1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
//Lista movimenti
# include <mask.h>
# include <printapp.h>
# include <relation.h>
# include <tabutil.h>
# include <utility.h>
# include <urldefid.h>
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
# include <array.h>
# include <lffiles.h>
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
# include <mov.h>
# include <rmov.h>
# include <rmoviva.h>
# include <pconti.h>
# include <comuni.h>
# include <clifo.h>
# include <saldi.h>
# include <attiv.h>
# include <causali.h>
# include <nditte.h>
# include "cg3.h"
# include "cg3100.h"
# include "cglib03.h"
# include "cg2103.h"
static TString256 TMP ;
enum liste {
movimenti = 1 ,
fatture = 2 ,
movimenti_sezionale = 3
} ;
bool filter_func ( const TRelation * ) ;
bool filter_func_fatture ( const TRelation * ) ;
bool annoes ( TMask_field & , KEY ) ;
bool data_inizio ( TMask_field & , KEY ) ;
bool data_fine ( TMask_field & , KEY ) ;
HIDDEN int date2esc ( const TDate & d , int * prevesc = NULL ) ;
HIDDEN const char * err_msg [ ] = { " La data operazione non appartiene a nessun esercizio " ,
" Anno IVA non compatibile con data operazione " ,
" Data operazione successiva all'anno di competenza " ,
" Movimento con competenza anno precedente " ,
" La data di competenza non appartiene a nessun esercizio " ,
" Data competenza incompatibile con data operazione " ,
" Anno esercizio incompatibile con data competenza " ,
" Codice causale non presente in tabella " ,
" Codice causale sospeso " ,
" Nella causale e' stato attivato il segnale non va in allegato " ,
" Tipo documento non presente in tabella " ,
" Tipo documento non corrisponde a quello indicato in causale " ,
" Codice registro non corrisponde a quello indicato in causale " ,
" Codice registro non presente in tabella " ,
" Codice registro sospeso " ,
" Tipo registro incompatibile con tipo documento " ,
" Non indicato codice cliente/fornitore " ,
" Tipo cliente/fornitore non compatibile con tipo registro " ,
" Codice cliente/fornitore sospeso " ,
" Nel cliente/fornitore e' stato attivato il segnale: non va in allegato " ,
" Indicato codice C/F per allegato che richiama se stesso " ,
" Indicato codice C/F per allegato sospeso " ,
" C/F per allegato riporta un altro C/F per allegato " ,
" Indicato codice C/F per allegato con segnale: non va in allegato " ,
" Indicato codice C/F per allegato non presente in anagrafica " ,
" Codice cliente/fornitore non presente in anagrafica " } ;
class TListaMov_application : public TPrintapp
friend bool filter_func ( const TRelation * ) ;
friend bool filter_func_fatture ( const TRelation * ) ;
friend bool annoes ( TMask_field & , KEY ) ;
friend bool data_inizio ( TMask_field & , KEY ) ;
friend bool data_fine ( TMask_field & , KEY ) ;
TRigaiva_array _c ;
TTable * _tabiva , * _tabtpd , * _tabreg , * _tabes ;
TLocalisamfile * _caus , * _comuni , * _rmoviva , * _clifo , * _pcon , * _attiv , * _nditte , * _saldi ;
TRelation * _relmov , * _relmov1 , * _relmov2 , * _relmov3 ;
TCursor * _curr1 , * _curr2 , * _curr3 ;
TBit_array _err ;
TDate _data_ini , _data_fin , _datareg , _data_prec , _datacomp ;
TString _descr , _descr_doc , _descr_causale ;
TString _tipo_ini , _masc , _causale ;
TString _causale_ini , _causale_fin , _registro , _registro_ini , _registro_fin ;
TString _tipoatt , _tipo_elenco , _tipo_clifo_prec , _cod , _tipoelsucc ;
TString _appoggio , _tipodoc , _tipodocumento ;
TString _ragsoc , _indcf , _civcf , _paiv , _codcaus , _dencom , _provcom , _cofi ;
TString _capcf , _codval , _simbolo , _statocf , _comcf , _tipo_fin , _reg_causale ;
long _documenti , _codice_ini , _codice_fin , _numero_reg , _codcf ;
long _numreg , _numreg_fin , _numreg_ini , _codalleg , _numeroregp , _codclifosucc ;
long _codcf_prec , _numr , _numero ;
int _ae , _anno , _annoes , _annoeser ;
char _tipo ;
real _totdocumenti , _totdoc , _totimponibile , _totimposta , _importo ;
real _op_esenti , _op_non_imp , _impo , _impos ;
real _tot_dare , _tot_avere , _tot_avere_giornaliero ;
real _tot_dare_giornaliero , _tot_dare_generale , _tot_avere_generale ;
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
bool _intra , _no_preprocess_page , _salto_pagina , _stampa_anno_comp , _esiste_riga_iva , _nonesiste_riga_iva ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
bool _stampa_parte_iva , _alleg_causale , _stampa_mess_alleg_iva , _allegb , _ricser ;
bool _settata_prima_riga , _causale_gia_stampata ;
int _cur1 , _cur2 , _cur2b , _cur3 , _cur4 , _decidi , _tipod , _controllo_mov_errati ;
int _numero_riga , _alleg , _tiporegistro , _tipocr , _scelta_stampa , _nr , _n ;
liste _tipo_lista ;
word _flags ;
protected :
virtual void preprocess_header ( ) ;
virtual bool preprocess_page ( int , int ) ;
virtual print_action postprocess_page ( int , int ) ;
virtual print_action postprocess_print ( int , int ) ;
virtual void set_page ( int , int ) ;
virtual bool set_print ( int m ) ;
void init_print ( const TMask & m ) ;
public :
bool user_create ( ) ;
bool user_destroy ( ) ;
bool segnala_errori_primariga ( ) ;
bool segnala_errori_ogniriga ( ) ;
bool segnala_errori_iva ( ) ;
bool contropartita ( ) ;
void stampa_errori_rmov ( ) ;
void stampa_errori_mov ( ) ;
void stampa_errori_iva ( int * , const char * , const int , const int ) ;
void stampa_errori_contropartita ( ) ;
void stampa_intestazione ( ) ;
void incrementa_totali ( ) ;
void compila_clifo ( ) ;
void compila_comuni ( ) ;
bool RicercaDoc ( const char * ) ;
TListaMov_application ( ) : _err ( 80 ) { }
virtual ~ TListaMov_application ( ) { }
} ;
HIDDEN inline TListaMov_application & app ( )
{ return ( TListaMov_application & ) main_app ( ) ; }
HIDDEN int date2esc ( const TDate & d , int * prevesc )
if ( prevesc ) * prevesc = 0 ;
TTable esc ( " ESC " ) ;
for ( int err = esc . first ( ) ; err = = NOERR ; err = esc . next ( ) )
const TDate ia ( esc . get ( " D0 " ) ) ; // Data inizio esercizio
const TDate fa ( esc . get ( " D1 " ) ) ; // Data fine esercizio
const anno = esc . get_int ( " CODTAB " ) ;
if ( d > = ia & & d < = fa )
return anno ;
if ( prevesc ) * prevesc = anno ;
return 0 ;
TDate InizioEsercizio ( int anno )
TTable TabEs ( " ESC " ) ;
TString16 codtab ;
TDate inizio_es ;
TabEs . zero ( ) ;
codtab . format ( " %04d " , anno ) ;
TabEs . put ( " CODTAB " , codtab ) ;
TabEs . read ( ) ;
if ( TabEs . good ( ) )
inizio_es = TabEs . get_date ( " D0 " ) ;
return inizio_es ;
TDate FineEsercizio ( int anno )
TTable TabEs ( " ESC " ) ;
TString16 codtab ;
TDate fine_es ;
TabEs . zero ( ) ;
codtab . format ( " %04d " , anno ) ;
TabEs . put ( " CODTAB " , codtab ) ;
TabEs . read ( ) ;
if ( TabEs . good ( ) )
fine_es = TabEs . get_date ( " D1 " ) ;
else fine_es = botime ;
return fine_es ;
bool annoes ( TMask_field & f , KEY k )
if ( k = = K_TAB )
int anno = f . mask ( ) . get_int ( F_ANNO ) ;
if ( anno ! = 0 )
f . mask ( ) . field ( F_DATAINI ) . set ( InizioEsercizio ( anno ) ) ;
TDate fine = FineEsercizio ( anno + 1 ) ;
if ( fine = = botime )
fine = FineEsercizio ( anno ) ;
f . mask ( ) . field ( F_DATAFIN ) . set ( fine ) ;
return TRUE ;
bool data_inizio ( TMask_field & f , KEY k )
if ( k = = K_ENTER )
int decidi ;
int anno = f . mask ( ) . get_int ( F_ANNO ) ;
TDate data = f . mask ( ) . get ( F_DATAINI ) ;
if ( app ( ) . _masc = = " cg3100a " )
decidi = f . mask ( ) . get_int ( F_DECIDI ) ;
if ( anno ! = 0 & & ( ( app ( ) . _masc = = " cg3100b " ) | |
( ( app ( ) . _masc = = " cg3100a " ) & & ( decidi = = 2 ) ) ) )
if ( ! data . ok ( ) ) //se la data e' vuota
f . mask ( ) . field ( F_DATAINI ) . set ( InizioEsercizio ( anno ) ) ;
if ( data < InizioEsercizio ( anno ) )
f . error_box ( " La data indicata non deve essere inferiore alla data di inizio esercizio " ) ;
return FALSE ;
return TRUE ;
bool data_fine ( TMask_field & f , KEY k )
if ( k = = K_ENTER )
int decidi ;
int anno = f . mask ( ) . get_int ( F_ANNO ) ;
TDate dataini = f . mask ( ) . get ( F_DATAINI ) ;
TDate datafin = f . mask ( ) . get ( F_DATAFIN ) ;
if ( app ( ) . _masc = = " cg3100a " )
decidi = f . mask ( ) . get_int ( F_DECIDI ) ;
if ( ( app ( ) . _masc = = " cg3100b " ) | |
( ( app ( ) . _masc = = " cg3100a " ) & & ( decidi = = 2 ) ) )
if ( dataini . ok ( ) & & datafin . ok ( ) )
if ( dataini > datafin )
f . error_box ( " La data iniziale non deve essere superiore alla data finale " ) ;
return FALSE ;
if ( anno ! = 0 & & ( ( app ( ) . _masc = = " cg3100b " ) | |
( ( app ( ) . _masc = = " cg3100a " ) & & ( decidi = = 2 ) ) ) )
TDate fine = FineEsercizio ( anno + 1 ) ;
if ( fine = = botime )
fine = FineEsercizio ( anno ) ;
if ( ! datafin . ok ( ) ) //se la data e' vuota
f . mask ( ) . field ( F_DATAFIN ) . set ( fine ) ;
if ( datafin > fine )
f . error_box ( " La data indicata non deve essere superiore alla data di fine esercizio successivo, oppure, in caso questo non esista, dell'esercizio indicato " ) ;
return FALSE ;
return TRUE ;
bool TListaMov_application : : RicercaDoc ( const char * tipo )
TTable tab_tpd ( TAB_TPD ) ;
TString codtab = format ( " %-2s " , tipo ) ;
tab_tpd . zero ( ) ;
tab_tpd . put ( " CODTAB " , codtab ) ;
tab_tpd . read ( ) ;
if ( tab_tpd . good ( ) )
return TRUE ;
return FALSE ;
void TListaMov_application : : compila_clifo ( )
_clifo - > setkey ( 1 ) ;
_clifo - > zero ( ) ;
_clifo - > put ( CLI_TIPOCF , _tipo_elenco ) ;
_clifo - > put ( CLI_CODCF , _codcf ) ;
_clifo - > read ( ) ;
if ( _clifo - > bad ( ) )
_clifo - > zero ( ) ;
char tipoa = _clifo - > curr ( ) . get_char ( " TIPOAPER " ) ;
