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/* $Id: pc_string.h,v 1.2 2008-10-20 14:35:00 guy Exp $
* The core string classes.
#ifndef PC_STRING_H
#define PC_STRING_H
#include "pc_core.h"
/* there are two pdcore string classes. the structures "behind"
** these classes are opaque. conceptually, pdc_bstr objects are
** sequences of 'pdc_byte' (unsigned 8-bit entities), whereas
** pdc_ustr objects are sequences of 'pdc_ucval' ("unicode value";
** unsigned 32-bit entities).
typedef struct pdc_bstr_s pdc_bstr; /* byte strings */
typedef struct pdc_ustr_s pdc_ustr; /* unicode strings */
/* TODO: naming conventions for "per module" init/cleanup */
void pdc_init_strings(pdc_core *pdc);
void pdc_cleanup_strings(pdc_core *pdc);
/* */
/* string object construction and deletion. */
/* */
/* convert raw memory into an (empty) string object.
void pdc_bs_boot(pdc_core *pdc, pdc_bstr *s);
void pdc_us_boot(pdc_core *pdc, pdc_ustr *s);
/* release all resources allocated by a string object (if any).
void pdc_bs_shutdown(pdc_bstr *s);
void pdc_us_shutdown(pdc_ustr *s);
/* allocate a new (empty) pdc_bstr object.
pdc_bstr *pdc_bs_new(pdc_core *pdc);
/* allocate a new pdc_ustr object and initialize its contents with the
** 'n' values from 'src'. if 'src' is null or 'n' is zero,
** an empty string object is constructed.
pdc_ustr *pdc_us_new(pdc_core *pdc, const pdc_ucval *src, size_t n);
/* TODO: more constructors for various "source" types, eg.
pdc_ustr *pdc_us_new_utf16(pdc_core *pdc, const pdc_ushort *src, size_t n);
pdc_ustr *pdc_us_new_utf8(pdc_core *pdc, const pdc_byte *src, size_t n);
/* return a copy of string 'src' ("copy constructor").
pdc_bstr *pdc_bs_dup(const pdc_bstr *src);
pdc_ustr *pdc_us_dup(const pdc_ustr *src);
/* delete a string object explicitly ("destructor").
void pdc_bs_delete(pdc_bstr *s);
void pdc_us_delete(pdc_ustr *s);
/* */
/* "getters". */
/* */
/* get the length of a string object in bytes or unicode values, resp.
size_t pdc_bs_length(const pdc_bstr *s);
size_t pdc_us_length(const pdc_ustr *s);
/* string component access (range checked).
pdc_byte pdc_bs_get(const pdc_bstr *s, int idx);
pdc_ucval pdc_us_get(const pdc_ustr *s, int idx);
/* TODO: try to get rid of that. */
const pdc_byte *pdc_bs_get_cptr(const pdc_bstr *s);
const pdc_byte *pdc_us_get_cptr(const pdc_ustr *s);
/* */
/* "modifiers". */
/* */
/* copy 'src' to 'dst' ("assignment operator").
void pdc_bs_copy(pdc_bstr *dst, const pdc_bstr *src);
void pdc_us_copy(pdc_ustr *dst, const pdc_ustr *src);
/* copy part of 'src' to 'dst'.
void pdc_bs_substr(pdc_bstr *dst, const pdc_bstr *src,
size_t pos, size_t len);
void pdc_us_substr(pdc_ustr *dst, const pdc_ustr *src,
size_t pos, size_t len);
/* insert 'src' into 'dst' at 'pos'.
void pdc_bs_insert(pdc_bstr *dst, const pdc_bstr *src, size_t pos);
void pdc_us_insert(pdc_ustr *dst, const pdc_ustr *src, size_t pos);
/* append 'src' to 'dst'.
void pdc_bs_concat(pdc_bstr *dst, const pdc_bstr *src);
void pdc_us_concat(pdc_ustr *dst, const pdc_ustr *src);
/* string component access (range checked).
