1995-04-10 15:10:08 +00:00
/* $Id: maskfld.h,v 1.27 1995-04-10 15:10:08 nik Exp $ */
1994-12-30 10:11:18 +00:00
#ifndef __MASKFLD_H
#define __MASKFLD_H
#ifndef __REAL_H
#include <real.h>
#ifndef __SCANNER_H
#include <scanner.h>
class TMask_field;
class TRelation; // __RELATION_H
class TCursor;
class TFieldref;
class TArray_sheet; // __SHEET_H
// @T
typedef bool (*CONTROL_HANDLER)(TMask_field& field, KEY key);
// @END
// @C
// Classe TMask_field : public TObject
// @END
class TMask_field : public TObject
friend class TMask;
TMask* _mask; // The mask the control belongs to
TString _help; // Help message
TFieldref* _field; // Corresponding field on the file
TBit_array _keys; // The keys the field belongs to
TBit_array _groups; // The groups the field belongs to
1995-02-28 10:30:50 +00:00
// nuovo
TToken_string _userdata; // User Data
1994-12-30 10:11:18 +00:00
static int _x, _y; // Coordinate of the control
static int _width; // Size of the control
1995-02-09 14:47:31 +00:00
static TString80 _prompt;
1994-12-30 10:11:18 +00:00
int _size; // Max length of the string
WINDOW _win; // Window of the control (not its parent!)
WINDOW _promptwin; // Prompt of the control
short _dlg; // Identifier of the control
int _validate_func; // Number of validation function
TArray _validate_parms; // Parameters for validation function
TArray _message; // Messages to send on modify
struct TField_Flags
bool automagic : 1;
bool dirty : 2; // Modified during run ?
bool enabled : 1; // Is editable
bool enable_default : 1;
bool firm : 1; // Is the current firm ?
bool focusdirty : 1; // Modified during focus ?
bool ghost : 1;
bool password : 1;
bool persistent : 1;
bool rightjust : 1;
bool roman : 1; // Is a Roman number ?
bool shown : 1; // Is visible
bool show_default : 1;
bool trim : 1; // Trim the string
bool uppercase : 1;
bool exchange : 1; // Value exchange
bool zerofilled : 1;
char update(const char*);
} _flags;
void construct(TScanner& scanner, WINDOW parent);
void construct(short id, const char* prompt, int x, int y, int len,
WINDOW parent, const char* flags = "", int width = 0);
virtual WINDOW win() const { return _win; }
WINDOW wincreate(WIN_TYPE ct, short dx, short dy,
const char* title, WINDOW parent, long flags);
int create_prompt(WINDOW parent, int width = 0, int heigth = 1);
long default_flags() const;
virtual void parse_head(TScanner& scanner);
virtual bool parse_item(TScanner& scanner);
virtual void create(WINDOW parent);
virtual void destroy();
virtual void highlight() const;
virtual const char* get_window_data() const;
virtual void set_window_data(const char* data);
virtual void set_field_data(const char* data);
virtual const char* get_field_data() const;
virtual void exchange(bool show_value, const real& n) {}
bool do_message(int n);
// @FPUB
short atodlg(const char* s) const;
WINDOW parent() const;
short dlg() const { return _dlg; }
virtual bool ok() const;
bool dirty() const { return _flags.dirty; }
bool focusdirty() const { return _flags.focusdirty; }
void set_focusdirty(bool d = TRUE) { _flags.focusdirty = d; }
void set_dirty(bool d = TRUE);
1995-01-16 15:10:52 +00:00
void set_justify(bool r) { _flags.rightjust = r; }
1994-12-30 10:11:18 +00:00
virtual const char* class_name() const;
virtual word class_id() const;
int size() const { return _size; }
bool roman() const { return _flags.roman; }
bool automagic() const { return _flags.automagic; }
bool ghost() const { return _flags.ghost; }
bool exchangeable() const { return _flags.exchange; }
virtual bool has_check() const { return FALSE;}
virtual bool has_query() const { return FALSE;}
virtual bool has_message() const { return _message.items() > 0; }
virtual CheckType check_type() const { return CHECK_NONE; }
bool required() const { return check_type() == CHECK_REQUIRED; }
virtual bool check(CheckTime = RUNNING_CHECK) { return TRUE;}
virtual void reset();
virtual void enable(bool on = TRUE);
void disable() { enable(FALSE); }
bool enabled() const { return _flags.enabled; }
void enable_default();
bool enabled_default() const { return _flags.enable_default; }
virtual void show(bool on = TRUE);
void hide() { show(FALSE); }
bool shown() const { return _flags.shown; }
void show_default();
bool active() const; // Is visible and enabled?