_alleg = _clifo - > curr ( ) . get_int ( CLI_ALLEG ) ;
_statocf = _clifo - > curr ( ) . get ( CLI_STATOCF ) ;
_comcf = _clifo - > curr ( ) . get ( CLI_COMCF ) ;
_ragsoc = _clifo - > curr ( ) . get ( CLI_RAGSOC ) ;
if ( tipoa = = ' F ' )
TString80 cognome , nome ;
cognome = _ragsoc . mid ( 0 , 30 ) ;
nome = _ragsoc . mid ( 30 , 20 ) ;
cognome . trim ( ) ; nome . trim ( ) ;
_ragsoc = cognome ;
_ragsoc < < " " < < nome ;
_indcf = _clifo - > curr ( ) . get ( CLI_INDCF ) ;
_civcf = _clifo - > curr ( ) . get ( CLI_CIVCF ) ;
_paiv = _clifo - > curr ( ) . get ( CLI_PAIV ) ;
_capcf = _clifo - > curr ( ) . get ( CLI_CAPCF ) ;
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
_dencom = _clifo - > curr ( ) . get ( CLI_LOCCF ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
_cofi = _clifo - > curr ( ) . get ( CLI_COFI ) ;
_codalleg = _clifo - > curr ( ) . get_long ( CLI_CODALLEG ) ;
void TListaMov_application : : compila_comuni ( )
_comuni - > setkey ( 1 ) ;
_comuni - > zero ( ) ;
_comuni - > put ( COM_STATO , _statocf ) ;
_comuni - > put ( COM_COM , _comcf ) ;
_comuni - > read ( ) ;
if ( _comuni - > bad ( ) )
_comuni - > curr ( ) . zero ( ) ;
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
//_dencom = _comuni->get(COM_DENCOM);
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
_provcom = _comuni - > get ( COM_PROVCOM ) ;
const int AllegClifo ( int gruppo , int conto , long sottoconto )
TLocalisamfile clifo ( LF_CLIFO ) ;
int alleg ;
clifo . setkey ( 3 ) ;
clifo . zero ( ) ;
clifo . put ( CLI_GRUPPO , gruppo ) ;
clifo . put ( CLI_CONTO , conto ) ;
clifo . put ( CLI_CODCF , sottoconto ) ;
clifo . read ( ) ;
if ( clifo . good ( ) )
alleg = clifo . curr ( ) . get_int ( CLI_ALLEG ) ;
alleg = 0 ;
return alleg ;
const char * DescrConto ( long gruppo , long conto , long sottoconto ,
const char * tipocf )
TString80 ragsoc ;
const char * desc = NULL ;
TLocalisamfile pcon ( LF_PCON ) ;
TLocalisamfile clifo ( LF_CLIFO ) ;
pcon . setkey ( 1 ) ;
pcon . zero ( ) ;
pcon . put ( PCN_GRUPPO , gruppo ) ;
if ( conto ! = 0 )
pcon . put ( PCN_CONTO , conto ) ;
if ( sottoconto ! = 0 )
pcon . put ( PCN_SOTTOCONTO , sottoconto ) ;
pcon . read ( ) ;
if ( pcon . good ( ) )
TMP = pcon . curr ( ) . get ( PCN_DESCR ) ;
clifo . setkey ( 1 ) ;
clifo . zero ( ) ;
clifo . put ( CLI_CODCF , sottoconto ) ;
clifo . put ( CLI_TIPOCF , tipocf ) ;
if ( clifo . read ( ) = = NOERR )
char tipoa = clifo . get_char ( " TIPOAPER " ) ;
if ( tipoa = = ' F ' ) //persona fisica
TString80 cognome , nome ;
ragsoc = clifo . get ( " RAGSOC " ) ;
cognome = ragsoc . mid ( 0 , 30 ) ;
nome = ragsoc . mid ( 30 , 20 ) ;
cognome . trim ( ) ; nome . trim ( ) ;
ragsoc = cognome ;
ragsoc < < " " < < nome ;
desc = ragsoc ;
desc = clifo . get ( " RAGSOC " ) ;
TMP = desc ;
TMP = " " ;
return TMP ;
bool CausAlleg ( const char * cod )
TLocalisamfile caus ( LF_CAUSALI ) ;
bool allegb ;
caus . setkey ( 1 ) ;
caus . zero ( ) ;
caus . put ( CAU_CODCAUS , cod ) ;
caus . read ( ) ;
if ( caus . bad ( ) )
caus . zero ( ) ;
allegb = caus . get_bool ( CAU_ALLEG ) ;
return allegb ;
const char * TipoAttivita ( const char * attreg , long codice_ditta )
TLocalisamfile attiv ( LF_ATTIV ) ;
attiv . setkey ( 1 ) ;
attiv . zero ( ) ;
attiv . put ( ATT_CODDITTA , codice_ditta ) ;
attiv . put ( ATT_CODATT , attreg ) ;
attiv . read ( ) ;
if ( attiv . good ( ) )
TMP = attiv . curr ( ) . get ( ATT_TIPOATT ) ;
TMP = " " ;
return TMP ;
const char * SimboloValuta ( const char * cod )
TTable tab_val ( TAB_VAL ) ;
TString codtab = format ( " %-3s " , cod ) ;
tab_val . zero ( ) ;
tab_val . put ( " CODTAB " , codtab ) ;
tab_val . read ( ) ;
if ( tab_val . good ( ) )
TMP = tab_val . get ( " S7 " ) ;
TMP = " " ;
return TMP ;
const char * DescrDoc ( const char * tipo )
TTable tab_tpd ( TAB_TPD ) ;
TString codtab = format ( " %-2s " , tipo ) ;
tab_tpd . zero ( ) ;
tab_tpd . put ( " CODTAB " , codtab ) ;
tab_tpd . read ( ) ;
if ( tab_tpd . good ( ) )
TMP = tab_tpd . get ( " S0 " ) ;
TMP = " " ;
return TMP ;
const char * AttivitaRegistro ( const char * cod , int anno )
TTable tab_reg ( " REG " ) ;
TString codtab ( format ( " %04d%-3s " , anno , cod ) ) ;
tab_reg . zero ( ) ;
tab_reg . put ( " CODTAB " , codtab ) ;
tab_reg . read ( ) ;
if ( tab_reg . good ( ) )
TMP = tab_reg . get ( " S8 " ) ;
TMP = " " ;
return TMP ;
const int CodiceRegistro ( const char * cod , int anno )
TTable tab_reg ( " REG " ) ;
TString codtab ;
codtab . format ( " %4d%-3s " , anno , cod ) ;
//sprintf (__tmp, "%04d%-3s", anno, cod);
//TString codtab (__tmp);
int tipo_reg ;
tab_reg . zero ( ) ;
tab_reg . put ( " CODTAB " , codtab ) ;
tab_reg . read ( ) ;
if ( tab_reg . good ( ) )
tipo_reg = tab_reg . get_int ( " I0 " ) ;
tipo_reg = 0 ;
return tipo_reg ;
bool filter_func_fatture ( const TRelation * rel )
int tipo_reg ;
int ann_reg ;
TString cod_reg ;
TLocalisamfile * mov = & ( rel - > lfile ( LF_MOV ) ) ;
TRectype from ( mov - > curr ( ) ) ;
TRectype to ( mov - > curr ( ) ) ;
ann_reg = mov - > get_int ( MOV_ANNOIVA ) ;
cod_reg = mov - > get ( MOV_REG ) ;
tipo_reg = CodiceRegistro ( cod_reg , ann_reg ) ;
from . zero ( ) ;
to . zero ( ) ;
if ( app ( ) . _annoes ! = 0 ) //anno esercizio specificato nella maschera
from . put ( MOV_ANNOES , app ( ) . _annoes ) ;
to . put ( MOV_ANNOES , app ( ) . _annoes ) ;
if ( app ( ) . _data_ini . ok ( ) )
from . put ( MOV_DATAREG , app ( ) . _data_ini ) ;
from . put ( MOV_TIPO , app ( ) . _tipo_ini ) ;
if ( app ( ) . _codice_ini ! = 0 )
from . put ( MOV_CODCF , app ( ) . _codice_ini ) ;
if ( app ( ) . _data_fin . ok ( ) )
to . put ( MOV_DATAREG , app ( ) . _data_fin ) ;
to . put ( MOV_TIPO , app ( ) . _tipo_fin ) ;
if ( app ( ) . _codice_fin ! = 0 )
to . put ( MOV_CODCF , app ( ) . _codice_fin ) ;
if ( ( ( mov - > curr ( ) > = from ) & & ( mov - > curr ( ) < = to ) ) & &
( ( tipo_reg = = 1 ) | | ( tipo_reg = = 2 ) ) )
return TRUE ;
return FALSE ;
bool filter_func ( const TRelation * rel )
int tipo_reg , ann_reg ;
TString cod_reg , causale ;
TLocalisamfile * mov = & ( rel - > lfile ( LF_MOV ) ) ;
TRectype from ( mov - > curr ( ) ) ;
TRectype to ( mov - > curr ( ) ) ;
switch ( app ( ) . _scelta_stampa )
case 0 :
ann_reg = mov - > get_int ( MOV_ANNOIVA ) ;
causale = mov - > get ( MOV_CODCAUS ) ;
from . zero ( ) ;
to . zero ( ) ;
if ( ( app ( ) . _decidi = = 2 ) & & ( app ( ) . _annoes ! = 0 ) )
from . put ( MOV_ANNOES , app ( ) . _annoes ) ;
to . put ( MOV_ANNOES , app ( ) . _annoes ) ;
from . put ( MOV_CODCAUS , app ( ) . _causale_ini ) ;
to . put ( MOV_CODCAUS , app ( ) . _causale_fin ) ;
from . put ( MOV_REG , app ( ) . _registro_ini ) ;
to . put ( MOV_REG , app ( ) . _registro_fin ) ;
if ( ( mov - > curr ( ) > = from ) & & ( mov - > curr ( ) < = to ) )
return TRUE ;
break ;
case 1 :
cod_reg = mov - > get ( MOV_REG ) ;
ann_reg = mov - > get_int ( MOV_ANNOIVA ) ;
tipo_reg = CodiceRegistro ( cod_reg , ann_reg ) ;
causale = mov - > get ( MOV_CODCAUS ) ;
from . zero ( ) ;
to . zero ( ) ;
if ( ( app ( ) . _decidi = = 2 ) & & ( app ( ) . _annoes ! = 0 ) )
from . put ( MOV_ANNOES , app ( ) . _annoes ) ;
to . put ( MOV_ANNOES , app ( ) . _annoes ) ;
from . put ( MOV_CODCAUS , app ( ) . _causale_ini ) ;
to . put ( MOV_CODCAUS , app ( ) . _causale_fin ) ;
if ( ( ( mov - > curr ( ) > = from ) & & ( mov - > curr ( ) < = to ) ) & &
( ( tipo_reg ! = 1 ) & & ( tipo_reg ! = 2 ) ) )
return TRUE ;
break ;
default :
break ;
return FALSE ;
void TListaMov_application : : stampa_errori_rmov ( )
TRectype rec ( current_cursor ( ) - > file ( LF_RMOV ) . curr ( ) ) ;
int gruppo = rec . get_int ( RMV_GRUPPO ) ;
int conto = rec . get_int ( RMV_CONTO ) ;
long sottoconto = rec . get_long ( RMV_SOTTOCONTO ) ;
int anno = rec . get_int ( RMV_ANNOES ) ;
TDate datareg = rec . get_date ( RMV_DATAREG ) ;
char sez = rec . get_char ( RMV_SEZIONE ) ;
char tipo = rec . get_char ( RMV_TIPOC ) ;
bool g = FALSE ;
char t ;
TConto tc ( gruppo , conto , sottoconto ) ;
_nr + + ;
if ( anno ! = _annoeser | | datareg ! = _datareg )
set_row ( _nr + + , " @11gUno o piu' campi non sono costanti nella riga dell' operazione " ) ;
if ( sez ! = ' D ' & & sez ! = ' A ' )
set_row ( _nr + + , " @11gIndicato tipo movimento Dare/Avere errato " ) ;
if ( tc . empty ( ) )
set_row ( _nr + + , " @11gNon presente codice gruppo/conto/sottoconto " ) ;
if ( ! tc . ok ( ) )
set_row ( _nr + + , " @11gCodice gruppo/conto/sottoconto non corrisponde ad un sottoconto " ) ;
TRectype pc ( _pcon - > curr ( ) ) ;
tc . set ( gruppo , 0 , 0l ) ;
if ( ! tc . read ( pc ) )
g = TRUE ;
tc . set ( gruppo , conto , 0l ) ;
if ( ! tc . read ( pc ) )
set_row ( _nr + + , " @11gCodice gruppo/conto/sottoconto non presente in Piano dei Conti " ) ;
t = pc . get_char ( PCN_TMCF ) ;
if ( t ! = tipo )
set_row ( _nr + + , " @11gIl tipo C/F indicato non corrisponde a quello presente su Piano dei Conti " ) ;
tc . set ( gruppo , conto , sottoconto ) ;
if ( t ! = ' C ' & & t ! = ' F ' )
if ( ! tc . read ( pc ) | | g )
set_row ( _nr + + , " @11gCodice gruppo/conto/sottoconto non presente in Piano dei Conti " ) ;
bool sosp = tc . sospeso ( ) ;
if ( sosp )
set_row ( _nr + + , " @11gCodice gruppo/conto/sottoconto sospeso in Piano dei Conti " ) ;
TLocalisamfile clifo ( LF_CLIFO ) ;
clifo . setkey ( 1 ) ;
clifo . zero ( ) ;
clifo . put ( CLI_CODCF , sottoconto ) ;
clifo . put ( CLI_TIPOCF , t ) ;
if ( clifo . read ( ) = = NOERR )
bool sosp = clifo . get_bool ( CLI_SOSPESO ) ;
if ( sosp )
set_row ( _nr + + , " @11gCodice C/F sospeso in Anagrafica " ) ;