void pdc_bs_set(pdc_bstr *s, int idx, pdc_byte val);
void pdc_us_set(pdc_ustr *s, int idx, pdc_ucval val);
/* case conversion.
void pdc_bs_tolower(pdc_bstr *s);
void pdc_bs_toupper(pdc_bstr *s);
/* */
/* stream-like functions. */
/* */
/* append 'n' values from 'src' to 'dst'. if 'n' is zero,
** or 'src' is null, 'dst' remains unchanged.
void pdc_bs_write(pdc_bstr *dst, const pdc_byte *src, size_t n);
/* append the null terminated string 'src' to 'dst'.
void pdc_bs_puts(pdc_bstr *dst, const pdc_byte *src);
/* append 'n' values from 'src' to 'dst'. if 'src' is null or 'n'
** is zero, 'dst' remains unchanged.
void pdc_us_write(pdc_ustr *dst, const pdc_ucval *src, size_t n);
void pdc_us_write_utf16(pdc_ustr *dst, const pdc_ushort *src, size_t n);
/* TODO: more writer functions for various "source" types, eg.
void pdc_us_write_utf8(pdc_ustr *dst, const pdc_byte *src, size_t n);
/* reset 's' to an empty stream object.
void pdc_bs_rewrite(pdc_bstr *s);
void pdc_us_rewrite(pdc_ustr *s);
/* append a single byte (or unicode value, resp.) to a string object.
void pdc_bs_putc(pdc_bstr *s, pdc_byte val);
void pdc_us_putc(pdc_ustr *s, pdc_ucval val);
/* TODO: stream-like read access. again, the read functions for pdc_ustr
** objects will be available in several flavors in order to support
** conversion to various "external" formats.
void pdc_bs_reset(pdc_bstr *s);
void pdc_us_reset(pdc_ustr *s);
void pdc_bs_seek(pdc_bstr *s, size_t pos);
void pdc_us_seek(pdc_ustr *s, size_t pos);
size_t pdc_bs_tell(const pdc_bstr *s);
size_t pdc_us_tell(const pdc_ustr *s);
size_t pdc_bs_read(pdc_bstr *src, pdc_byte *dst, size_t n);
size_t pdc_us_read(pdc_ustr *src, pdc_ucval *dst, size_t n);
size_t pdc_us_read_utf16(pdc_ustr *src, pdc_ushort *dst, size_t n);
size_t pdc_us_read_utf8(pdc_ustr *src, pdc_byte *dst, size_t n);
/* */
/* other utilities. */
/* */
int pdc_bs_compare(const pdc_bstr *s1, const pdc_bstr *s2);
/* */
/* */
/* the declarations below are strictly private to the implementation */
/* module, and must not be used by any client modules! */
/* */
struct pdc_bstr_s
pdc_core * pdc;
pdc_byte buf0[PDC_STR_INLINE_CAP];
pdc_byte * buf;
size_t len;
size_t cap;
struct pdc_ustr_s
pdc_core * pdc;
pdc_ucval buf0[PDC_STR_INLINE_CAP];
pdc_ucval * buf;
size_t len;
size_t cap;
#if 0
/* string representation.
typedef struct
pdc_byte * buf; /* contents */
size_t cap; /* capacity (unit: pdc_byte) */
size_t len; /* length (unit: pdc_byte) */
int ref; /* reference count */
} pdc_bs_rep;
typedef struct
pdc_ucval * buf; /* contents */
size_t cap; /* capacity (unit: pdc_ucval) */
size_t len; /* length (unit: pdc_ucval) */
int ref; /* reference count */
} pdc_us_rep;
struct pdc_bstr_s
pdc_core * pdc;
pdc_bs_rep *rep;
struct pdc_ustr_s
pdc_core * pdc;
pdc_us_rep *rep;
#endif /* PC_STRING_H */