void set_handler(CONTROL_HANDLER handler) { _handler = handler; }
bool is_edit() const;
bool to_check(KEY k, bool checkrun = FALSE) const;
1995-01-16 15:10:52 +00:00
1994-12-30 10:11:18 +00:00
virtual bool on_hit();
virtual bool on_key(KEY key);
1995-01-16 15:10:52 +00:00
virtual bool test_focus_change();
1994-12-30 10:11:18 +00:00
void set(const char* s);
TString& get() const;
1995-02-28 10:44:16 +00:00
TToken_string& custom_data() { return _userdata; };
1995-02-28 10:30:50 +00:00
1994-12-30 10:11:18 +00:00
virtual const char* picture_data(const char* data, bool video);
1995-02-28 10:30:50 +00:00
virtual const char* warning() { return "";}
1994-12-30 10:11:18 +00:00
1995-01-26 13:57:53 +00:00
virtual bool autoload(const TRelation* r = NULL);
1994-12-30 10:11:18 +00:00
bool autosave(TRelation* r = NULL) const;
void undo();
const char* prompt() const;
void set_prompt(const char* p);
bool in_key(byte key) const { return _keys[key]; }
void set_key(byte key) { _keys.set(long(key)); _keys.set(0L);}
word last_key() const;
bool in_group(byte group) const { return _groups[group]; }
void set_group(byte group) { _groups.set(long(group)); _groups.set(0L);}
const TFieldref* field() const { return _field; }
void set_focus() const;
void send_key(KEY k, short to);
// set focus, message-box, set focus
bool message_box(const char* fmt, ...) const;
bool warning_box(const char* fmt, ...) const;
bool error_box(const char* fmt, ...) const;
bool yesno_box(const char* fmt, ...) const;
KEY yesnocancel_box(const char* fmt, ...) const;
TMask& mask() const { return *_mask; }
TMask_field(TMask* mask);
virtual ~TMask_field();
// @C
// Classe TEdit_field : public TMask_field
// @END
class TEdit_field : public TMask_field
friend class TBrowse;
friend class TList_sheet;
friend class TBrowse_sheet;
1995-02-09 08:13:51 +00:00
TString256 _str;
1994-12-30 10:11:18 +00:00
TString16 _picture;
TString _warning;
CheckType _check; // Accettabilita' di valori nulli
bool _forced;
bool _check_enabled; // Abilitato
TBrowse* _browse;
TList_sheet* _sheet;
WINDOW _buttonwin;
const TBrowse* get_browse(TScanner& scanner) const;
virtual word class_id() const;
virtual void parse_head(TScanner& scanner);
virtual bool parse_item(TScanner& scanner);
virtual void create(WINDOW parent);
virtual void destroy();
bool validate(KEY k);
virtual void set_window_data(const char* data);
virtual void set_field_data(const char* data);
virtual const char* get_field_data() const;
bool default_error_box() const;
// @FPUB
virtual bool on_hit();
virtual bool on_key(KEY key);
virtual bool has_check() const;
virtual bool has_query() const { return _browse || _sheet;}
virtual const char* picture_data(const char* data, bool video);
virtual const char * warning() { return _warning;}
virtual void show(bool on = TRUE);
virtual void enable(bool on = TRUE);
virtual CheckType check_type() const { return _check; }
void check_type(CheckType c) { _check = c; }
bool forced() const { return _forced;}
virtual bool check(CheckTime = RUNNING_CHECK);
TBrowse* browse() const { return _browse;}
TList_sheet* sheet() const { return _sheet;}
void enable_check(bool on = TRUE) ;
bool check_enabled() const { return _check_enabled;}
const char* format(const char* data);
const char* picture() const { return _picture; }
TEdit_field(TMask* mask);
virtual ~TEdit_field();
// TBrowse
class TBrowse
TEdit_field* _fld; // The field owning the sheet
TRelation* _relation; // Main relation
TCursor* _cursor; // Cursor on the relation
TString _insert;
TString _filter;
long _rec;
bool _secondary;
bool _checked;
TToken_string _head, _items;
TToken_string _inp_id, _inp_fn;
TToken_string _out_id, _out_fn;
void do_output(CheckTime = RUNNING_CHECK);
void do_clear();
bool do_insert();
TMask_field& field(short n) const;
TToken_string& create_siblings(TToken_string& siblings);
int inputs();
int do_input(bool filter = FALSE); // Serve ai TCursor_sheet
TBrowse(TEdit_field* f, TRelation* r, int key = 1, const char* filter = "");
TBrowse(TEdit_field* f, TCursor* c);
void parse_join(TScanner& scanner);
void parse_input(TScanner& scanner);
void parse_display(TScanner& scanner);
void parse_output(TScanner& scanner);
void parse_insert(TScanner& scanner);
bool parse_copy(const TString& what, const TBrowse& b);
void set_insert(const char* s) { _insert = s;}
const TString& get_insert() const { return _insert;}
const TString& get_filter() const { return _filter;}
TEdit_field& field() const { return *_fld; }
bool check(CheckTime = RUNNING_CHECK);
bool empty_check();
const TToken_string& head() const { return _head;}
const TToken_string& items() const { return _items;}
TCursor* cursor() const { return _cursor;}
bool checked() const { return _checked;}
bool secondary() const { return _secondary;}
KEY run();
// TList_sheet