else set_row ( _nr + + , " @11gCodice C/F non presente in Anagrafica " ) ;
if ( _registro . not_empty ( ) ) //se su mov e' indicato il codice registro
TRegistro rg ( _registro , _ae ) ;
const int tiporeg = rg . tipo ( ) ;
if ( ( tiporeg = = 1 & & t ! = ' C ' ) | | ( tiporeg = = 2 & & t ! = ' F ' ) )
set_row ( _nr + + , " @11gTipo C/F non compatibile con tipo registro " ) ;
TLocalisamfile saldi ( LF_SALDI ) ;
saldi . setkey ( 1 ) ;
saldi . zero ( ) ;
saldi . put ( SLD_ANNOES , anno ) ;
saldi . put ( SLD_GRUPPO , gruppo ) ;
saldi . put ( SLD_CONTO , conto ) ;
saldi . put ( SLD_SOTTOCONTO , sottoconto ) ;
if ( saldi . read ( ) ! = NOERR )
set_row ( _nr + + , " @11gCodice gruppo/conto/sottoconto non presente in Saldi p.d.c. " ) ;
TRecnotype numrec = current_cursor ( ) - > file ( LF_RMOV ) . recno ( ) ;
stampa_errori_contropartita ( ) ;
current_cursor ( ) - > file ( LF_RMOV ) . readat ( numrec ) ;
void TListaMov_application : : stampa_errori_contropartita ( )
TLocalisamfile & rmov = current_cursor ( ) - > file ( LF_RMOV ) ;
char t ;
int gruppo = rmov . get_int ( RMV_GRUPPOC ) ;
int conto = rmov . get_int ( RMV_CONTOC ) ;
long sottoconto = rmov . get_long ( RMV_SOTTOCONTOC ) ;
bool g = FALSE ;
TConto tc ;
TRectype pc ( _pcon - > curr ( ) ) ;
tc . set ( gruppo , 0 , 0l ) ;
if ( ! tc . read ( pc ) )
g = TRUE ;
tc . set ( gruppo , conto , 0l ) ;
if ( ! tc . read ( pc ) )
set_row ( _nr + + , " @11gCodice gruppo/conto/sottoconto di contropartita non presente in Piano dei Conti " ) ;
t = pc . get_char ( PCN_TMCF ) ;
tc . set ( gruppo , conto , sottoconto ) ;
if ( t ! = ' C ' & & t ! = ' F ' )
if ( ! tc . read ( pc ) | | g )
set_row ( _nr + + , " @11gCodice gruppo/conto/sottoconto di contropartita non presente in Piano dei Conti " ) ;
bool sosp = tc . sospeso ( ) ;
if ( sosp )
set_row ( _nr + + , " @11gCodice gruppo/conto/sottoconto di contropartita sospeso in Piano dei Conti " ) ;
TLocalisamfile clifo ( LF_CLIFO ) ;
clifo . setkey ( 1 ) ;
clifo . zero ( ) ;
clifo . put ( CLI_CODCF , sottoconto ) ;
clifo . put ( CLI_TIPOCF , t ) ;
if ( clifo . read ( ) = = NOERR )
bool sosp = clifo . get_bool ( CLI_SOSPESO ) ;
if ( sosp )
set_row ( _nr + + , " @11gCodice C/F di contropartita sospeso in Anagrafica " ) ;
else set_row ( _nr + + , " @11gCodice C/F di contropartita non presente in Anagrafica " ) ;
void TListaMov_application : : stampa_errori_iva ( int * nr , const char * cod , const int tipodet , const int tipocr )
TTable tab_iva ( " %IVA " ) ;
tab_iva . zero ( ) ;
tab_iva . put ( " CODTAB " , cod ) ;
if ( tab_iva . read ( ) = = NOERR )
int allc = tab_iva . get_int ( " S7 " ) ;
int allf = tab_iva . get_int ( " S8 " ) ;
bool s = tab_iva . get_bool ( " B2 " ) ;
if ( s )
set_row ( + + ( * nr ) , " @11gCodice IVA sospeso " ) ;
if ( _stampa_mess_alleg_iva )
if ( allc = = 0 | | allf = = 0 )
set_row ( + + ( * nr ) , " @11gSul Codice IVA non e' stato attivato l'indicatore per allegato " ) ;
set_row ( + + ( * nr ) , " @11gCodice IVA non presente in tabella " ) ;
if ( tipodet = = 1 | | tipodet = = 3 | | tipodet = = 5 | | tipodet = = 9 )
if ( _tiporegistro ! = 2 )
set_row ( + + ( * nr ) , " @11gCodice di indetraibilita' errato " ) ;
if ( _tiporegistro = = 1 )
if ( tipocr ! = 0 & & tipocr ! = 1 & & tipocr ! = 4 & & tipocr ! = 9 )
set_row ( + + ( * nr ) , " @11gTipo costo/ricavo non valido " ) ;
if ( _tiporegistro = = 2 )
if ( tipocr ! = 0 & & tipocr ! = 1 & & tipocr ! = 2 & & tipocr ! = 3 & & tipocr ! = 5 & & tipocr ! = 8 & & tipocr ! = 9 )
set_row ( + + ( * nr ) , " @11gTipo costo/ricavo non valido " ) ;
void TListaMov_application : : stampa_errori_mov ( )
long i = _err . first_one ( ) ;
if ( i ! = - 1 )
for ( ; i < = _err . last_one ( ) ; i + + )
if ( _err [ i ] )
set_row ( + + _n , " @11g%s " , ( const char * ) err_msg [ i ] ) ;
void TListaMov_application : : set_page ( int file , int count )
switch ( _tipo_lista )
case movimenti :
if ( file = = LF_RMOVIVA )
break ;
if ( file = = LF_RMOV )
_nr = 1 ;
set_row ( _nr , " @3n " , FLD ( LF_RMOV , RMV_NUMRIG ) ) ;
// set_row(_nr,"@5g@3s",FLD(LF_MOV,MOV_CODCAUS));
// set_row(_nr,"@9g#.20t", &_descr_causale);
set_row ( _nr , " @30g@24s " , FLD ( LF_RMOV , RMV_DESCR ) ) ;
set_row ( _nr , " @56g@3n " , FLD ( LF_RMOV , RMV_GRUPPO ) ) ;
set_row ( _nr , " @60g@3n " , FLD ( LF_RMOV , RMV_CONTO ) ) ;
set_row ( _nr , " @64g@6n " , FLD ( LF_RMOV , RMV_SOTTOCONTO ) ) ;
set_row ( _nr , " @71g#.21t " , & _descr ) ;
_appoggio = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_RMOV ) . get ( RMV_SEZIONE ) ;
if ( ( _appoggio = = " D " ) | | ( _appoggio = = " d " ) )
set_row ( _nr , " @93g@pN " , FLD ( LF_RMOV , RMV_IMPORTO , " ###.###.###.### " ) ) ;
set_row ( _nr , " @111g@pN " , FLD ( LF_RMOV , RMV_IMPORTO , " ###.###.###.### " ) ) ;
else if ( file = = LF_MOV )
TString dep ( 132 ) ;
dep = " " ;
_n = 1 ;
set_row ( _n + + , ( const char * ) dep ) ;
set_row ( _n , " Operazione n. @18g@7n " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_NUMREG ) ) ;
set_row ( _n , " @26gdel@30g@d " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_DATAREG ) ) ;
set_row ( _n , " @41g@40s@r " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_DESCR ) ) ;
set_row ( _n , " @82gdoc. @87g@7s " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_NUMDOC ) ) ;
set_row ( _n , " @95gdel@99g@d " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_DATADOC ) ) ;
set_row ( _n , " Operazione n. @14g@7n " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_NUMREG ) ) ;
set_row ( _n , " @22gdel@26g@d " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_DATAREG ) ) ;
set_row ( _n , " @37g@36s " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_DESCR ) ) ;
set_row ( _n , " @75gdoc. @7s " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_NUMDOC ) ) ;
set_row ( _n , " @88gdel@92g@d " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_DATADOC ) ) ;
int annoese = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get_int ( MOV_ANNOES ) ;
TDate data = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get_date ( MOV_DATAREG ) ;
TString16 reg = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get ( MOV_REG ) ;
int anno = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get_int ( MOV_ANNOIVA ) ;
int tipo = CodiceRegistro ( reg , anno ) ;
int ae = date2esc ( data ) ;
if ( ( tipo = = 1 ) | | ( tipo = = 2 ) )
set_row ( _n , " @103greg @3s " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_REG ) ) ;
set_row ( _n , " @111gpr @5n " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_PROTIVA ) ) ;
if ( ae ! = annoese )
if ( _annoes = = 0 ) //se non indicato l'anno nella maschera
set_row ( _n , " @120gcomp @4n " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_ANNOES ) ) ;
if ( _scelta_stampa = = 0 )
if ( _stampa_anno_comp )
set_row ( _n , " @127g@4n " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_ANNOES ) ) ;
set_row ( _n , " @130g@f " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_STAMPATO ) ) ;
break ;
case fatture :
break ;
case movimenti_sezionale :
break ;
default :
break ;
void TListaMov_application : : stampa_intestazione ( )
TString sep ;
sep = " " ;
set_row ( 1 , ( const char * ) sep ) ;
if ( _tipo_elenco = = " C " )
set_row ( 2 , " @bCliente@9g@6n " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_CODCF ) ) ;
set_row ( 2 , " @bFornitore@12g@6n " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_CODCF ) ) ;
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
set_row ( 2 , " @b@18g#.35t " , & _ragsoc ) ;
set_row ( 2 , " @b@54gInd #.29t " , & _indcf ) ;
set_row ( 2 , " @b@87g#.10t " , & _civcf ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
set_row ( 2 , " @b@98gP.I. #11t " , & _paiv ) ;
if ( _alleg = = 0 )
set_row ( 2 , " @b@121gAllegato NO " ) ;
set_row ( 2 , " @b@121gAllegato SI " ) ;
set_row ( 3 , " @b@54gCap #5t " , & _capcf ) ;
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
set_row ( 3 , " @b@64gLoc #.20t " , & _dencom ) ;
set_row ( 3 , " @b@89gPr #.5t " , & _provcom ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
set_row ( 3 , " @b@98gC.F. #16t " , & _cofi ) ;
if ( _alleg = = 0 )
set_row ( 3 , " @b@120gRifer@126g#6d " , & _codalleg ) ;
bool TListaMov_application : : preprocess_page ( int file , int counter )
TCursor * cur = current_cursor ( ) ;
if ( counter ) return TRUE ;
switch ( _tipo_lista )
case movimenti :
if ( _scelta_stampa = = 0 )
if ( file = = LF_MOV )
_tot_avere = 0 ;
_tot_dare = 0 ;
_c . destroy ( ) ;
_no_preprocess_page = FALSE ;
_esiste_riga_iva = FALSE ;
_nonesiste_riga_iva = FALSE ;
_annoeser = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get_int ( MOV_ANNOES ) ;
_datacomp = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get_date ( MOV_DATACOMP ) ;
_causale = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get ( MOV_CODCAUS ) ;
_registro = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get ( MOV_REG ) ;
_anno = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get_int ( MOV_ANNOIVA ) ;
_tipodoc = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get ( MOV_TIPODOC ) ;
_datareg = current_cursor ( ) - > file ( LF_MOV ) . get_date ( MOV_DATAREG ) ;
_tipo = current_cursor ( ) - > file ( LF_MOV ) . get_char ( MOV_TIPO ) ;
_codcf = current_cursor ( ) - > file ( LF_MOV ) . get_long ( MOV_CODCF ) ;
_numero = current_cursor ( ) - > file ( LF_MOV ) . get_long ( MOV_NUMREG ) ;
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
