:00
parent 9358bdad25
commit 7a3e6da413
5 changed files with 499 additions and 601 deletions

View File

@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ extern "C" {
extern short formflag;
extern int SerNo;
extern word ModAd;
extern word _int_tab0[4];
extern char __ptprf[80];
extern word _int_tab0[4];
extern char __ptprf[80];
// Guy moved these outside extern
extern isfdptr* openf;
@ -59,21 +59,13 @@ extern "C" {
/* @END */
/* @FPUB */
/* @FPUB */
// definite in isam.cpp
int hashfun(const char *);
int findfld(const RecDes *, const char *);
Word Hl_Port(Word);
short cverdata(char *);
TrDate cpackdata(char *);
void ceditdata(TrDate ,char *);
void cgetdata(TrDate *,char *);
void cputdata(char *);
int month(TrDate);
int year(TrDate);
int day(TrDate);
TrDate makedata(int,int,int);
TrDate addmonth(TrDate,int);
TrDate addyear(TrDate,int);
TDitta *CGetDitta(char *);
short CGetAut(int );
char *CGetConf(int );
@ -103,64 +95,11 @@ extern "C" {
void zerordes(RecDes *);
word setrdes(RecDes *);
char *prefname(void);
char *CAddPref(char *);
char *CGetPref(void);
void CPutPref(char *);
char *CInsPref(char *, int);
char *CGetIdxName(char *);
int findfld(RecDes *,char *);
void setdec(char *, int);
unsigned int CFieldSize(char *, RecDes *);
unsigned int CFieldDec(char *, RecDes *);
int CFieldType(char *, RecDes *);
int CGetField(char *, RecDes *, RecType, void *);
int CPutField(char *, RecDes *, void *, RecType);
int CGetFieldBuff(char *, RecDes *, RecType, char *);
int CPutFieldBuff(char *, RecDes *, char *, RecType);
int CZeroField(char *, RecDes *, RecType);
void CZeroRec(RecDes *, RecType);
int CBuildKey(RecDes *,int ,RecType, char *);
void CBOpenFile(FilCtrl *,char *,unsigned int, int *);
void CBCloseFile(FilCtrl *,int *);
void GetHead(FilCtrl *, int, int *);
int GetAPage(FilCtrl *, Page *,RecNoType ,int *);
void GetAKey( Page ,int ,int ,char *,RecNoType *);
void BTrRead(FilCtrl *,char *,char *,RecNoType *,int *);
RecNoType cisgeteod(isfdptr, int *);
int cisbuild(isfdptr,int ,RecNoType ,int *);
int cisextend(isfdptr,int ,RecNoType ,int *);
long cisextension(int ,RecNoType ,int *);
int cisupdflags(isfdptr, int *, short);
int cisopen(isfdptr*, int, RecType *, unsigned int ,int *);
int cisopentemp(isfdptr*, int, PathSt, RecType *, short, RecNoType, RecNoType, int *);
RecNoType cisgeteod(isfdptr, int *);
int cisclosetemp(isfdptr*,RecType *, short, int *);
int cisclose(isfdptr*,RecType *,int *);
int cisallocrec(int ,RecType *,int *);
int ciscopyrec(int ,RecType , RecType ,int *);
int cisstart(isfdptr,int ,RecType ,unsigned int ,int *);
int cisread(isfdptr,RecType ,unsigned int ,int *);
int ciswrite(isfdptr,RecType ,int *);
int cisdelete(isfdptr,RecType ,int *);
int cisrewrite(isfdptr,RecType ,int *);
int cisdelcurr(isfdptr,int *);
int cisrewcurr(isfdptr,RecType ,int *);
int cisreadrec(isfdptr,RecNoType ,RecType ,unsigned int,int *);
int cisrewrec(isfdptr,RecNoType ,RecType ,int *);
int cisdelrec(isfdptr,RecNoType ,int *);
RecNoType cisgetrecno(isfdptr, int *);
int cislock(isfdptr,int *);
int cisunlock(isfdptr,int *);
int cisrelease(isfdptr,int *);
void IndexOn(void);
void IndexOff(void);
void StTrans(void);
void EndTrans(void);
void AbTrans(void);
int cupdatefile(int ,unsigned int ,RecDes *,short ,int *);
int creorgfile(int ,short ,int *);
int creorgindex(int ,short ,int *);
int cloadfile(char *,int ,char ,char ,char ,short ,int *);
int cdumpfile(char *,int ,int ,char ,char ,char ,short ,int *);
int init_sort(struct s_prm *);
void sort(char *);
char *sort_op(void);

