
829 lines
20 KiB
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#include "baseserv.h"
#include <wx/hashmap.h>
#include <wx/mstream.h>
#include <ctype.h>
// Conversion utilities
int FindChar(const wxString& str, char c, int from)
if (from <= 0)
return str.Find(c);
for (int i = from; str[i]; i++)
if (str[i] == c)
return i;
return -1;
wxString txt2xml(const wxString& str)
wxString tmp;
for (int i = 0; str[i]; i++)
if (str[i] < ' ' || str[i] > 'z' || strchr("&<>/", str[i]) != NULL)
tmp << wxString::Format("&#%X;", (int)(unsigned char)(str[i]));
tmp << str[i];
return tmp;
wxString xml2txt(const wxString& str)
int i = str.Find('&');
if (i >= 0)
wxString tmp = str.Left(i);
for (; str[i]; i++)
bool bProcessed = false;
if (str[i] == '&')
const int semicolon = FindChar(str, ';', i);
if (semicolon > i)
const wxString sub = str.Mid(i+1, semicolon-i-1);
int n;
if (sub[0] == '#')
bProcessed = sscanf(sub, "#%X", &n) == 1;
bProcessed = sscanf(sub, "%d", &n) == 1;
if (bProcessed)
tmp << char(n & 0xFF);
i = semicolon;
if (!bProcessed)
tmp << str[i];
return tmp;
return str;
// TDictionary
struct TEntry : public wxObject
wxString m_eng, m_src;
int m_max;
TEntry& operator=(const TEntry& e)
{ m_eng = e.m_eng; m_src = e.m_src; m_max = e.m_max; return *this; }
class TDictionary : public TStringHashTable
TBaseServerApp* m_app;
wxSortedArrayString m_sorted;
bool m_bDirty;
void ParseSpaces(const wxString& str, wxString& prefix,
wxString& body, wxString& postfix) const;
void AddEntry(const wxString& ita, const wxString& eng, const wxString& src, int max);
static bool FillCallback(TXmlItem& item, long jolly);
bool Load();
void Save();
wxString Translate(const wxString& ita);
wxString GetFileName() const;
bool LoadIfEmpty();
void SaveIfNeeded();
wxString OriginalEntry(size_t i);
wxString TranslatedEntry(size_t i);
const TEntry& GetEntry(size_t i);
void UpdateEntry(size_t i, const wxString& strValue);
void SetApp(TBaseServerApp* app) { m_app = app; }
wxString TDictionary::GetFileName() const
TBaseServerApp& app = (TBaseServerApp&)*wxTheApp;
return app.GetConfigString("Dictionary", "campodic.xml");
void TDictionary::Save()
const char* eol = "\r\n";
wxFileOutputStream outf(GetFileName());
outf << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" << eol;
outf << "<dictionary>" << eol;
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_sorted.GetCount(); i++)
const wxString& ita = m_sorted[i];
outf << " <entry>" << eol;
outf << " <ita>";
WriteXmlString(outf, ita);
outf << "</ita>" << eol;
outf << " <eng>";
const TEntry& e = operator[](ita);
WriteXmlString(outf, e.m_eng);
outf << "</eng>" << eol;
if (!e.m_src.IsEmpty())
outf << " <src>";
WriteXmlString(outf, e.m_src);
outf << "</src>" << eol;
if (e.m_max > 0)
wxString str; str.Printf("%d", e.m_max);
outf << " <max>" << str << "</max>" << eol;
outf << " </entry>" << eol;
outf << "</dictionary>" << eol;
m_bDirty = false;
void TDictionary::SaveIfNeeded()
if (m_bDirty)
void TDictionary::AddEntry(const wxString& ita, const wxString& eng, const wxString& src, int max)
TEntry e;
e.m_eng = eng;
e.m_src = src;
e.m_max = max;
operator[](ita) = e;
m_bDirty = true;
void TDictionary::UpdateEntry(size_t nEntry, const wxString& strValue)
if (nEntry >= 0 && nEntry < m_sorted.GetCount())
const wxString& ita = m_sorted[nEntry];
TEntry& e = operator[](ita);
e.m_eng = strValue;
wxString TDictionary::OriginalEntry(size_t i)
return m_sorted[i];
const TEntry& TDictionary::GetEntry(size_t i)
const wxString& ita = m_sorted[i];