_codval = cur - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get ( MOV_CODVALI ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
_tiporegistro = CodiceRegistro ( _registro , _anno ) ;
_causale_gia_stampata = FALSE ;
_ae = date2esc ( _datareg ) ;
TLocalisamfile & fl = current_cursor ( ) - > file ( LF_MOV ) ;
TRectype da ( fl . curr ( ) ) ;
TRectype a ( fl . curr ( ) ) ;
da . zero ( ) ;
a . zero ( ) ;
if ( _annoes ! = 0 )
da . put ( MOV_ANNOES , _annoes ) ;
a . put ( MOV_ANNOES , _annoes ) ;
da . put ( MOV_CODCAUS , _causale_ini ) ;
da . put ( MOV_REG , _registro_ini ) ;
a . put ( MOV_CODCAUS , _causale_fin ) ;
a . put ( MOV_REG , _registro_fin ) ;
if ( ( fl . curr ( ) > = da ) & & ( fl . curr ( ) < = a ) )
_caus - > setkey ( 1 ) ;
_caus - > curr ( ) . put ( CAU_CODCAUS , _causale ) ;
_caus - > read ( ) ;
if ( _caus - > bad ( ) )
_caus - > curr ( ) . zero ( ) ;
_reg_causale = _caus - > curr ( ) . get ( CAU_REG ) ;
_descr_causale = _caus - > curr ( ) . get ( CAU_DESCR ) ;
_alleg_causale = _caus - > curr ( ) . get_bool ( CAU_ALLEG ) ;
_tipodocumento = _caus - > curr ( ) . get ( CAU_TIPODOC ) ;
if ( _controllo_mov_errati = = 1 | | _controllo_mov_errati = = 2 )
bool controlla = segnala_errori_primariga ( ) ;
bool verifica = ( _stampa_parte_iva & & segnala_errori_iva ( ) ) | | segnala_errori_ogniriga ( ) ;
if ( ( _controllo_mov_errati = = 1 & & controlla )
| | _controllo_mov_errati = = 2 )
stampa_errori_mov ( ) ;
return TRUE ;
else if ( _controllo_mov_errati = = 1 & & ! verifica )
return FALSE ;
else return TRUE ;
else return TRUE ;
else if ( file = = LF_RMOV )
if ( ! _causale_gia_stampata )
set_row ( _nr , " @4g%3s " , ( const char * ) _causale ) ;
set_row ( _nr , " @8g%.20s@r " , ( const char * ) _descr_causale ) ;
_causale_gia_stampata = TRUE ;
int gruppo = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_RMOV ) . get_int ( RMV_GRUPPO ) ;
int conto = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_RMOV ) . get_int ( RMV_CONTO ) ;
long sottoconto = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_RMOV ) . get_long ( RMV_SOTTOCONTO ) ;
TString tipoc = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_RMOV ) . get ( RMV_TIPOC ) ;
_descr = DescrConto ( gruppo , conto , sottoconto , tipoc ) ;
_alleg = AllegClifo ( gruppo , conto , sottoconto ) ;
_importo = current_cursor ( ) - > file ( LF_RMOV ) . get_real ( RMV_IMPORTO ) ;
_appoggio = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_RMOV ) . get ( RMV_SEZIONE ) ;
if ( ! _no_preprocess_page )
if ( ( _appoggio = = " D " ) | | ( _appoggio = = " d " ) )
_tot_dare_generale + = _importo ;
_tot_dare + = _importo ;
else if ( ( _appoggio = = " A " ) | | ( _appoggio = = " a " ) )
_tot_avere + = _importo ;
_tot_avere_generale + = _importo ;
if ( _controllo_mov_errati ! = 3 ) stampa_errori_rmov ( ) ;
return TRUE ;
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
else if ( _stampa_parte_iva & & file = = LF_RMOVIVA )
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
TRectype iva ( current_cursor ( ) - > file ( LF_RMOVIVA ) . curr ( ) ) ;
_impo = iva . get_real ( RMI_IMPONIBILE ) ;
_impos = iva . get_real ( RMI_IMPOSTA ) ;
_tipocr = iva . get_int ( RMI_TIPOCR ) ;
_tipod = iva . get_int ( RMI_TIPODET ) ;
_cod = iva . get ( RMI_CODIVA ) ;
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
_intra = iva . get_bool ( RMI_INTRA ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
_c . add_riga ( _impo , _impos , ZERO , ZERO , _cod , _tipod , _tipocr , _intra ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
return TRUE ;
else //_scelta_stampa == 1
if ( file = = LF_MOV )
_tot_avere = 0 ;
_tot_dare = 0 ;
_no_preprocess_page = FALSE ;
_causale = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get ( MOV_CODCAUS ) ;
_registro = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get ( MOV_REG ) ;
_anno = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get_int ( MOV_ANNOES ) ;
_tipodoc = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get ( MOV_TIPODOC ) ;
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
_causale_gia_stampata = FALSE ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
TLocalisamfile * fl = & ( current_cursor ( ) - > file ( LF_MOV ) ) ;
TRectype da ( fl - > curr ( ) ) ;
TRectype a ( fl - > curr ( ) ) ;
da . zero ( ) ;
a . zero ( ) ;
if ( _annoes ! = 0 )
da . put ( MOV_ANNOES , _annoes ) ;
a . put ( MOV_ANNOES , _annoes ) ;
da . put ( MOV_CODCAUS , _causale_ini ) ;
a . put ( MOV_CODCAUS , _causale_fin ) ;
if ( ( fl - > curr ( ) > = da ) & & ( fl - > curr ( ) < = a ) )
_caus - > setkey ( 1 ) ;
_caus - > curr ( ) . put ( CAU_CODCAUS , _causale ) ;
_caus - > read ( ) ;
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
if ( _caus - > bad ( ) )
_caus - > curr ( ) . zero ( ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
_descr_causale = _caus - > curr ( ) . get ( CAU_DESCR ) ;
_alleg_causale = _caus - > curr ( ) . get_bool ( CAU_ALLEG ) ;
_tipodocumento = _caus - > curr ( ) . get ( CAU_TIPODOC ) ;
_tiporegistro = CodiceRegistro ( _registro , _anno ) ;
if ( ( _tiporegistro ! = 1 ) & & ( _tiporegistro ! = 2 ) ) //se si tratta di un movimento di sola prima nota
return TRUE ;
else if ( file = = LF_RMOV )
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
if ( ! _causale_gia_stampata )
set_row ( _nr , " @4g%3s " , ( const char * ) _causale ) ;
set_row ( _nr , " @8g%.20s@r " , ( const char * ) _descr_causale ) ;
_causale_gia_stampata = TRUE ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
long gruppo = atol ( current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_RMOV ) . get ( RMV_GRUPPO ) ) ;
long conto = atol ( current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_RMOV ) . get ( RMV_CONTO ) ) ;
long sottoconto = atol ( current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_RMOV ) . get ( RMV_SOTTOCONTO ) ) ;
TString tipoc = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_RMOV ) . get ( RMV_TIPOC ) ;
_descr = DescrConto ( gruppo , conto , sottoconto , tipoc ) ;
_importo = current_cursor ( ) - > file ( LF_RMOV ) . get_real ( RMV_IMPORTO ) ;
_appoggio = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_RMOV ) . get ( RMV_SEZIONE ) ;
if ( ! _no_preprocess_page )
if ( ( _appoggio = = " D " ) | | ( _appoggio = = " d " ) )
_tot_dare_generale + = _importo ;
_tot_dare + = _importo ;
else if ( ( _appoggio = = " A " ) | | ( _appoggio = = " a " ) )
_tot_avere + = _importo ;
_tot_avere_generale + = _importo ;
return TRUE ;
break ;
case fatture :
if ( file = = LF_MOV )
int anno = cur - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get_int ( MOV_ANNOIVA ) ;
TString codreg = cur - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get ( MOV_REG ) ;
_numr = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get_long ( MOV_NUMREG ) ;
_tipo_elenco = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get ( MOV_TIPO ) ;
_codcf = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get_long ( MOV_CODCF ) ;
int tiporeg = CodiceRegistro ( codreg , anno ) ;
TString attreg = AttivitaRegistro ( codreg , anno ) ;
if ( tiporeg = = 1 | | tiporeg = = 2 ) //se si tratta di un movimento iva
_tipoatt = TipoAttivita ( attreg , get_firm ( ) ) ;
_tipo_elenco = cur - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get ( MOV_TIPO ) ;
_codcf = cur - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get_long ( MOV_CODCF ) ;
_codcaus = cur - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get ( MOV_CODCAUS ) ;
_tipodoc = cur - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get ( MOV_TIPODOC ) ;
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
_codval = cur - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get ( MOV_CODVALI ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
_totdoc = cur - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get_real ( MOV_TOTDOC ) ;
if ( ( _tipo_elenco ! = _tipo_clifo_prec ) & &
( _tipo_clifo_prec ! = " " ) & & _salto_pagina )
printer ( ) . formfeed ( ) ;
if ( _tipo_elenco ! = _tipo_clifo_prec & & _tipo_clifo_prec ! = " " )
printer ( ) . formfeed ( ) ;
TLocalisamfile & file = cur - > file ( LF_MOV ) ;
TRectype da ( file . curr ( ) ) ;
TRectype a ( file . curr ( ) ) ;
da . zero ( ) ;
a . zero ( ) ;
if ( _annoes ! = 0 ) //anno specificato nella maschera
da . put ( MOV_ANNOES , _annoes ) ;
a . put ( MOV_ANNOES , _annoes ) ;
if ( _data_ini . ok ( ) )
da . put ( MOV_DATAREG , _data_ini ) ;
da . put ( MOV_TIPO , _tipo_ini ) ;
if ( _codice_ini ! = 0 )
da . put ( MOV_CODCF , _codice_ini ) ;
if ( _data_fin . ok ( ) )
a . put ( MOV_DATAREG , _data_fin ) ;
a . put ( MOV_TIPO , _tipo_fin ) ;
if ( _codice_fin ! = 0 )
a . put ( MOV_CODCF , _codice_fin ) ;
if ( ( file . curr ( ) > = da ) & & ( file . curr ( ) < = a ) )
compila_clifo ( ) ;
compila_comuni ( ) ;
if ( ( _tipo_clifo_prec = = " " ) & & ( _codcf_prec = = 0l ) )
_tipo_clifo_prec = _tipo_elenco ;
_codcf_prec = _codcf ;
stampa_intestazione ( ) ;
if ( _tipo_clifo_prec = = _tipo_elenco & & _codcf_prec = = _codcf )
_settata_prima_riga = FALSE ;
if ( _salto_pagina & & _tipo_clifo_prec = = _tipo_elenco )
printer ( ) . formfeed ( ) ;
stampa_intestazione ( ) ;
_tipo_clifo_prec = _tipo_elenco ;
_codcf_prec = _codcf ;
_settata_prima_riga = FALSE ;
return TRUE ;
else if ( file = = LF_RMOVIVA )
int gruppo = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_RMOV ) . get_int ( RMV_GRUPPO ) ;
int conto = current_cursor ( ) - > curr ( LF_RMOV ) . get_int ( RMV_CONTO ) ;
_pcon - > zero ( ) ;
_pcon - > put ( " GRUPPO " , gruppo ) ;