View File

@ -12,14 +12,12 @@
#include <strings.h>
extern "C" char *CAddPref(char* name);
#include <extcdecl.h>
#define BLOCKLEN 512
#define INVFLD 255
HIDDEN char _files_tmp_string[128];
HIDDEN char _files_tmp_string[256];
TFile::TFile (int lenrec, int base)
@ -344,6 +342,7 @@ int TDir::items (
TTrec::TTrec ()
: _des(NULL), _tab("")
_rec = new RecDes;
zero ();
@ -373,7 +372,43 @@ int TTrec::compare(const TSortable & a) const
void TTrec::rehash()
int pos, tmppos, nf, i;
for (i = 0; i < MaxFields; i++) _rec->SortFd[i] = INVFLD;
if (_rec->NFields)
for (i = 0; i < _rec->NFields; i++)
nf = i;
pos = hashfun(_rec->Fd[nf].Name);
while (TRUE)
if (_rec->SortFd[pos] == INVFLD)
_rec->SortFd[pos] = (byte) nf;
if (strcmp(_rec->Fd[_rec->SortFd[pos]].Name, _rec->Fd[nf].Name) <= 0)
if (pos >= MaxFields)
pos = 0;
tmppos = _rec->SortFd[pos];
_rec->SortFd[pos] = (byte) nf;
nf = tmppos;
_rec->Fd[0].RecOff = 1;
for (i = 1; i < _rec->NFields; i++)
_rec->Fd[i].RecOff = _rec->Fd[i - 1].RecOff + _rec->Fd[i - 1].Len;
TTrec & TTrec::operator = (const TTrec & b)

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ I9=$(IP)object.h $(I6) $(I2)
I10=$(IP)strings.h $(I9)
I13=$(IP)array.h $(I9)
I16=$(IP)files.h $(I9) $(I4) $(IP)rectypes.h
I12=$(IP)prefix.h $(I4) $(I10) $(I16)
@ -63,6 +63,9 @@ I60=$(IP)printwin.h $(I32) $(I58)
I61=$(IP)tabapp.h $(I53)
I62=$(IP)memo.h $(I58)
I63=$(IP)golem.h $(I32)
I64=$(IP)archives.h $(I10)
I65=$(IP)varmask.h $(I33) $(I54)
I66=$(IP)varrec.h $(I30) $(I28)
U1=$(IP)default.url $(I43)
#U2=$(IP)pr_menu.h $(I43) # Guai a chi la usa!
@ -75,6 +78,12 @@ F6=$(IP)anagr.h