const TEntry& e = operator[](ita);
return e;
wxString TDictionary::TranslatedEntry(size_t i)
const TEntry& e = GetEntry(i);
return e.m_eng;
wxSocketClient& operator<<(wxSocketClient& sock, const wxChar* str)
if (str && *str)
sock.Write(str, wxStrlen(str));
return sock;
bool TDictionary::Load()
wxFileInputStream scan(GetFileName());
wxString ita, eng, src, line;
int max;
while (!scan.Eof())
scan >> line;
if (line.StartsWith("<entry>"))
ita = eng = src = "";
max = 0;
} else
if (line.StartsWith("<ita>"))
const int eoi = line.Find("</ita>");
ita = xml2txt(line.Mid(5, eoi-5));
} else
if (line.StartsWith("<eng>") && !ita.IsEmpty())
const int eoe = line.Find("</eng>");
eng = xml2txt(line.Mid(5, eoe-5));
} else
if (line.StartsWith("<max>"))
const int eom = line.Find("</max>");
max = atoi(line.Mid(5, eom-5));
} else
if (line.StartsWith("<src>"))
const int eos = line.Find("</src>");
src = xml2txt(line.Mid(5, eos-5));
} else
if (line.StartsWith("</entry>"))
AddEntry(ita, eng, src, max);
m_bDirty = false;
return size() > 0;
bool TDictionary::LoadIfEmpty()
bool full = size() > 0;
if (!full)
full = Load();
return full;
inline bool IsGoodChar(wxChar c)
return isalnum(c) || strchr("@%'", c);
void TDictionary::ParseSpaces(const wxString& str, wxString& prefix,
wxString& body, wxString& postfix) const
int i, j;
for (i = 0; !IsGoodChar(str[i]); i++);
for (j = str.Length()-1; j >= i && !IsGoodChar(str[j]); j--);
if (i > 0)
prefix = str.Left(i);
if (j >= i)
postfix = str.Mid(j+1);
body = str.Mid(i, j-i+1);
wxString TDictionary::Translate(const wxString& ita)
wxString prefix, body, postfix;
ParseSpaces(ita, prefix, body, postfix);
const TStringHashTable::iterator i = find(body);
if (i != end())
const TEntry& e = i->second;
if (e.m_eng != "???")
body = prefix;
body += e.m_eng;
body += postfix;
return body;
AddEntry(ita, "???", wxEmptyString, 0);
if (m_app != NULL)
m_app->WriteLog("*** Unknown sentence");
return ita;
: TStringHashTable(10000), m_app(NULL), m_bDirty(false)
// TDictionaryServer
class TDictionaryServer : public TBaseServerApp
TDictionary m_DevotoOli;
virtual const wxChar* GetAppName() const;
virtual void ProcessCommand(wxString cmd, wxSocketBase& outs);
size_t FindIndex(const wxString& strKey);
bool DoTranslate(const TXmlItem& xmlMethod, TXmlItem& xmlAnswer);
bool SoapProcessMethod(const TXmlItem& xmlMethod, TXmlItem& xmlAnswer);
void ProcessSoapCommand(wxString cmd, wxSocketBase& outs);
void ProcessHttpGet(wxString cmd, wxSocketBase& outs);
void ProcessFormCommand(wxString cmd, wxSocketBase& outs);
void ProcessFormUpdateEntry(wxString& strFileName, THashTable& hashArgs);
void ProcessFormTranslate(wxString& strFileName, THashTable& hashArgs);
void CallCgi(wxString& strFilename);
bool IsMagicName(wxString& strFilename) const;
bool IsCgiName(wxString strFilename) const;
void Add2Columns(TXmlItem& table, const wxChar* href0, const wxChar* td0, const wxChar* td1) const;
void AddEditableRow(TXmlItem& table, const wxChar* txt1, const wxChar* txt2, const wxChar* txt3, const wxChar* txt4) const;
void GenerateIndex(TXmlItem& body);
void GenerateFile(wxString& strFilename);
virtual bool Initialization();
virtual bool Deinitialization();
bool TDictionaryServer::SoapProcessMethod(const TXmlItem& xmlMethod, TXmlItem& xmlAnswer)
const wxString& strMethod = xmlMethod.GetTag();
if (strMethod == "m:Translate")
return DoTranslate(xmlMethod, xmlAnswer);
return false;
bool TDictionaryServer::DoTranslate(const TXmlItem& xmlMethod, TXmlItem& xmlAnswer)
const TXmlItem* xmlSentence = xmlMethod.FindFirst("sentence");