_pcon - > put ( " CONTO " , conto ) ;
_pcon - > put ( " SOTTOCONTO " , 0L ) ;
if ( _pcon - > read ( ) = = NOERR )
_ricser = _pcon - > get_int ( " RICSER " ) ;
_simbolo = SimboloValuta ( _codval ) ;
_allegb = CausAlleg ( _codcaus ) ;
_descr_doc = DescrDoc ( _tipodoc ) ;
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
_intra = cur - > curr ( LF_RMOVIVA ) . get_bool ( RMI_INTRA ) ;
if ( ( _codval ! = " LIT " ) & & _intracom )
reset_row ( 1 ) ;
set_row ( 1 , " Corr.in lire@14g@pN " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_CORRLIRE , " ###.###.###.### " ) ) ;
set_row ( 1 , " @34gCorr.in valuta@49g@pN " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_CORRVALUTA , " ###.###.###.### " ) ) ;
if ( _simbolo . not_empty ( ) )
set_row ( 1 , " @65g%.5s " , ( const char * ) _simbolo ) ;
set_row ( 1 , " @65g%.3s " , ( const char * ) _codval ) ;
if ( ! _settata_prima_riga )
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
reset_print ( ) ;
set_row ( 1 , " " ) ;
set_row ( 2 , " @7n " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_NUMREG ) ) ;
set_row ( 2 , " @8g@d " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_DATAREG ) ) ;
set_row ( 2 , " @17g@3,rs " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_REG ) ) ;
set_row ( 2 , " @21g@5n " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_PROTIVA ) ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
TString protiva = cur - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get ( MOV_PROTIVA ) ;
TString uprotiva = cur - > curr ( LF_MOV ) . get ( MOV_UPROTIVA ) ;
if ( uprotiva . not_empty ( ) )
for ( int i = 0 ; protiva [ i ] & & ( protiva [ i ] = = uprotiva [ i ] ) ; i + + ) ;
uprotiva = uprotiva . mid ( i ) ;
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
set_row ( 2 , " @24g/@25g%s " , ( const char * ) uprotiva ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
set_row ( 2 , " @33g@d " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_DATADOC ) ) ;
set_row ( 2 , " @42g@6,rs " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_NUMDOC ) ) ;
set_row ( 2 , " @49g@3s " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_CODCAUS ) ) ;
set_row ( 2 , " @53g@2s " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_TIPODOC ) ) ;
set_row ( 2 , " @56g%.12s@r " , ( const char * ) _descr_doc ) ;
set_row ( 2 , " @68g@pN " , FLD ( LF_MOV , MOV_TOTDOC , " ###.###.###.### " ) ) ;
set_row ( 2 , " @84g@pN " , FLD ( LF_RMOVIVA , RMI_IMPONIBILE , " ###.###.###.### " ) ) ;
set_row ( 2 , " @101g@4s " , FLD ( LF_RMOVIVA , RMI_CODIVA ) ) ;
set_row ( 2 , " @105g@1n " , FLD ( LF_RMOVIVA , RMI_TIPODET ) ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
if ( _tipoatt = = " E " )
if ( _ricser = = 1 )
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
set_row ( 2 , " @109g1 " ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
else if ( _ricser = = 2 )
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
set_row ( 2 , " @109g2 " ) ;
set_row ( 2 , " @111g@f " , FLD ( LF_RMOVIVA , RMI_INTRA ) ) ;
set_row ( 2 , " @113g@pN " , FLD ( LF_RMOVIVA , RMI_IMPOSTA , " ###.###.###.### " ) ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
if ( ! _allegb )
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
set_row ( 2 , " @131g* " ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
incrementa_totali ( ) ;
_settata_prima_riga = TRUE ;
+ + _documenti ;
else if ( _settata_prima_riga )
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
reset_print ( ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
set_row ( 1 , " @84g@pN " , FLD ( LF_RMOVIVA , RMI_IMPONIBILE , " ###.###.###.### " ) ) ;
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
set_row ( 1 , " @101g@4s " , FLD ( LF_RMOVIVA , RMI_CODIVA ) ) ;
set_row ( 1 , " @113g@pN " , FLD ( LF_RMOVIVA , RMI_IMPOSTA , " ###.###.###.### " ) ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
incrementa_totali ( ) ;
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
return TRUE ;
break ;
case movimenti_sezionale :
break ;
default :
break ;
return FALSE ;
print_action TListaMov_application : : postprocess_page ( int file , int count )
if ( count )
reset_print ( ) ;
return NEXT_PAGE ;
switch ( _tipo_lista )
case movimenti :
if ( file = = LF_RMOV )
force_setpage ( ) ;
break ;
if ( file = = LF_MOV )
reset_print ( ) ;
_err . reset ( ) ;
int n = 1 ;
if ( _scelta_stampa = = 0 & & _stampa_parte_iva )
int r = 0 ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < _c . items ( ) ; j + + )
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
TRigaiva & riga = ( TRigaiva & ) _c [ j ] ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
//r = j+1;
r + + ;
set_row ( r , " Imponibile@12g%15.0r " , & riga . _imponibile ) ;
set_row ( r , " @31gImposta@39g%15.0r " , & riga . _imposta ) ;
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
set_row ( r , " @58gCodice Iva@69g%3s " , ( const char * ) riga . _codiva ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
switch ( riga . _tipodet )
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
case 0 : set_row ( r , " @76gDetraibile " ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
break ;
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
case 1 : set_row ( r , " @76gIndetraibile su op.es. " ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
break ;
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
case 3 : set_row ( r , " @76gPassaggi interni " ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
break ;
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
case 9 : set_row ( r , " @76gIndetraibile art.19 " ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
break ;
default : break ;
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
if ( riga . _intra )
set_row ( r , " @104gOper.intrac. " ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
if ( _controllo_mov_errati ! = 3 )
if ( ! _esiste_riga_iva & & ! _nonesiste_riga_iva )
stampa_errori_iva ( & r , riga . _codiva , riga . _tipodet , riga . _tipocr ) ;
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
real corrval = current_cursor ( ) - > file ( LF_MOV ) . get_real ( MOV_CORRVALUTA ) ;
real corrlire = current_cursor ( ) - > file ( LF_MOV ) . get_real ( MOV_CORRLIRE ) ;
if ( corrval ! = ZERO )
set_row ( + + r , " Corr.in lire@14g%r " , & corrlire ) ;
set_row ( r , " @34gCorr.in valuta@49g%r " , & corrval ) ;
set_row ( r , " @66g%.3s " , ( const char * ) _codval ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
if ( _esiste_riga_iva )
set_row ( + + r , " @11gPresenti righe IVA in una registrazione senza IVA " ) ;
if ( _nonesiste_riga_iva )
set_row ( + + r , " @11gNon presente alcuna riga IVA in una registrazione con IVA " ) ;
_c . destroy ( ) ;
if ( r > 0 )
n = + + r ;
TRecnotype pos , items ;
if ( ( _scelta_stampa = = 0 ) & & ( _controllo_mov_errati ! = 3 ) & & ( _tot_dare ! = _tot_avere ) )
set_row ( n + + , " @11gIl movimento risulta sbilanciato " ) ;
pos = current_cursor ( ) - > pos ( ) ;
items = current_cursor ( ) - > items ( ) ;
FINITO = ( pos = = items - 1 ) ;
_datareg = current_cursor ( ) - > file ( LF_MOV ) . get_date ( MOV_DATAREG ) ;
_numreg = current_cursor ( ) - > file ( LF_MOV ) . get_long ( MOV_NUMREG ) ;
TDate datarec ( _datareg ) ;
if ( ! FINITO )
TCursor * cur = current_cursor ( ) ;
cur - > save_status ( ) ;
+ + ( * cur ) ;
datarec = cur - > file ( LF_MOV ) . get_date ( MOV_DATAREG ) ;
- - ( * cur ) ;
cur - > restore_status ( ) ;
_tot_avere_giornaliero + = _tot_avere ;
_tot_dare_giornaliero + = _tot_dare ;
//stampa i totali giornalieri
if ( FINITO | |
( _datareg ! = datarec ) | | ( _numreg = = _numreg_fin ) )
if ( ( _scelta_stampa = = 0 & & _controllo_mov_errati ! = 1 & & _decidi = = 2 ) | | ( _scelta_stampa = = 1 & & _decidi = = 2 ) )
TString data = _datareg . string ( ) ;
set_row ( n , " @b@60gTotali del " ) ;
set_row ( n , " @b@71ggiorno %s " , ( const char * ) data ) ;
set_row ( n , " @b@93g%r " , & _tot_dare_giornaliero ) ;
set_row ( n + + , " @b@111g%r " , & _tot_avere_giornaliero ) ;
_tot_avere_giornaliero = 0 ;
_tot_dare_giornaliero = 0 ;
if ( ( _scelta_stampa = = 0 & & _controllo_mov_errati ! = 1 & & FINITO ) | | ( _scelta_stampa = = 1 & & FINITO ) )
TString sep ;
sep = " " ;
set_row ( n , ( const char * ) sep ) ;
set_row ( + + n , " @b@60gTotale generale " ) ;
set_row ( n , " @b@93g%r " , & _tot_dare_generale ) ;
set_row ( n + + , " @b@111g%r " , & _tot_avere_generale ) ;
if ( n = = 1 )
force_setpage ( ) ; //probabilmente e' inutile
return NEXT_PAGE ;
_no_preprocess_page = TRUE ;
force_setpage ( FALSE ) ;
return REPEAT_PAGE ;
break ;
case fatture :
if ( file = = LF_MOV )
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
reset_print ( ) ;
TCursor * cur = current_cursor ( ) ;
int rr = 1 ;
real corrval = cur - > file ( LF_MOV ) . get_real ( MOV_CORRVALUTA ) ;
real corrlire = cur - > file ( LF_MOV ) . get_real ( MOV_CORRLIRE ) ;
if ( corrval ! = ZERO )
set_row ( rr , " Corr.in lire@14g%r " , & corrlire ) ;
set_row ( rr , " @34gCorr.in valuta@49g%r " , & corrval ) ;
if ( _simbolo . not_empty ( ) )
set_row ( 1 , " @65g%.5s " , ( const char * ) _simbolo ) ;
set_row ( 1 , " @65g%.3s " , ( const char * ) _codval ) ;
set_row ( rr + + , " @66g%.3s " , ( const char * ) _codval ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
_totdocumenti + = _totdoc ;
TRecnotype pos , items ;
pos = current_cursor ( ) - > pos ( ) ;
items = current_cursor ( ) - > items ( ) ;
FINITO = ( pos = = items - 1 ) ;