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
#ifndef __LFFILES_H
#include <lffiles.h>
#ifndef __TEXT_H
class TTextfile;
@ -52,63 +52,6 @@ class TTextfile;
const int MAX_KEYS = 8;
class TLocalisamfile;
class TRectype;
// @doc INTERNAL
// @class TMemo_info | Classe per la definizione dei campi Memo
// @base public | TObject
class TMemo_info : public TObject
// @author:(INTERNAL) Sandro
// @access:(INTERNAL) Private Member
// @cmember:(INTERNAL) Campi memo modificati
TBit_array _dirty;
// @cmember:(INTERNAL) Array di stringhe contenenti i campi memo
TString_array _data;
// @cmember:(INTERNAL) Numero di record sul file dati
TRecnotype _recno;
// @cmember:(INTERNAL) Record che possiede il campo memo
const TRectype * _owner;
// @access Protected Member
// @cmember Ritorna il descrittore del record (vedi <t RecDes>)
RecDes * rec_des( ) const;
// @access Public Member
// @cmember Ritorna il numero di record sul file dati
TRecnotype recno( ) const
{ return _recno; }
// @cmember Ritorna il numero logico del record
int num() const ;
// @cmember Setta il numero di record sul file dati
void recno( TRecnotype r )
{ _recno = r; }
// @cmember Setta il contenuto del campo memo <p fieldname> con <p data>
void put( const char * fieldname, const char * data );
// @cmember Ritorna il contenuto del campo memo <p fieldname> con <p data>
TString& get( const char * fieldname );
// @cmember Scrive fisicamente il campo memo sul file
void write_data( isdef * def );
// @cmember Ritorna TRUE se il campo memo <p fieldname> e' stato letto dal file
bool memo_loaded( const char * fieldname );
// @cmember Annula tutte le modifiche sui campi memo (prima della scrittura sul file)
void reset( );
// @cmember Costruttore
TMemo_info( const TRectype * owner, const TRecnotype recno );
// @cmember Costruttore
TMemo_info( const TRectype * owner, TMemo_info& memoinfo);
// @cmember Distruttore
virtual ~TMemo_info( );
// @doc EXTERNAL
@ -145,13 +88,14 @@ class TRectype : public TSortable
char _tab[5];
// @cmember:(INTERNAL) Campo "COD" della tabella
TRecfield * _cod;
// @cmember:(INTERNAL) Puntatore alla classe contenente i campi memo
TMemo_info * _memoinfo;
TBit_array * _memo_dirty;
TString_array * _memo_data;
TRecnotype _memo_recno;
// @access Protected Member
// @cmember Segnalazione di un campo inesistente
virtual void unknown_field(const char* name) const;
virtual void unknown_field(const char* name) const;
// @cmember Compara due tipo di record del file (vedi <c TSortable>)
virtual int compare(const TSortable& s) const;
// @cmember Ritorna il nome dell'ultimo campo chiave identificato da <p key>
@ -163,13 +107,12 @@ protected:
{ _isempty = val;}
// @cmember Ritorna il contenuto del campo <p fieldname> (non tipizzata)
virtual const TString& get_str(const char* fieldname) const;
// @cmember Setta il contenuto del campo <p fieldname> al valore <p val> (non tipizzata)
virtual const TString & get_str(const char* fieldname) const ;
// @cmember Setta il contenuto del campo <p fieldname> (non tipizzata)
virtual void put_str(const char* fieldname, const char* val);
// @cmember Ritorna il contenuto del campo <p nf>-esimo
// @access Public Member
// @cmember Duplica il tipo di record
virtual TObject* dup() const;
@ -185,6 +128,7 @@ public:
virtual int remove(TBaseisamfile& f) const;
// @cmember Cambia il campo <p field> della chiave principale con il valore <p val>
virtual void renum_key(const char* field, const char* val);
// @cmember Ritorna il numero di campi del record
int items() const;
// @cmember Setta il record come non vuoto (chiama <mf TRectype::setempty>)
@ -279,14 +223,15 @@ public:
{ put(fieldname, " "); }
// @cmember Assegnazione tra TRectype
virtual TRectype& operator =(const TRectype& rec);
virtual TRectype & operator =(const TRectype& rec);
// @cmember Assegnazione tra TRectype
virtual TRectype& operator =(const char* rec);
virtual TRectype & operator =(const char* rec);
// @cmember Assegnazione tra TRectype
TRectype& operator =(const TBaseisamfile& f);
// @cmember Ritorna il descrittore del record
virtual RecDes* rec_des() const;
virtual RecDes * rec_des() const;
// @cmember Ritorna il numero logico del record
int num() const
{ return _logicnum;}
@ -302,19 +247,13 @@ public:
bool ok() const
{ return _rec != NULL; }
// @cmember Inizializza la struttura di <c TMemo_info>
void init_memo(const TRecnotype recno = RECORD_NON_FISICO );
// @cmember Scrive le informazioni contenute in <c TMemo_info>
void write_memo(isdef * file, const TRecnotype recno );
// @cmember Ritorna il reference alla <c TMemo_info>
TMemo_info& memo_info( ) const
{ CHECK( _memoinfo, "Tentativo di accesso ad una memoinfo vuota!" ); return *_memoinfo; }
// @cmember Indica se il record possiede un campo memo
bool has_memo() const
{ return _memoinfo != NULL; }
// @cmember Costruttore. Costruisce un record staccato da un file.
// Sarebbe meglio utilizzare uno degli altri due costruttori
virtual void init_memo(const TRecnotype recno = RECORD_NON_FISICO);
virtual void write_memo(isdef * file, const TRecnotype recno);
bool has_memo() const { return _memo_data != NULL; }
void memo_recno (const TRecnotype recno = RECORD_NON_FISICO) { _memo_recno = recno; }
// @cmember Costruttore Costruisce un record staccato da un file.
// Sarebbe meglio utilizzare una delle altre due
TRectype(int logicnum);
// @cmember Costruttore. Costruisce il record e lo associa al file isam <p i>
TRectype(const TBaseisamfile* i);
@ -322,7 +261,7 @@ public:
TRectype(const TRectype& r);
// @cmember Distruttore
virtual ~TRectype();
virtual ~TRectype();
// @doc EXTERNAL
@ -410,9 +349,9 @@ protected:
const char* filename() const;
// @access Public Member
// @cmember Sostituisce il record corrente del file
void set_curr(TRectype * curr);
// @cmember Sostituisce il record corrente del del file
void set_curr(TRectype * curr);
// @cmember Attiva la chiave <p nkey> sul file aperto
void setkey(int nkey);
// @cmember Ritorna la chiave attiva sul file aperto
@ -597,9 +536,6 @@ public:
TRectype& operator =(const TRectype& rec)
{ return curr() = rec;}
// @cmember Controlla se il file possiede dei campi memo
bool has_memo( );
// @cmember Costruttore
TBaseisamfile(int logicnum, bool linkrecinst = FALSE);
// @cmember Distruttore
@ -667,7 +603,7 @@ public:
// @cmember Calcola lo spazio che il file occuperebbe se venisse esteso a <p eox>
long size(TRecnotype eox);
// @cmember Esegue la conversione del tracciato record del file
int update(TTrec& newrec, bool vis = TRUE);
int update(const TTrec& newrec, bool vis = TRUE);
// @cmember Esegue sia <mf TSystemisamfile::packfile> e <mf TSystemisamfile::packindex>
int pack(bool vis = TRUE, bool ask = TRUE);