if (xmlSentence != NULL)
const wxString ita = xmlSentence->GetEnclosedText();
wxString result = m_DevotoOli.Translate(ita);
xmlAnswer.AddSoapString("sentence", result);
return true;
return false;
bool TDictionaryServer::IsMagicName(wxString& strFilename) const
wxString strName;
wxSplitPath(strFilename, NULL, &strName, NULL);
const int q = strName.Find('?');
if (q > 0)
if (strName == "index" || strName == "dictionary")
return true;
if (strName == "log")
strFilename = GetLogFileName();
return false;
bool TDictionaryServer::IsCgiName(wxString strFilename) const
const int q = strFilename.Find('?');
if (q > 0)
strFilename = strFilename.Left(q);
wxString strExt;
wxSplitPath(strFilename, NULL, NULL, &strExt);
return strExt == "cgi" || strExt == "exe";
void TDictionaryServer::Add2Columns(TXmlItem& table, const wxChar* href0, const wxChar* txt0, const wxChar* txt1) const
TXmlItem& tr = table.AddChild("tr");
TXmlItem& a = tr.AddChild("td").AddChild("a");
a.SetAttr("href", href0);
a << txt0;
tr.AddChild("td") << txt1;
void TDictionaryServer::GenerateIndex(TXmlItem& body)
TXmlItem& table = body.AddChild("table");
table.SetAttr("border", "1"); table.SetAttr("width", "100%");
TXmlItem& tr = table.AddChild("tr");
wxChar cLast = '\0';
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_DevotoOli.size(); i++)
const wxChar cCurr = toupper(m_DevotoOli.OriginalEntry(i)[0u]);
if (cCurr > cLast)
TXmlItem& td = tr.AddChild("td").SetAttr("align", "center");
td.AddChild("a").SetAttr("href", wxString::Format("Dictionary?%c", cCurr));
td << wxString::Format("%c", cCurr);
cLast = cCurr;
void TDictionaryServer::AddEditableRow(TXmlItem& table, const wxChar* txt1, const wxChar* txt2, const wxChar* txt3, const wxChar* txt4) const
TXmlItem& tr = table.AddChild("tr");
TXmlItem& td0 = tr.AddChild("td");
const wxString cgi = wxString::Format("EditEntry.cgi?%c-%u",
toupper(*txt1), table.GetChildren()-3);
AddLinkButton(td0, "Edit", cgi).SetAttr("width", "100%");
tr.AddChild("td") << txt1;
tr.AddChild("td") << txt2;
tr.AddChild("td") << txt3;
tr.AddChild("td") << txt4;
void TDictionaryServer::GenerateFile(wxString& strFilename)
const int q = strFilename.Find('?');
wxString strArgs;
if (q > 0)
strArgs = strFilename.Mid(q+1);
wxString strName;
wxSplitPath(strFilename, NULL, &strName, NULL);
TXmlItem html;
TXmlItem& body = CreatePageBody(html);
if (strName == "index")
TXmlItem& table = body.AddChild("center").AddChild("table");
table.SetAttr("border", "1"); table.SetAttr("width", "70%");
Add2Columns(table, "Dictionary", "Dictionary", "Sorted listing of entries");
Add2Columns(table, "TranslateSentence.cgi", "Translate", "Translate a sentence");
Add2Columns(table, "Log", "Log", "Server activity log");
Add2Columns(table, "stop.cgi", "Stop", "Stop the server");
strFilename = GetTempFilename();
if (strName == "dictionary")
const wxChar cFilter = strArgs.IsEmpty() ? 'A' : toupper(strArgs[ 0u]);
TXmlItem& table = body.AddChild("table");
table.SetAttr("border", "1"); table.SetAttr("width", "100%");
table.AddChild("caption").AddChild("h1") << wxString::Format("%c", cFilter);
TXmlItem& table_th = table.AddChild("thead");
TXmlItem& th0 = table_th.AddChild("th"); th0.SetAttr("width", "6%");
TXmlItem& th1 = table_th.AddChild("th"); th1.SetAttr("width", "47%");
th1 << "Original text";
TXmlItem& th2 = table_th.AddChild("th").SetAttr("width", "47%");
th2 << "Translated text";
TXmlItem& th3 = table_th.AddChild("th");
th3 << "Sources";
TXmlItem& th4 = table_th.AddChild("th");