if ( ! FINITO )
cur - > save_status ( ) ;
+ + ( * cur ) ;
// long numrsucc = cur->file(LF_MOV).get_long(MOV_NUMREG);
_tipoelsucc = cur - > file ( LF_MOV ) . get ( MOV_TIPO ) ;
_codclifosucc = cur - > file ( LF_MOV ) . get_long ( MOV_CODCF ) ;
- - ( * cur ) ;
cur - > restore_status ( ) ;
if ( FINITO | | ( _tipo_elenco ! = _tipoelsucc ) | | ( _codcf ! = _codclifosucc ) )
TString blank = " " ;
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
set_row ( rr + + , ( const char * ) blank ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
if ( ( _tipo_elenco = = " C " ) | | ( _tipo_elenco = = " c " ) )
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
set_row ( rr + + , " @bTotali Cliente@18gDocumenti Totale documenti@45gAllegati:@56gImponibile@75gImposta@94gop. esenti@112gop. non imp. " ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
set_row ( rr + + , " @bTotali Fornitore@18gDocumenti Totale documenti@47gAllegati:@56gImponibile@75gImposta@94gop. esenti@112gop. non imp. " ) ;
set_row ( rr , " @b@18g%9d " , _documenti ) ;
set_row ( rr , " @b@28g%r " , & _totdocumenti ) ;
set_row ( rr , " @b@56g%r " , & _totimponibile ) ;
set_row ( rr , " @b@75g%r " , & _totimposta ) ;
set_row ( rr , " @b@94g%r " , & _op_esenti ) ;
set_row ( rr , " @b@112g%r " , & _op_non_imp ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
_totimposta = 0 ;
_totimponibile = 0 ;
_op_esenti = 0 ;
_op_non_imp = 0 ;
_documenti = 0 ;
_totdocumenti = 0 ;
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
//return REPEAT_PAGE;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
if ( rr > 1 )
return REPEAT_PAGE ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
break ;
case movimenti_sezionale :
break ;
default :
break ;
return NEXT_PAGE ;
int TListaMov_application : : my_next ( TLocalisamfile & mov )
int esito ;
TString cod_reg , causale ;
int tipo_reg ;
int ann_reg ;
esito = mov . next ( ) ;
switch ( _scelta_stampa )
case 0 :
return esito ;
case 1 :
while ( ! mov . eof ( ) )
cod_reg = mov . get ( MOV_REG ) ;
ann_reg = mov . get_int ( MOV_ANNOIVA ) ;
causale = mov . get ( MOV_CODCAUS ) ;
if ( ( _annoes ! = 0l )
| | ( ( causale < ( const char * ) _causale_ini ) | | ( causale > ( const char * ) _causale_fin ) ) )
esito = mov . next ( ) ;
continue ;
tipo_reg = CodiceRegistro ( cod_reg , ann_reg ) ;
if ( ( tipo_reg ! = 1 ) & & ( tipo_reg ! = 2 ) )
return esito ;
esito = mov . next ( ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
return esito ;
* * * * * * * */
print_action TListaMov_application : : postprocess_print ( int file , int count )
if ( count )
reset_print ( ) ;
return NEXT_PAGE ;
switch ( _tipo_lista )
case movimenti :
break ;
case fatture :
break ;
case movimenti_sezionale :
break ;
default :
break ;
return NEXT_PAGE ;
//cerca errori sulla testata (MOV)
bool TListaMov_application : : segnala_errori_primariga ( )
const int ae = date2esc ( _datacomp ) ;
if ( _ae = = 0 )
_err . set ( 0l ) ;
if ( _registro . not_empty ( ) ) //si tratta di fattura
if ( _datareg . year ( ) ! = _anno )
_err . set ( 1 ) ;
if ( _scelta_stampa = = 0 & & _stampa_anno_comp )
if ( _ae ! = _annoeser )
if ( _annoes ) //specificato l'anno nella maschera
_err . set ( 2 ) ;
else _err . set ( 3 ) ;
if ( ae )
int pr ; // Esercizio precedente
const int ar = date2esc ( _datareg , & pr ) ; // Esercizio in corso
if ( ae ! = ar & & ae ! = pr )
_err . set ( 4 ) ;
else _err . set ( 5 ) ;
if ( _annoeser ! = ae )
_err . set ( 6 ) ;
if ( _causale . not_empty ( ) ) //se indicata la causale
if ( _caus - > curr ( ) . empty ( ) )
_err . set ( 7 ) ;
bool sos = _caus - > curr ( ) . get_bool ( CAU_SOSPESO ) ;
if ( sos )
_err . set ( 8 ) ;
if ( _stampa_mess_alleg_iva & & _alleg_causale )
_err . set ( 9 ) ;
if ( _tipodoc = = " " | | _tipodoc ! = _tipodocumento )
_err . set ( 10 ) ;
if ( _tipodoc ! = " " )
if ( ! RicercaDoc ( _tipodoc ) )
_err . set ( 11 ) ;
if ( _registro = = " " | | _registro ! = _reg_causale )
_err . set ( 12 ) ;
if ( _registro . not_empty ( ) ) //movimento iva (fatture)
TRegistro rg ( _registro , _datareg . year ( ) ) ;
if ( rg . name ( ) . empty ( ) )
_err . set ( 13 ) ;
bool so = rg . sospeso ( ) ;
const int tipo = rg . tipo ( ) ;
if ( so )
_err . set ( 14 ) ;
TipoIVA i = nessuna_iva ;
TTable tabtpd ( " %TPD " ) ;
tabtpd . put ( " CODTAB " , _tipodoc ) ;
if ( tabtpd . read ( ) = = NOERR )
bool cor = tabtpd . get_bool ( " B0 " ) ;
i = ( TipoIVA ) tabtpd . get_int ( " I0 " ) ; // IVA acquisti, vendite, generica
const TipoIVA ri = rg . iva ( ) ;
if ( i = = iva_generica ) i = ri ;
if ( i ! = ri | | ( cor & & ! rg . corrispettivi ( ) ) )
_err . set ( 16 ) ;
int i = tabtpd . get_int ( " I0 " ) ;
if ( i = = 1 & & tipo ! = 1 )
_err . set ( 15 ) ;
if ( i = = 2 & & tipo ! = 2 )
_err . set ( 15 ) ;
if ( i = = 9 & & ( tipo ! = 1 & & tipo ! = 2 ) )
_err . set ( 15 ) ;
if ( cor & & ! rg . corrispettivi ( ) )
_err . set ( 15 ) ;
if ( ! cor )
if ( _codcf = = 0l )
_err . set ( 16 ) ;
if ( ( tipo = = 1 & & _tipo ! = ' C ' ) | | ( tipo = = 2 & & _tipo ! = ' F ' ) )
_err . set ( 17 ) ;
TLocalisamfile clifo ( LF_CLIFO ) ;
clifo . setkey ( 1 ) ;
clifo . zero ( ) ;
clifo . put ( CLI_CODCF , _codcf ) ;
clifo . put ( CLI_TIPOCF , _tipo ) ;
if ( clifo . read ( ) = = NOERR )
bool sosp = clifo . get_bool ( CLI_SOSPESO ) ;
if ( sosp )
_err . set ( 18 ) ;
bool occ = clifo . get_bool ( CLI_OCCAS ) ;
char alleg = clifo . get_char ( CLI_ALLEG ) ;
long calleg = clifo . get_long ( CLI_CODALLEG ) ;
if ( ! occ )
if ( _stampa_mess_alleg_iva & & alleg = = 1 )
_err . set ( 19 ) ;
if ( calleg ! = 0l )
if ( calleg = = _codcf )
_err . set ( 20 ) ;
clifo . zero ( ) ;
clifo . put ( CLI_CODCF , calleg ) ;
clifo . put ( CLI_TIPOCF , _tipo ) ;
if ( clifo . read ( ) = = NOERR )
bool sospall = clifo . get_bool ( CLI_SOSPESO ) ;
long codall = clifo . get_long ( CLI_CODALLEG ) ;
char alleg = clifo . get_char ( CLI_ALLEG ) ;
if ( sospall )
_err . set ( 21 ) ;
if ( codall ! = 0l )
_err . set ( 22 ) ;
if ( _stampa_mess_alleg_iva & & alleg = = 1 )
_err . set ( 23 ) ;
else _err . set ( 24 ) ;
else _err . set ( 25 ) ;
if ( _err . ones ( ) )
return TRUE ;
return FALSE ;
//controlli sulla contropartita
bool TListaMov_application : : contropartita ( )
char t ;
TLocalisamfile rmov ( LF_RMOV , FALSE ) ;
int gruppo = rmov . get_int ( RMV_GRUPPOC ) ;
int conto = rmov . get_int ( RMV_CONTOC ) ;
long sottoconto = rmov . get_long ( RMV_SOTTOCONTOC ) ;
TConto tc ;
TRectype pc ( _pcon - > curr ( ) ) ;
tc . set ( gruppo , 0 , 0l ) ;
if ( ! tc . read ( pc ) )
return TRUE ;
tc . set ( gruppo , conto , 0l ) ;
if ( ! tc . read ( pc ) )
return TRUE ;
else t = pc . get_char ( PCN_TMCF ) ;
tc . set ( gruppo , conto , sottoconto ) ;
if ( t ! = ' C ' & & t ! = ' F ' )
if ( ! tc . read ( pc ) )
return TRUE ;
bool sosp = tc . sospeso ( ) ;
if ( sosp )
return TRUE ;
TLocalisamfile clifo ( LF_CLIFO ) ;
clifo . setkey ( 1 ) ;
clifo . zero ( ) ;
clifo . put ( CLI_CODCF , sottoconto ) ;
clifo . put ( CLI_TIPOCF , t ) ;
if ( clifo . read ( ) = = NOERR )
bool sosp = clifo . get_bool ( CLI_SOSPESO ) ;
if ( sosp )
return TRUE ;
return TRUE ;
return FALSE ;
//guarda se c'e' almeno un errore su almeno una riga (rmov)
bool TListaMov_application : : segnala_errori_ogniriga ( )
TLocalisamfile & rmov = current_cursor ( ) - > file ( LF_RMOV ) ;
int gruppo , conto , anno ;
long sottoconto ;
TDate datareg ;
char sez , tipo , t ;
if ( current_cursor ( ) - > is_first_match ( LF_RMOV ) )
TRecnotype nrec = rmov . recno ( ) ;
rmov . zero ( ) ;
rmov . setkey ( 1 ) ;
rmov . put ( RMV_NUMREG , _numero ) ;
TRectype recc ( rmov . curr ( ) ) ;
for ( rmov . read ( _isgteq ) ; ! rmov . eof ( ) ; rmov . next ( ) )
TRectype rec ( rmov . curr ( ) ) ;
if ( rec > recc ) break ;
gruppo = rec . get_int ( RMV_GRUPPO ) ;
conto = rec . get_int ( RMV_CONTO ) ;
sottoconto = rec . get_long ( RMV_SOTTOCONTO ) ;
anno = rec . get_int ( RMV_ANNOES ) ;
datareg = rec . get_date ( RMV_DATAREG ) ;
sez = rec . get_char ( RMV_SEZIONE ) ;
tipo = rec . get_char ( RMV_TIPOC ) ;
TConto tc ( gruppo , conto , sottoconto ) ;
TRecnotype numerorec = rmov . recno ( ) ;
if ( contropartita ( ) )
rmov . readat ( nrec ) ;
return TRUE ;
rmov . readat ( numerorec ) ;
if ( anno ! = _annoeser | | datareg ! = _datareg )
rmov . readat ( nrec ) ;
return TRUE ;
if ( sez ! = ' D ' & & sez ! = ' A ' )
rmov . readat ( nrec ) ;
return TRUE ;
if ( tc . empty ( ) )
rmov . readat ( nrec ) ;
return TRUE ;
if ( ! tc . ok ( ) )
rmov . readat ( nrec ) ;
return TRUE ;
TRectype pc ( _pcon - > curr ( ) ) ;
tc . set ( gruppo , 0 , 0l ) ;
if ( ! tc . read ( pc ) )
rmov . readat ( nrec ) ;
return TRUE ;
tc . set ( gruppo , conto , 0l ) ;
if ( ! tc . read ( pc ) )
rmov . readat ( nrec ) ;
return TRUE ;
else t = pc . get_char ( PCN_TMCF ) ;
if ( t ! = tipo )
rmov . readat ( nrec ) ;
return TRUE ;
tc . set ( gruppo , conto , sottoconto ) ;
if ( t ! = ' C ' & & t ! = ' F ' )
if ( ! tc . read ( pc ) )
rmov . readat ( nrec ) ;
return TRUE ;
bool sosp = tc . sospeso ( ) ;
if ( sosp )
rmov . readat ( nrec ) ;
return TRUE ;
TLocalisamfile clifo ( LF_CLIFO ) ;
clifo . setkey ( 1 ) ;
clifo . zero ( ) ;
clifo . put ( CLI_CODCF , sottoconto ) ;
clifo . put ( CLI_TIPOCF , t ) ;
if ( clifo . read ( ) = = NOERR )
bool sosp = clifo . get_bool ( CLI_SOSPESO ) ;
if ( sosp )
rmov . readat ( nrec ) ;
return TRUE ;
rmov . readat ( nrec ) ;
return TRUE ;
if ( _registro . not_empty ( ) ) //se su mov e' indicato il codice registro
TRegistro rg ( _registro , _ae ) ;
const int tiporeg = rg . tipo ( ) ;