class TList_sheet
TEdit_field* _fld; // The field owning the sheet
TArray_sheet* _sheet; // sheet with data;
int _row;
TToken_string _inp_id;
TToken_string _out_id;
int do_input();
void do_output(CheckTime = RUNNING_CHECK);
bool do_insert();
TMask_field& field(short id) const;
TList_sheet(TEdit_field* f, const char* caption, const char* head);
void parse_input(TScanner& scanner);
void read_item(TScanner& scanner);
void parse_output(TScanner& scanner);
TArray_sheet* sheet() { return _sheet; }
TEdit_field& field() const { return *_fld; }
bool check(CheckTime = RUNNING_CHECK);
KEY run();
// @C
// class TReal_field : public TEdit_field
// @END
class TReal_field : public TEdit_field
int _decimals;
virtual word class_id() const;
virtual const char* get_window_data() const;
virtual void set_window_data(const char* data);
virtual void exchange(bool show_value, const real& n);
virtual void create(WINDOW parent);
virtual void parse_head(TScanner& scanner);
virtual bool on_key(KEY key);
1995-01-26 13:57:53 +00:00
virtual bool autoload(const TRelation* r);
1994-12-30 10:11:18 +00:00
// @FPUB
1995-01-26 13:57:53 +00:00
1994-12-30 10:11:18 +00:00
void set_decimals(int d); // Set precision & picture
int decimals() const { return _decimals; } // Get precision
TReal_field(TMask* mask);
// @C
// class TDate_field : public TEdit_field
class TDate_field : public TEdit_field
1995-04-10 15:10:08 +00:00
1994-12-30 10:11:18 +00:00
1995-04-10 15:10:08 +00:00
const char* format_data(const char* data,bool* changed=NULL);
1994-12-30 10:11:18 +00:00
virtual word class_id() const;
virtual void create(WINDOW parent);
virtual bool on_key(KEY key);
virtual const char* get_window_data() const;
virtual void set_window_data(const char* data);
1995-04-10 15:10:08 +00:00
virtual const char* picture_data(const char* data, bool video);
1994-12-30 10:11:18 +00:00
// @FPUB
void parse_head(TScanner& scanner);
TDate_field(TMask* mask);
// @C
// class TBoolean_field : public TMask_field
// @END
class TBoolean_field : public TMask_field
bool _on;
virtual word class_id() const;
virtual void create(WINDOW parent);
virtual const char* get_window_data() const;
virtual void set_window_data(const char* data);
virtual void set_field_data(const char* data = NULL);
virtual const char* get_field_data() const;
virtual bool parse_item(TScanner& scanner);
virtual void enable(bool on);
virtual bool on_hit();
virtual bool on_key(KEY key);
// @FPUB
TBoolean_field(TMask* mask);
// @C
// class TList_field : public TMask_field
// @END
class TList_field : public TMask_field
void add_list();
TToken_string _values;
TToken_string _codes;
TString80 _str;
virtual word class_id() const;
virtual void set_window_data(const char* data);
virtual const char* get_window_data() const;
virtual void set_field_data(const char* data = NULL);
virtual const char* get_field_data() const;
virtual void create(WINDOW parent);
virtual void current(int n);
virtual int current() const;
int str2curr(const char* data);
virtual bool on_hit();
virtual bool on_key(KEY key);
virtual void read_item(TScanner& scanner);
virtual void parse_head(TScanner& scanner);
virtual bool parse_item(TScanner& scanner);
// @FPUB
TList_field(TMask* mask);
virtual void replace_items(const char* codes, const char* values);
virtual void add_item(const char* code_value);
virtual void delete_item(const char* code);
int items() const;
// @C
// class TRadio_field : public TList_field
// @END
class TRadio_field : public TList_field
enum { MAX_RADIO = 8 };
int _nitems;
int _active_item;
WINDOW _radio_ctl_win[MAX_RADIO];
virtual word class_id() const;
virtual void create(WINDOW parent);
virtual void destroy();
virtual void enable(bool on);
virtual void show(bool on);
virtual void current(int n);
virtual int current() const;
WINDOW win() const { return _radio_ctl_win[_active_item]; }
// @FPUB
TRadio_field(TMask* mask);
void check_radiobutton(WINDOW checked);
bool move_focus(int d);
// @C
// class TButton_field : public TMask_field
// @END
class TButton_field : public TMask_field
KEY _virtual_key, _exit_key;
virtual word class_id() const;
virtual void create(WINDOW parent);
void parse_head(TScanner& scanner);
bool parse_item(TScanner& scanner);
virtual void enable(bool);
virtual void show(bool);
virtual bool on_key(KEY key);
// @FPUB
TButton_field(TMask* mask);
KEY virtual_key() const { return _virtual_key; }
KEY exit_key() const { return _exit_key; }
// @C
// class TGroup_field : public TMask_field
// @END
class TGroup_field : public TMask_field
virtual void parse_head(TScanner& scanner);
virtual void create(WINDOW parent);
1995-02-01 18:04:04 +00:00
virtual void set_window_data(const char* data);
virtual void set_field_data(const char* data);
1994-12-30 10:11:18 +00:00
// @FPUB
TGroup_field(TMask* mask);
#endif // __MASKFLD_H