th4 << "Max. Size";
for (size_t i = 0; i < m_DevotoOli.size(); i++)
const wxString& orig = m_DevotoOli.OriginalEntry(i);
if (toupper(orig[0]) == cFilter)
const TEntry& e = m_DevotoOli.GetEntry(i);
wxString str;
if (e.m_max > 0)
str.Printf("%d", e.m_max);
AddEditableRow(table, orig, e.m_eng, e.m_src, str);
strFilename = GetTempFilename();
// Convert code (B-23) to position (107)
size_t TDictionaryServer::FindIndex(const wxString& strKey)
const wxChar cFirst = toupper(strKey[0]);
const size_t nPos = atoi(strKey.Mid(2));
size_t nFound = 0;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < m_DevotoOli.size(); i++)
const wxChar c = toupper(m_DevotoOli.OriginalEntry(i)[ 0u]);
if (c == cFirst)
if (nFound == nPos)
return i;
void TDictionaryServer::CallCgi(wxString& strFileName)
wxString strName, strExt, strArgs;
const int q = strFileName.Find('?');
if (q > 0)
strArgs = strFileName.Mid(q+1);
strFileName = strFileName.Left(q);
wxSplitPath(strFileName, NULL, &strName, &strExt);
if (strExt == "cgi")
TXmlItem html;
TXmlItem& body = CreatePageBody(html).AddChild("center");
if (strName == "EditEntry")
const size_t i = FindIndex(strArgs);
const TEntry& e = m_DevotoOli.GetEntry(i);
TXmlItem& ee = body.AddChild("h2");
ee << "Edit Entry " << strArgs;
TXmlItem& form = body.AddChild("form");
form.SetAttr("method", "post");
form.SetAttr("action", "UpdateEntry.cgi");
TXmlItem& ot = form.AddChild("h3");
ot << "Original text";
if (!e.m_src.IsEmpty())
ot << " (" << e.m_src << ")";
TXmlItem& ita = form.AddChild("textarea");
ita.SetAttr("cols", "80"); ita.SetAttr("rows", "4");
ita << m_DevotoOli.OriginalEntry(i);
TXmlItem& tt = form.AddChild("h3");
tt << "Translated text";
if (e.m_max > 0)
tt << wxString::Format(" (Max. %d chars)", e.m_max);
TXmlItem& ent = form.AddChild("input");
ent.SetAttr("type", "hidden"); ent.SetAttr("name", "Entry");
ent.SetAttr("value", strArgs);
TXmlItem& eng = form.AddChild("textarea");
eng.SetAttr("name", "Trans");
eng.SetAttr("cols", "80"); eng.SetAttr("rows", "4");
eng << e.m_eng;
TXmlItem& sub = form.AddChild("input");
sub.SetAttr("type", "submit");
sub.SetAttr("value", "Update Translation");
AddLinkButton(body, "Return to main page", "/");
if (strName == "TranslateSentence")
body.AddChild("h3") << "Input the text to be translated:";
TXmlItem& form = body.AddChild("form");
form.SetAttr("method", "post");
form.SetAttr("action", "Translate.cgi");
TXmlItem& ita = form.AddChild("textarea");
ita.SetAttr("name", "Sentence");
ita.SetAttr("cols", "80"); ita.SetAttr("rows", "4");
ita << "Menu Principale";
TXmlItem& sub = form.AddChild("input");
sub.SetAttr("type", "submit");
sub.SetAttr("value", "Translate");
strFileName = GetTempFilename();
} else
if (strExt == "exe")
// Implementazione delle due funzioni pure virtuali
const wxChar* TDictionaryServer::GetAppName() const
return "Dictionary";
void TDictionaryServer::ProcessSoapCommand(wxString cmd, wxSocketBase& sock)
TXmlItem xmlEnvelope;
TXmlItem& xmlBody = xmlEnvelope.AddChild("SOAP-ENV:Body");
const int soapstart = cmd.Find("<SOAP-ENV:");
if (soapstart > 0)
const size_t soaplen = cmd.length() - soapstart;
const char* buff = (const char*)cmd;
buff += soapstart;
wxMemoryInputStream input(buff, soaplen);
TXmlItem query;
if (query.Read(input))
const TXmlItem* pxmlBody = query.FindFirst("SOAP-ENV:Body");
if (pxmlBody != NULL) for (int m = 0; ; m++)
const TXmlItem* pxmlMethod = pxmlBody->GetChild(m);
if (pxmlMethod == NULL)
if (pxmlMethod->GetTag().StartsWith("m:"))
wxString str = pxmlMethod->GetTag(); str += "Result";