if ( ( tiporeg = = 1 & & t ! = ' C ' ) | | ( tiporeg = = 2 & & t ! = ' F ' ) )
rmov . readat ( nrec ) ;
return TRUE ;
TLocalisamfile saldi ( LF_SALDI ) ;
saldi . setkey ( 1 ) ;
saldi . zero ( ) ;
saldi . put ( SLD_ANNOES , anno ) ;
saldi . put ( SLD_GRUPPO , gruppo ) ;
saldi . put ( SLD_CONTO , conto ) ;
saldi . put ( SLD_SOTTOCONTO , sottoconto ) ;
if ( saldi . read ( ) ! = NOERR )
rmov . readat ( nrec ) ;
return TRUE ;
rmov . readat ( nrec ) ;
return FALSE ;
bool TListaMov_application : : segnala_errori_iva ( )
TLocalisamfile & rmoviva = current_cursor ( ) - > file ( LF_RMOVIVA ) ;
TTable tab_iva ( " %IVA " ) ;
TString16 cod ;
int tipodet , tipocr ;
if ( current_cursor ( ) - > is_first_match ( LF_RMOVIVA ) )
TRecnotype nrec = rmoviva . recno ( ) ;
rmoviva . setkey ( 1 ) ;
rmoviva . zero ( ) ;
rmoviva . put ( RMI_NUMREG , _numero ) ;
TRectype recc ( rmoviva . curr ( ) ) ;
for ( rmoviva . read ( _isgteq ) ; ! rmoviva . eof ( ) ; rmoviva . next ( ) )
TRectype rec ( rmoviva . curr ( ) ) ;
if ( rec > recc ) break ;
if ( _registro . empty ( ) )
rmoviva . readat ( nrec ) ;
_esiste_riga_iva = TRUE ;
return TRUE ;
cod = rec . get ( RMI_CODIVA ) ;
tipodet = rec . get_int ( RMI_TIPODET ) ;
tipocr = rec . get_int ( RMI_TIPOCR ) ;
tab_iva . zero ( ) ;
tab_iva . put ( " CODTAB " , cod ) ;
if ( tab_iva . read ( ) = = NOERR )
int allc = tab_iva . get_int ( " S7 " ) ;
int allf = tab_iva . get_int ( " S8 " ) ;
bool s = tab_iva . get_bool ( " B2 " ) ;
if ( s )
rmoviva . readat ( nrec ) ;
return TRUE ;
if ( _stampa_mess_alleg_iva )
if ( allc = = 0 | | allf = = 0 )
rmoviva . readat ( nrec ) ;
return TRUE ;
rmoviva . readat ( nrec ) ;
return TRUE ;
if ( tipodet = = 1 | | tipodet = = 3 | | tipodet = = 5 | | tipodet = = 9 )
if ( _tiporegistro ! = 2 )
rmoviva . readat ( nrec ) ;
return TRUE ;
if ( _tiporegistro = = 1 )
if ( tipocr ! = 0 & & tipocr ! = 1 & & tipocr ! = 4 & & tipocr ! = 9 )
rmoviva . readat ( nrec ) ;
return TRUE ;
if ( _tiporegistro = = 2 )
if ( tipocr ! = 0 & & tipocr ! = 1 & & tipocr ! = 2 & & tipocr ! = 3 & & tipocr ! = 5 & & tipocr ! = 8 & & tipocr ! = 9 )
rmoviva . readat ( nrec ) ;
return TRUE ;
rmoviva . readat ( nrec ) ;
else if ( _registro . not_empty ( ) ) //cioe' si tratta di fattura
_nonesiste_riga_iva = TRUE ;
return TRUE ;
return FALSE ;
void TListaMov_application : : incrementa_totali ( )
TString dep1 ;
real imponibile , imposta ;
imponibile = current_cursor ( ) - > file ( LF_RMOVIVA ) . get_real ( RMI_IMPONIBILE ) ;
imposta = current_cursor ( ) - > file ( LF_RMOVIVA ) . get_real ( RMI_IMPOSTA ) ;
TString codiva = current_cursor ( ) - > file ( LF_RMOVIVA ) . get ( RMI_CODIVA ) ;
_tabiva - > zero ( ) ;
dep1 . format ( " %-4s " , ( const char * ) codiva ) ;
_tabiva - > put ( " CODTAB " , ( const char * ) dep1 ) ;
_tabiva - > read ( ) ;
if ( _tabiva - > bad ( ) )
_tabiva - > zero ( ) ;
if ( ( _tipo_elenco = = " C " ) | | ( _tipo_elenco = = " c " ) )
TString colonna = _tabiva - > get ( " S7 " ) ;
if ( ( colonna = = " 1 " ) | | ( colonna = = " 3 " ) )
_totimposta + = imposta ;
if ( colonna = = " 1 " )
_totimponibile + = imponibile ;
if ( colonna = = " 3 " )
_op_esenti + = imponibile ;
TString colonna = _tabiva - > get ( " S8 " ) ;
if ( ( colonna = = " 1 " ) | | ( colonna = = " 3 " ) | | ( colonna = = " 4 " ) )
_totimposta + = imposta ;
if ( colonna = = " 1 " )
_totimponibile + = imponibile ;
if ( colonna = = " 3 " )
_op_esenti + = imponibile ;
if ( colonna = = " 4 " )
_op_non_imp + = imponibile ;
bool TListaMov_application : : set_print ( int m )
_masc = " " ;
switch ( m )
case 1 :
_masc = " cg3100a " ;
_tipo_lista = movimenti ;
break ;
case 2 :
_masc = " cg3100b " ;
_tipo_lista = fatture ;
break ;
case 3 :
_masc = " cg3100c " ;
_tipo_lista = movimenti_sezionale ;
break ;
default :
break ;
TMask msk ( _masc ) ;
msk . set_handler ( F_ANNO , annoes ) ;
msk . set_handler ( F_DATAINI , data_inizio ) ;
msk . set_handler ( F_DATAFIN , data_fine ) ;
if ( msk . run ( ) ! = K_ENTER ) return FALSE ;
reset_files ( ) ;
TLocalisamfile * fl ;
//_curr1->set_filterfunction (0);
_curr1 - > set_filterfunction ( filter_func ) ;
_curr2 - > set_filterfunction ( filter_func ) ;
_curr3 - > set_filterfunction ( filter_func_fatture ) ;
switch ( _tipo_lista )
case movimenti :
_scelta_stampa = atoi ( msk . get ( F_MOVIMENTI ) ) ;
_annoes = msk . get_int ( F_ANNO ) ;
_decidi = msk . get_int ( F_DECIDI ) ;
_causale_ini = msk . get ( F_CAUSALEINI ) ;
_causale_fin = msk . get ( F_CAUSALEFIN ) ;
if ( _scelta_stampa = = 0 )
_registro_ini = msk . get ( F_REGISTROINI ) ;
_registro_fin = msk . get ( F_REGISTROFIN ) ;
_numreg_ini = atol ( msk . get ( F_NUMEROINI ) ) ;
_data_ini = msk . get ( F_DATAINI ) ;
_data_fin = msk . get ( F_DATAFIN ) ;
_numreg_fin = atoi ( msk . get ( F_NUMEROFIN ) ) ;
bool provvis = msk . get_bool ( F_STAMPAMOVP ) ;
if ( _decidi = = 1 )
select_cursor ( _cur1 ) ;
if ( ! provvis )
_curr1 - > setfilter ( " (PROVVIS= \" \" ) " ) ;
else _curr1 - > setfilter ( " " ) ;
fl = & ( current_cursor ( ) - > file ( LF_MOV ) ) ;
TRectype da ( fl - > curr ( ) ) ;
TRectype a ( fl - > curr ( ) ) ;
da . zero ( ) ;
a . zero ( ) ;
da . put ( MOV_NUMREG , _numreg_ini ) ;
a . put ( MOV_NUMREG , _numreg_fin ) ;
current_cursor ( ) - > setregion ( da , a ) ;
add_file ( LF_MOV ) ;
add_file ( LF_RMOV , LF_MOV ) ;
add_file ( LF_RMOVIVA , LF_MOV ) ;
select_cursor ( _cur2 ) ;
if ( ! provvis )
_curr2 - > setfilter ( " (PROVVIS= \" \" ) " ) ;
_curr2 - > setfilter ( " " ) ;
fl = & ( current_cursor ( ) - > file ( LF_MOV ) ) ;
TRectype da ( fl - > curr ( ) ) ;
TRectype a ( fl - > curr ( ) ) ;
da . zero ( ) ;
a . zero ( ) ;
if ( _data_ini . ok ( ) )
da . put ( MOV_DATAREG , _data_ini ) ;
if ( _data_fin . ok ( ) )
a . put ( MOV_DATAREG , _data_fin ) ;
current_cursor ( ) - > setregion ( da , a ) ;
add_file ( LF_MOV ) ;
add_file ( LF_RMOV , LF_MOV ) ;
add_file ( LF_RMOVIVA , LF_MOV ) ;
break ;
case fatture :
fl = & ( current_cursor ( ) - > file ( LF_MOV ) ) ;
TString tipo = msk . get ( F_TIPOELENCO ) ;
bool movprov = msk . get_bool ( F_STAMPAMOVP ) ;
_data_ini = msk . get ( F_DATAINI ) ;
_data_fin = msk . get ( F_DATAFIN ) ;
_annoes = msk . get_int ( F_ANNO ) ;
if ( tipo = = " C " | | tipo = = " F " )
_codice_ini = atol ( msk . get ( F_CODICEINI ) ) ;
_codice_fin = atol ( msk . get ( F_CODICEFIN ) ) ;
_codice_ini = atol ( msk . get ( F_CODICEINI1 ) ) ;
_codice_fin = atol ( msk . get ( F_CODICEFIN1 ) ) ;
// _relmov->add(LF_MOV, "NUMREG=NUMREG",1, LF_RMOVIVA,100); //creo un alias per il file LF_MOV
if ( tipo = = " E " )
_tipo_ini = " C " ;
_tipo_fin = " F " ;
_tipo_ini = tipo ;
_tipo_fin = tipo ;
select_cursor ( _cur3 ) ;
if ( ! movprov )
_curr3 - > setfilter ( " (PROVVIS= \" \" ) " ) ;
else _curr3 - > setfilter ( " " ) ;
TRectype da ( fl - > curr ( ) ) ;
TRectype a ( fl - > curr ( ) ) ;
da . zero ( ) ;
a . zero ( ) ;
if ( _codice_ini ! = 0 )
da . put ( MOV_CODCF , _codice_ini ) ;
a . put ( MOV_TIPO , _tipo_fin ) ;
if ( _codice_fin ! = 0 )
a . put ( MOV_CODCF , _codice_fin ) ;
da . put ( MOV_TIPO , _tipo_ini ) ;
current_cursor ( ) - > setregion ( da , a ) ;
add_file ( LF_MOV ) ;
add_file ( LF_RMOVIVA , LF_MOV ) ;
break ;
case movimenti_sezionale :
break ;
default :
break ;
init_print ( msk ) ;
return TRUE ;
bool TListaMov_application : : user_create ( )
_relmov1 = new TRelation ( LF_MOV ) ;
_relmov2 = new TRelation ( LF_MOV ) ;
_relmov3 = new TRelation ( LF_MOV ) ;
_relmov1 - > add ( LF_RMOV , " NUMREG=NUMREG " , 1 ) ;
_relmov1 - > add ( LF_RMOVIVA , " NUMREG=NUMREG " , 1 ) ;
_relmov2 - > add ( LF_RMOV , " NUMREG=NUMREG " , 1 ) ;
_relmov2 - > add ( LF_RMOVIVA , " NUMREG=NUMREG " , 1 ) ;
_relmov3 - > add ( LF_RMOVIVA , " NUMREG==NUMREG " , 1 ) ;
_relmov3 - > add ( LF_RMOV , " NUMREG==NUMREG " , 1 ) ;
_curr1 = new TCursor ( _relmov1 , " " , 1 ) ;
_curr2 = new TCursor ( _relmov2 , " " , 2 ) ;
_curr3 = new TCursor ( _relmov3 , " " , 3 ) ;
_cur1 = add_cursor ( _curr1 ) ;
_cur2 = add_cursor ( _curr2 ) ;
_cur3 = add_cursor ( _curr3 ) ;
_caus = new TLocalisamfile ( LF_CAUSALI ) ;
_clifo = new TLocalisamfile ( LF_CLIFO ) ;
_comuni = new TLocalisamfile ( LF_COMUNI ) ;
_attiv = new TLocalisamfile ( LF_ATTIV ) ;
_pcon = new TLocalisamfile ( LF_PCON ) ;
_saldi = new TLocalisamfile ( LF_SALDI ) ;
_rmoviva = new TLocalisamfile ( LF_RMOVIVA ) ;
_nditte = new TLocalisamfile ( LF_NDITTE ) ;
_tabiva = new TTable ( TAB_IVA ) ;
_tabtpd = new TTable ( TAB_TPD ) ;
_tabreg = new TTable ( " REG " ) ;
_tabes = new TTable ( " ESC " ) ;
return TRUE ;
bool TListaMov_application : : user_destroy ( ) // releasev e arrmask
//delete _msk;
delete _relmov ;
delete _clifo ;
delete _caus ;
delete _pcon ;
delete _attiv ;
delete _comuni ;
delete _tabiva ;
delete _tabreg ;
delete _tabtpd ;
delete _rmoviva ;
delete _saldi ;
return TRUE ;
void TListaMov_application : : init_print ( const TMask & msk )
set_real_picture ( " ###.###.###.### " ) ;
TDate data ( msk . get ( F_DATASTAMPA ) ) ;
printer ( ) . setdate ( data ) ;
switch ( _tipo_lista )
case movimenti :
reset_print ( ) ;
_flags = 0 ;
_err . reset ( ) ;
_tot_dare_giornaliero = 0 ;
_tot_avere_giornaliero = 0 ;
_tot_dare_generale = 0 ;
_tot_avere_generale = 0 ;
if ( _scelta_stampa = = 0 )
_annoes = msk . get_int ( F_ANNO ) ;
_stampa_parte_iva = ( bool ) ( msk . get ( F_STAMPA ) = = " X " ) ;
if ( _stampa_parte_iva )
_flags | = ST_DATI_IVA ;
_stampa_mess_alleg_iva = ( bool ) ( msk . get ( F_ALLEGATO ) = = " X " ) ;
if ( _stampa_mess_alleg_iva )
_flags | = ST_MESS_ALLEG ;
