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// C++/DOS Example program for ArchiveLib 2.0
// Copyright (c) Greenleaf Software, Inc. 1994 - 1996
// All Rights Reserved
// ALMonitor::ArchiveOperation()
// ALMonitor::Progress()
// This example program shows you a little demo of how to derive
// a new class of ALMonitor. This monitor just prints out a byte
// count while the object progresses. It doesn't support AL_MONITOR_JOB,
// just the mode that monitors individual objects. But it wouldn't
// be too much more complicated if it did.
// February 1, 1996 2.0A : Second release
#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include "arclib.h"
#include "pkarc.h"
#include "glarc.h"
// All you need to create a simple new class of ALMonitor is a new
// ctor, and two member functions. The behavior of Progress() and
// ArchiveOperation() are fairly well documented, and you can see
// complete working examples in our three monitor classes provided with
// ArchiveLib.
class AL_CLASS_TYPE DemoMonitor: public ALMonitor {
public :
virtual AL_INLINE_PROTO ~DemoMonitor(){;}
// I don't really need these functions, but if I don't declare them here,
// gcc goes looking for them, even though it doesn't need them.
protected :
AL_PROTO DemoMonitor( DemoMonitor AL_DLL_FAR & );
DemoMonitor AL_DLL_FAR & AL_PROTO operator=( const DemoMonitor AL_DLL_FAR & );
protected :
virtual void AL_PROTO Progress( long mlObjectSoFar,
ALStorage& object );
virtual void AL_PROTO
ArchiveOperation( ALArchiveOperation operation,
ALArchive *,
ALEntry * );
// Unlike EX00CON.CPP and its brethren, this example insists that you
// provide an archive name and a list of input files on the command
// line. It then performs a straightforward archive creation.
int main( int argc, char *argv[] )
cout << "Archive Library 2.0\nEX20CON.CPP\n\n";
cout << "All you need to create a simple new class of ALMonitor is a new\n";
cout << "ctor, and two member functions. The behavior of Progress() and\n";
cout << "ArchiveOperation() are fairly well documented, and you can see\n";
cout << "complete working examples in our three monitor classes provided with\n";
cout << "ArchiveLib.\n\n";
if ( argc < 3 ) {
cerr << "Usage: EX20CON archive files [files...]\n";
return 1;
ALName archive_name = argv[ 1 ];
// Normally you wouldn't think this cast was necessary, but gcc can't
// seem to figure it out.
DemoMonitor monitor;
#if defined( ZIP )
if ( strchr( archive_name, '.' ) == 0 )
archive_name = archive_name + ".zip";
ALPkArchive archive( (char *) archive_name );
ALEntryList list( &monitor, PkCompressTools() );
if ( strchr( archive_name, '.' ) == 0 )
archive_name = archive_name + ".gal";
ALGlArchive archive( (char *) archive_name );
ALEntryList list( &monitor );
for ( int i = 2 ; argv[ i ] && strlen( argv[ i ] ) ; i++ )
list.AddWildCardFiles( argv[ i ] );
// We let the user input multiple wild-card specs, so it would be really
// easy to get some duplicates in the list. These function calls
// make sure that can't happen.
list.UnmarkDuplicates( list );
cout << "\nList of files to be compressed: ";
for ( ALEntry *entry = list.GetFirstEntry();
entry = entry->GetNextEntry() )
cout << entry->mpStorageObject->mName << " ";
cout << "\nCompressing...\n";
archive.Create( list );
return 0;
// The progress routine prints out the current object name and size, then
// does a CR with no LF. This means it will keep overwriting the name
// of the object and the size as long as the archive progresses.
void AL_PROTO DemoMonitor::Progress( long object_tell,
ALStorage& object )
ALMonitor::Progress( object_tell, object );
cout << object.mName
<< " : "
<< mlByteCount
<< "/"
<< object.GetSize()
<< "\r"
<< flush;
// When we are done with an object, we print an LF, so that the last
// thing printed on the line gets left there. For this particular
// class, that ought to be the object name followed by its file size.
void AL_PROTO DemoMonitor::ArchiveOperation( ALArchiveOperation operation,
ALArchive *,
ALEntry * )
switch ( operation ) {
cout << "\n";
default :
cout << flush;