TXmlItem& xmlAnswer = xmlBody.AddChild(str);
SoapProcessMethod(*pxmlMethod, xmlAnswer);
const wxString strResult = xmlEnvelope.AsString();
sock << "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" << endl;
sock << "Connection: keep-alive" << endl;
sock << "Content-Length: " << strResult.Length() << endl;
sock << "Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8" << endl;
sock << "Date: " << wxDateTime::Now().Format("%#c") << endl;
sock << "Server: " << GetAppName() << endl;
sock << "Host: " << wxGetFullHostName() << endl;
sock << endl;
sock << strResult;
void TDictionaryServer::ProcessHttpGet(wxString cmd, wxSocketBase& outs)
const int stop = cmd.Find(" HTTP");
wxString str = cmd.Mid(4, stop-4).Trim();
if (str == "/")
str += "index.htm";
wxString strFilename = GetDocumentRoot() + str;
if (IsMagicName(strFilename))
GenerateFile(strFilename); else
if (IsCgiName(strFilename))
SendFile(strFilename, outs);
void TDictionaryServer::ProcessFormUpdateEntry(wxString& strFileName,
THashTable& hashArgs)
const wxString key = hashArgs.Get("Entry");
size_t nEntry = FindIndex(key);
const wxString strValue = hashArgs.Get("Trans");
m_DevotoOli.UpdateEntry(nEntry, strValue);
TXmlItem html;
TXmlItem& body = CreatePageBody(html).AddChild("center");
body.AddChild("h2") << "Entry updated!";
strFileName = "dictionary?";
strFileName << key[0];
AddLinkButton(body, "Return to Dictionary", strFileName);
strFileName = GetTempFilename();
void TDictionaryServer::ProcessFormTranslate(wxString& strFileName,
THashTable& hashArgs)
const wxString strValue = hashArgs.Get("Sentence");
TXmlItem html;
TXmlItem& body = CreatePageBody(html).AddChild("center");
body.AddChild("h3") << "Input the text to be translated:";
TXmlItem& form = body.AddChild("form");
form.SetAttr("method", "post");
form.SetAttr("action", "Translate.cgi");
TXmlItem& ita = form.AddChild("textarea");
ita.SetAttr("name", "Sentence");
ita.SetAttr("cols", "80"); ita.SetAttr("rows", "3");
ita << strValue;
form.AddChild("h3") << "Translated text:";
const wxString strTrans = m_DevotoOli.Translate(strValue);
if (strTrans == strValue)
form.AddChild("p") << "Couldn't find a good translation for your text!";
TXmlItem& eng = form.AddChild("textarea");
eng.SetAttr("cols", "80"); eng.SetAttr("rows", "3");
eng << strTrans;
TXmlItem& sub = form.AddChild("input");
sub.SetAttr("type", "submit");
sub.SetAttr("value", "Translate");
AddLinkButton(body, "Return to main page", "/");
strFileName = GetTempFilename();
void TDictionaryServer::ProcessFormCommand(wxString cmd, wxSocketBase& outs)
const int stop = cmd.Find(" HTTP");
wxString strFileName = cmd.Mid(5, stop-5).Trim();
wxString strName, args;
wxSplitPath(strFileName, NULL, &strName, NULL);
const int pos = cmd.Find("\r\n\r\n");
if (pos > 0)
args = cmd.Mid(pos+4);
THashTable hashArgs(13);
ParseArguments(args, hashArgs);
strFileName = GetTempFilename();
if (strName == "UpdateEntry")
ProcessFormUpdateEntry(strFileName, hashArgs); else
if (strName == "Translate")
ProcessFormTranslate(strFileName, hashArgs);
SendFile(strFileName, outs);
void TDictionaryServer::ProcessCommand(wxString cmd, wxSocketBase& outs)
if (cmd.StartsWith("POST "))
if (cmd.Find("SOAPAction") > 0)
ProcessSoapCommand(cmd, outs);
ProcessFormCommand(cmd, outs);
} else
if (cmd.StartsWith("GET "))
ProcessHttpGet(cmd, outs);
bool TDictionaryServer::Initialization()
return m_DevotoOli.LoadIfEmpty();
bool TDictionaryServer::Deinitialization()
return true;
// Istanziare l'applicazione principale