_stampa_anno_comp = ( bool ) ( msk . get ( F_ANNOC ) = = " X " ) ;
if ( _stampa_anno_comp )
_flags | = ST_ANNO_COMP ;
_controllo_mov_errati = atoi ( msk . get ( F_CONTROLLO ) ) ;
if ( _controllo_mov_errati = = 1 )
_flags | = ST_SOLO_MOVERR ;
else if ( _controllo_mov_errati = = 2 )
_flags | = ST_CONTROLLO ;
else _flags | = ST_SENZA_CONTR ;
if ( ( _numreg_ini ! = 0 ) & & ( _decidi = = 1 ) )
_flags | = ST_NUMERO ;
if ( ( _data_ini . ok ( ) ) & & ( _decidi = = 2 ) )
_flags | = ST_DATA ;
_causale_ini = msk . get ( F_CAUSALEINI ) ;
if ( _causale_ini ! = " " )
_flags | = ST_CAUSALE ;
_registro_ini = msk . get ( F_REGISTROINI ) ;
if ( _registro_ini ! = " " )
_flags | = ST_REGISTRO ;
if ( ( _data_fin . ok ( ) ) & & ( _decidi = = 2 ) )
_flags | = ST_DATA ;
if ( ( _numreg_fin ! = 0 ) & & ( _decidi = = 2 ) )
_flags | = ST_NUMERO ;
_causale_fin = msk . get ( F_CAUSALEFIN ) ;
if ( _causale_fin ! = " " )
_flags | = ST_CAUSALE ;
_registro_fin = msk . get ( F_REGISTROFIN ) ;
if ( _registro_fin ! = " " )
_flags | = ST_REGISTRO ;
else //_scelta_stampa == 1
_annoes = msk . get_int ( F_ANNO ) ;
if ( _numreg_ini ! = 0 )
_flags | = ST_NUMERO ;
if ( _data_ini . ok ( ) )
_flags | = ST_DATA ;
_causale_ini = msk . get ( F_CAUSALEINI ) ;
if ( _causale_ini ! = " " )
_flags | = ST_CAUSALE ;
if ( _data_fin . ok ( ) )
_flags | = ST_DATA ;
if ( _numreg_fin ! = 0 )
_flags | = ST_NUMERO ;
_causale_fin = msk . get ( F_CAUSALEFIN ) ;
if ( _causale_fin ! = " " )
_flags | = ST_CAUSALE ;
break ;
case fatture :
_flags = 0 ;
reset_print ( ) ;
_settata_prima_riga = FALSE ;
_tipo_clifo_prec = " " ;
_codcf_prec = 0l ;
_numeroregp = 0 ;
_documenti = 0 ;
_totdocumenti = 0 ;
_totimponibile = 0 ;
_totimposta = 0 ;
_op_esenti = 0 ;
_op_non_imp = 0 ;
_annoes = msk . get_int ( F_ANNO ) ;
_salto_pagina = ( bool ) ( msk . get ( F_CAMBIO ) = = " X " ) ;
_data_ini = msk . get ( F_DATAINI ) ;
if ( _data_ini . ok ( ) )
_flags | = ST_DATA ;
_data_fin = msk . get ( F_DATAFIN ) ;
if ( _data_fin . ok ( ) )
_flags | = ST_DATA ;
TString tipo = msk . get ( F_TIPOELENCO ) ;
if ( ( tipo = = " C " ) | | ( tipo = = " F " ) )
_codice_ini = atol ( msk . get ( F_CODICEINI ) ) ;
_codice_fin = atol ( msk . get ( F_CODICEFIN ) ) ;
_codice_ini = atol ( msk . get ( F_CODICEINI1 ) ) ;
_codice_fin = atol ( msk . get ( F_CODICEFIN1 ) ) ;
if ( _codice_ini ! = 0 )
_flags | = ST_CODICE ;
if ( _codice_fin ! = 0 )
_flags | = ST_CODICE ;
if ( tipo = = " E " )
_tipo_ini = " C " ;
_tipo_fin = " F " ;
_tipo_ini = tipo ;
_tipo_fin = tipo ;
break ;
case movimenti_sezionale :
break ;
default :
break ;
void TListaMov_application : : preprocess_header ( )
int soh ; // riga d'inizio dell'intestazione
TString sep ( 132 ) ;
TString ragsoc ( 50 ) ;
TLocalisamfile nditte ( LF_NDITTE ) ;
nditte . zero ( ) ;
nditte . put ( NDT_CODDITTA , get_firm ( ) ) ;
if ( nditte . read ( ) = = NOERR )
ragsoc = nditte . get ( NDT_RAGSOC ) ;
reset_header ( ) ;
soh = 1 ;
sep < < " Ditta " < < get_firm ( ) ;
sep < < " " < < ragsoc ;
sep . left_just ( 132 ) ;
set_header ( soh + + , ( const char * ) sep ) ;
//sep = "Studio ";
sep = " " ;
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
sep < < " Data @< Pag. @# " ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
sep . right_just ( 127 ) ;
switch ( _tipo_lista )
case movimenti :
if ( _scelta_stampa = = 0 )
sep . overwrite ( " Lista movimenti " ) ;
set_header ( soh + + , ( const char * ) sep ) ;
if ( _decidi = = 2 ) // se _decidi e' 1 _annoes e' sempre uguale a zero
if ( _annoes ! = 0 )
set_header ( soh , " Anno comp. %d " , _annoes ) ;
if ( _flags & ST_DATA )
set_header ( soh , " @16gda@19g%s " , _data_ini . string ( ) ) ;
set_header ( soh , " @30ga@32g%s " , _data_fin . string ( ) ) ;
else // _annoes == 0
if ( _flags & ST_DATA )
set_header ( soh , " Dalla data@12g%s " , _data_ini . string ( ) ) ;
if ( _data_fin . ok ( ) )
set_header ( soh , " @24galla data@34g%s " , _data_fin . string ( ) ) ;
set_header ( soh , " Completa in ordine di data " ) ;
if ( _flags & ST_NUMERO )
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
set_header ( soh , " dal numero@12g%ld " , _numreg_ini ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
if ( _numreg_fin ! = 0 )
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
set_header ( soh , " @20gal numero@30g%ld " , _numreg_fin ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
set_header ( soh , " Completa in ordine di numero " ) ;
if ( _flags & ST_CAUSALE )
set_header ( soh , " @46gdalla causale@60g%s " , ( const char * ) _causale_ini ) ;
set_header ( soh + + , " @64galla causale@77g%s " , ( const char * ) _causale_fin ) ;
set_header ( soh + + , " tutte le causali " ) ;
if ( _flags & ST_REGISTRO )
set_header ( soh , " dal registro@14g%s " , ( const char * ) _registro_ini ) ;
set_header ( soh , " @18gal registro@30g%s " , ( const char * ) _registro_fin ) ;
set_header ( soh , " tutti i registri " ) ;
if ( _flags & ST_DATI_IVA )
set_header ( soh , " @34gstampa dati iva " ) ;
if ( _flags & ST_CONTROLLO )
set_header ( soh , " @50g(controllo movimenti) " ) ;
else if ( _flags & ST_SOLO_MOVERR )
set_header ( soh , " @50g(solo movimenti errati) " ) ;
else set_header ( soh , " @50g(senza controllo movimenti) " ) ;
if ( _flags & ST_MESS_ALLEG )
if ( _flags & ST_ANNO_COMP )
set_header ( soh , " @78gcon messaggi: anno di competenza, allegato iva " ) ;
set_header ( soh , " @78gcon messaggio: allegato iva " ) ;
else if ( _flags & ST_ANNO_COMP )
if ( _flags & ST_MESS_ALLEG )
set_header ( soh , " @78gcon messaggi: anno di competenza, allegato iva " ) ;
set_header ( soh , " @78gcon messaggio: anno di competenza " ) ;
sep . fill ( ' - ' ) ;
set_header ( + + soh , ( const char * ) sep ) ;
set_header ( + + soh , " Rg Cod Causale@30gDescrizione@56gCodice conto@71gDescrizione conto@98gDare@116gAvere@130gSB " ) ;
sep . overwrite ( " Lista movimenti di sola prima nota " ) ;
set_header ( soh + + , ( const char * ) sep ) ;
if ( _decidi = = 2 )
if ( _annoes ! = 0 )
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
set_header ( soh , " Anno comp. %d " , _annoes ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
if ( _flags & ST_DATA )
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
set_header ( soh , " @16gda@19g%s " , ( const char * ) _data_ini . string ( ) ) ;
set_header ( soh , " @30ga@32g%s " , ( const char * ) _data_fin . string ( ) ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
if ( _flags & ST_DATA )
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
set_header ( soh , " Dalla data@12g%s " , ( const char * ) _data_ini . string ( ) ) ;
set_header ( soh , " @24galla data@34g%s " , ( const char * ) _data_fin . string ( ) ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
set_header ( soh , " Completa in ordine di data " ) ;
if ( _flags & ST_NUMERO )
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
set_header ( soh , " @46gdal numero@57g%ld " , _numreg_ini ) ;
set_header ( soh , " @65gal numero@75g%ld " , _numreg_fin ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
set_header ( soh , " @46gCompleta in ordine di numero " ) ;
if ( _flags & ST_CAUSALE )
set_header ( soh , " @86gdalla causale@100g%3s " , ( const char * ) _causale_ini ) ;
set_header ( soh + + , " @103galla causale@116g%3s " , ( const char * ) _causale_fin ) ;
set_header ( soh + + , " @86gtutte le causali " ) ;
sep . fill ( ' - ' ) ;
set_header ( soh + + , ( const char * ) sep ) ;
set_header ( soh + + , " Rg Cod Causale@30gDescrizione@56gCodice conto@71gDescrizione conto@98gDare@116gAvere@130gSB " ) ;
break ;
case fatture :
sep . overwrite ( " Lista fatture " ) ;
set_header ( soh , ( const char * ) sep ) ;
if ( _annoes ! = 0 )
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
set_header ( soh , " @15gAnno comp %d " , _annoes ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
if ( _flags & ST_DATA )
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
set_header ( soh , " @30gdalla data@41g%s " , ( const char * ) _data_ini . string ( ) ) ;
set_header ( soh , " @52galla data@62g%s " , ( const char * ) _data_fin . string ( ) ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
if ( _flags & ST_DATA )
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
set_header ( soh , " @15gdalla data@26g%s " , ( const char * ) _data_ini . string ( ) ) ;
set_header ( soh , " @37galla data@47g%s " , ( const char * ) _data_fin . string ( ) ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
set_header ( soh , " @15gcompleta in ordine di data " ) ;
if ( _flags & ST_CODICE )
1994-12-20 09:36:33 +00:00
set_header ( soh , " @74gdal codice@85g%ld " , _codice_ini ) ;
set_header ( soh , " @92gal codice@102g%ld " , _codice_fin ) ;
1994-12-05 14:21:36 +00:00
sep . fill ( ' - ' ) ;
set_header ( + + soh , ( const char * ) sep ) ;
set_header ( + + soh , " Registrazione @17gCod Protoc. Documento@49gCod Tp @68gTotale@101gCd Tp T O@129gNo " ) ;
set_header ( + + soh , " Numero Data@17gReg Numero Data@42gNumero@49gCau Dc @56gDescrizione@68gDocumento@84gImponibile @101gIv Det A I@113gImposta@129gAll " ) ;
break ;
case movimenti_sezionale :
sep . fill ( ' ' ) ;
sep . overwrite ( " Lista movimenti di solo sezionale " ) ;
set_header ( soh + + , ( const char * ) sep ) ;
sep . fill ( ' - ' ) ;
set_header ( soh + + , ( const char * ) sep ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
set_header ( + + soh , ( const char * ) sep ) ;
int cg3100 ( int argc , char * argv [ ] )
TListaMov_application a ;
a . run ( argc , argv , " Lista movimenti " ) ;
return 0 ;